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Baldwin 1

Michael Baldwin
Instructor C. Boyd
Eng 111 54
28 May 2014
Lost Ones
a!e you e!er had the "eeling that so#ething $ad was going to
ha%%en and it did& Li'e your day was (ust going so %er"ect and it "elt to
good to $e true& Cra)y "eeling right* and it+s the worst "eeling too.
,s a "resh#an in college I attended a %ri!ate school in -alis$ury*
and I (ust wanted to ha!e the $est e.%erience I could ha!e and I thought I
was too. I tried to attend %arties and ha!e "un while trying to do #y
school wor' also li'e any other student would. I thought this was how
college was su%%osed to $e.
/hile #y $rother and I were away at school* it was a lot going on
$ac' ho#e. My sister was in a #a(or car accident with her son and
$oy"riend. I lost #y ne%hew that night. It was a ty%ical night "or #e* the
usual trying to do ho#ewor' $e"ore a %arty. ,s I was co#ing in "ro# a
%arty I recei!ed a %hone call that I would ha!e ne!er thought I would get
in #y entire li"e. ,s the youngest child I thin' the whole situation e0ected
Baldwin 2
#e the #ost $ecause I had grown attached to #y ne%hew* I couldn+t
$elie!e he was gone.
,"ter the %hone* call all I wanted to do was (ust "orget a$out school
and e!erything else and (ust go ho#e. -o I did. I called $oth o" #y
$rothers and caught the 1rst ride ho#e. 2ou 'now the saying li"e+s too
short so li!e it while you ha!e the chance& /ell I thin' a$out that in a
totally di0erent way. 3his incident #ade #e reali)e that you should li!e
your li"e to the "ullest* $ecause you ne!er 'now when it+s your ti#e go. It
has also hel%ed #e reali)e that you shouldn+t do cra)y things $ecause
that won+t get you anywhere in li"e.
,s o" now I use #y ne%hew as #y ins%iration to wor' harder at
e!erything and to li!e #y li"e "reely* stress "ree* worry "ree* anger "ree*
and to do good things. I ta'e the death o" #y ne%hew #ade #e reali)e
that I need to "ocus #ore on #y goals and wor' harder in school.
3o#orrow is ne!er %ro#ised that+s why I do the right things and li"e #y
li"e to the "ullest.

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