CHP 3 Handout

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BIOL 2457

Dr. Henry
SI Leader: Corey Yeathermon

Chapter 3


___ oxidizes amino acids; detoxifies harmful substances
___ the total genetic information carried in a cell
___ a protein that helps organize the coiling and folding of DNA
___ membrane-enclosed vesicles that contain digestive enzymes, which help recycle worn-out cells
___ generate ATP through aerobic respiration; sometimes referred to as the powerhouse
___ a double membrane that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm
___the fluid portion of the cytoplasm
___ the sites of protein synthesis
___the outer surface of this structure is studded with ribosomes
___ a network of protein filaments that extends through the cytosol
___consists of: cytosol and organelles
___ synthesizes fatty acids and steroids; detoxifies potentially harmful substances

a. cytosol
b. cytoplasm
c. ribosomes
d. smooth ER
e. mitochondria
f. genome
g. histone
h. peroxisomes
i. lysosomes
j. cytoskeleton
k. rough ER
l. nuclear envelope

___ a form of endocytosis in which the cell engulfs large solid particles
___a form of endocytosis in which tiny droplets of extracellular fluid are taken up
___ move two substances in the same direction
___ a substance moves down its concentration or electrical gradient using only its own kinetic energy
___channel and carrier mediated diffusion are examples of this
___osmosis is an example of
___the sodium-potassium pump is an example of
___ materials move out of a cell by the fusion with plasma membrane of vesicles formed inside the cell
___ is a highly selective type of endocytosis by which cells take up specific ligands
___ vesicles undergo endocytosis on one side of the cell, move across the cell, and then undergo
exocytosis on the opposite side of the cell
___ indirectly uses energy obtained from the hydrolysis of ATP to drive substance across the membrane
against their concentration gradient

a. transcytosis
b. primary active transport
c. facilitated diffusion (passive)
d. pinocytosis
e. a passive process
f. receptor-mediated endocytosis
g. phagocytosis
h. secondary active transport
i. aymporters
j. exocytosis

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