Routine Procedures

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Classroom Procedures

Morning Procedures: - The students will:

1. Greet students at door
2. Student will enter the classroom, and put away their personal belongings.
3. Be seated and listen to morning announcements (teacher takes role at this time).
4. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance (US and Texas).
5. Wake up our bodies (cue Happy Song by Pharrell Williams aprox. 1 min.) the
students will stand next to their desks and stretch) movement and music will create
positive energy and prepare students to learn.
6. Review the Plan of the Day written on the board with the class/students to write POD in
their journals and check off as they complete each item.
7. Get materials and Get to work!

Afternoon Wrap-Up/Dismissal Procedure: The students will:
5 minutes prior to the bell the teacher will cue students with theme song from Mission
Impossible! By the time the song ends the below procedures should be complete.
1. Place any unfinished work in their Homework Folder.
2. Place any classroom resources back where they belong.
3. Pack up their personal belongings (backpacks/books/coats/etc).
4. Pickup any trash by their desk.
5. Line up by the door.
6. Dispose of trash as they exit the classroom.
7. See you tomorrow!

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