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Group 5 Section B

Deba Pratim Sinha PGP13084

Neelakshi Borah PGP13098
Nikhil Dudhe PGP13100
P Swami Sachidananda PGP13101
Patankar Narendrasingh PGP13102
Pratik Gaokar PGP13105
Bucking the Trend- A look
at Zyme Solutions Non
Linear Business Model for
IT Services from India
Problems of
business model.
Human Resource
*Wage inflation
*Huge employee base
leading to complexity

Market Condition
*Market pressure leading
to increased competition
among vendors
*Competition from low
cost destinations
Emergence of cheap labour
Appreciation of the Rupee
and declining profit margin
due to rise in operating cost
Design long term strategy to convert linear to non
Provide visionary leadership focus on long term
instead of short term growth pressure
Mergers & acquisitions of product driven companies
Build solution accelerator
SBP-to reduce dependence on man power
Build Intellectual Property
Productize the service offering to build a more
scalable business
Define target customer you want to serve (Its ok to
say no and forgo some revenues)
Build unique competency which will be hard to
Imitate by competitors
Look for profit driven growth rather than revenue
driven growth
Avoid pricing based cost arbitrage model
Train & develop expertise on pre-developed software
Avoid strategic convergence

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