Compare and Contrast Draft 1

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Baldwin 1

Michael Baldwin
Instructor C. Boyd
Eng. 111-54
25 June 2014
Two year colleges s. !our year colleges
"#ter high school not e$eryone wants to go right o## to college% es&ecially i# they ha$e to
do #our 'ore years o# it. That(s where the two year college idea co'es in. Two year colleges are
#or those who would rather get straight to the &oint than going through so 'any other classes to
get to their 'a)or.
The con$entional #our year colleges are 'ore than li*ely #or those indi$iduals who ha$e
yet to decide on what they want to do a#ter they are they are #inished with school. This hel&s
+ecause% while 'ost are still doing the nor'al class wor*% it gi$es the' 'ore ti'e to change
o$er and o$er what they would li*e to 'a)or in. "lthough so'e 'ay ta*e ad$antage o# this
o&&ortunity others 'ay not need it. !our year colleges also gi$e you the o&&ortunities to #ind
yoursel#% such as what you want to +e% i# school is #or you% and to really )ust e,&erience the
college li#e.
Baldwin 2
Two year colleges are #or those who are ready to go and get what they need done to +e
a+le to start their nor'al li$es. -eo&le that attend two year colleges are 'ore sure o# what they
would li*e to 'a)or in rather than 'ost who attend a #our year college. Two year colleges could
also +e considered as local or co''unity colleges +ecause% the &ersons who attend do not want
to go to college +ut would li*e to get the in#or'ation needed to +e a+le to +e success#ul on the
real world. "lthough two year schools hel& you to get to your 'a)or .uic*er it still re.uires #or
you to do certain classes that you would ha$e had to ta*e at a #our year college.
/# course 'ost &eo&le would li*e the e,&erience the whole college li#e and see how
things are at a #our year college is% +ut% that can ta*e your #ocus away #ro' your goals. The
ad$antage that a #our year college 'ay ha$e o$er a two year college is that you ha$e 'ore ti'e
to li$e li#e instead o# going straight into the real world. The ad$antage #or a &erson who would
li*e to attend a two year college is that the do not ha$e to go through all the unnecessary classes
)ust to +egin wor*ing on their 'a)or% and also it would hel& the' to #ind a )o+ .uic*er +ecause
'ost two year schools will gi$e the o&&ortunity to +e a+le to wor* hands on in their #ield o#
In 'y o&inion a two year school would +e a +etter choice +ecause you could ta*e
so'e ti'e o## a#ter graduating high school and get yoursel# together then go to school. I +elie$e
a two year school ta*es away a lot o# the &ressure that a #our year school would gi$e you
+ecause% you can wor* at your own &ace and +uild your schedule to wor* around your e$eryday

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