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The next stage

Management understands the guiding principles of sustainability and is more

proactive in addressing environmental issues, although the focus i s still on
end-of-pi pe soluti ons. An environm ent al vis! on and policy have been
developed for the operation in alignment with the organis ati onal
environment al vis! on and policy. Water, waste, energy, greenhouse gas
emf ssions, air pollution, subst ances of concern and biodiversity have been
m apped at a high level, pri ority issues determined and initial focus areas

Legal requirements have been identified and the site is fully com pli ant with
these or the corporate minimum st andards, whichever is the m ore stringent.
Pl ans have been developed and im plemented t o address areas of non-
com pli ance and high-level risk s . Opportunities for quick wins and early wins
have been i dent! fled and im plemented.

Responsibility for addressing environm ant al issues has been allocated t o a
Site Steering Committee and an Im plement ati on T ask Force. A dedicated
environm ent al res ource has been appointed t o guide im plement ati on.
Registrado a: CCI - Internal

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