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Central Middle School

Algebra I Syllabus
Ms. Seals
Room 261
31!"6#!26$3 e%t. 2"6
&ear 'arents(
)he *ur*ose o+ this syllabus is to *ro,ide detailed in+ormation regarding the Algebra course- including course
e%*ectations- materials re.uired- grading *olicies and contact in+ormation.
Course Description
A +oundation and understanding o+ basic mathematical conce*ts is essential in today/s society. In addition to
skill ac.uisition- students must be able to sol,e rele,ant *roblems- communicate and reason mathematically-
and incor*orate *rior kno0ledge 0ith real!0orld situations. )he Algebra curriculum 0ill enable students to
become critical thinkers and to ha,e the ability to a**ly *roblem sol,ing skills +or daily li+e a**lications. )he
o,erall +ocus o+ Algebra is to strengthen math skills that 0ill *re*are students +or u**er le,el course!0ork.
Course Objective
)he ob1ecti,e o+ this course is to hel* students gain *ro+iciency in number sense- algebraic relationshi*s-
geometry and s*atial sense- measurement- and data analysis and *robability. )hese areas are in direct alignment
0ith the curriculum standards re.uired by the &e*artment o+ Secondary and 2lementary 2ducation.
Course Outline Quarter 1
3eek 1( Math Smart 4oal and 're!Assessment
3eek 2( 5rder o+ 5*erations6 2%*ression )ranslations6 Quiz
3eek 3( &istributi,e 'ro*erty6 )arget 7umbers6 Quiz
3eek ( Ste*!'roblem Sol,ing 'lan6 Quiz
3eek 8( 9re.uency )ables6 4ra*hic &is*lays6 Chapter 1 Test
3eek 6( Com*aring- 5rdering- 4ra*hing- Adding- Subtracting- Multi*lying- : &i,iding Integers6 Quiz
3eek #( Com*aring- 5rdering- Adding- and Subtracting Rational 7umbers6 Mean- Median- :
Mode6 Quiz
3eek "( Sol,ing 2.uations6 Quiz

Course Expectations
It is e%*ected that e,ery student 0ill arri,e at class mentally *re*ared to *artici*ate in the lesson +or that day.
Along 0ith being *re*ared- there are other res*onsibilities that must be carried out by teachers- students- and
*arents alike to ensure that each and e,ery day 0ill be success+ul. ;elo0- you 0ill +ind a detailed list o+ those
<ome0ork 'olicy

Students are e%*ected to com*lete the home0ork *ractice on assigned nights. Recorded
home0ork assignments 0ill be a,ailable on the home0ork hotline. =ate 0ork 0ill recei,e
a 1$> deduction +or the t0o days a+ter the assignment is due. A+ter the second day- there
0ill be a 28> deduction taken.
Students 0ill be allo0ed one day +or e,ery absence to com*lete and return assignments
missed. I+ the absence is e%cused- there 0ill not be a deduction in the
amount o+ *oints *ossible. An absence is considered e%cused 0hen it is due to a legitimate
reason- such as a doctor/s a**ointment- a dental a**ointment- or illness. In each case a note
must be submitted by a *arent indicating the reason +or the absence.
)eacher Res*onsibilities(
)hrough the use o+ a school 0ide beha,ior e%*ectation system the teacher 0ill-
1? )each students the *ro*er 0ay to beha,e and treat *eo*le and *ro*erty throughout the
building e,eryday
2? Ser,e as a +amily ad,ocate to a s*eci+ied grou* o+ students
3? 're*are lesson *lans that re+lect the district/s re.uirements and *olicies
? &esign and teach lessons 0hich incor*orate the Missouri Sho0 Me Standards goals and
*er+ormance standards 0ithin the gi,en curriculum and grade le,el e%*ectations.
Student Res*onsibilities(
)hrough the direction gi,en +rom school sta++ members students 0ill-
1? Re*ort to school and class on time e,eryday
2? Com*lete all class 0ork and home0ork assignments

)utoring 'olicy
)utoring 0ill be a,ailable a+ter school on )uesdays and@or )hursdays o+ each 0eek unless
other0ise stated. 'lease contact s*eci+ic teachers +or a,ailable tutoring schedules because
they may di++er *er instructor. Also- i+ one o+ your child/s teachers is not tutoring- it is
*ossible to see another teacher +or that ser,ice.
'arent Communication System
A'arents are +ree to ,isit Central Middle School and their child/s classroom at any moment
+or a brie+ *eriod o+ time- ho0e,er i+ your ,isit may be lengthy you are encouraged to
schedule an a**ointment during a teacher/s *lanning *eriod. All ,isitors must +irst sto* by
the Student Ser,ice Center to obtain a ,isitor/s *ass be+ore handling any school business.
ACon+erences B'arent@)eacher? are held t0ice yearly +ollo0ing the +irst and third grading
*eriods. 2ach team 0ill make *re*arations and set guidelines +or con+erences. )y*ically-
a**ointments are made in ad,ance and sign u* sheets are sent home 0ith students +or *arents
select a con,enient time to meet.
A'eriodically throughout the .uarter- teachers may contact *arents ,ia *hone- letters- or email
to share student *rogress or concerns.
A'arents are encouraged to contact teachers to discuss concerns and use the *arent *ortal to
check their child/s academic *er+ormance.
Grading Policy and cale
4rades 0ill be e,aluated and communicated to students and *arents e,ery +i,e 0eeks. A+ter +i,e
0eeks in each grading *eriod- mid!.uarter *rogress re*orts are sent to *arents. A+ter ten 0eeks- the grading
*eriod comes to a close and each student is gi,en a re*ort card detailing letter grades. )he grading scale is as
A C D 1$$!E# ;C D "E!"# CC D #E!## &C D 6E!6#
A D E6!E ; D "6!" C D #6!# & D 66!6
A! D E3!E$ ;! D "3!"$ C! D #3!#$ &! D 63!6$

4lencoe Algebra I )e%tbook and 5nline Resources
Missouri Assessment 'rogram 'ractice ;ooks
&2S2 3ebsite Released Items
2mail Accounts
=isted abo,e are the materials that 0ill be needed o,er the course o+ the year. 3hile some o+ the re.uired items
0ill be distributed in class- it is essential that students ha,e some o+ the same materials +or home as 0ell.
Dishonesty"Cheating #n$or%ation
Academic dishonesty is a serious o++ense 0hich may result in the student recei,ing a lo0er grade or grade o+
Fero +or that assignment. 5ne +orm o+ dishonesty is *lagiarism!the use o+ an author/s ideas- statements- or
a**roaches 0ithout crediting the source. Academic dishonesty also includes such acts as cheating by co*ying
in+ormation +rom another student/s 0ork- assessment- take!home test- or 0ork done +or another class.

It is our desire at Central Middle School that the lines o+ communication bet0een teachers- *arents- and students
de,elo* and continue as a success+ul ,enture throughout the year. )here+ore- 0e are asking that you *lease
re,ie0 and discuss this syllabus 0ith your child so that they may understand 0hat is e%*ected o+ them in the
classroom. 'lease sign and date belo0 in the s*ace *ro,ided indicating that you ha,e recei,ed- read- and ha,e
discussed this syllabus 0ith your child. )hank you in ad,ance +or your coo*erationG
'arent@4uardian Signature &ate
<ome 'hone 7umber
3ork 'hone 7umber
Cell 'hone 7umber
2mail Address

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