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Upgrade Guidelines

Enteg Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Version Date Author Reviewer Comments
1.0 01.10.2997 Development Team Enteg
This document describes the procedure to be followed during upgrade for Specific Object
Upgrade Guidelines
1. O!E"T T#PE $ SO!
Transaction used to test and upgrade : S%O1.
How to check ?
a) Go to transaction SWO1
b) Enter the object nae and c!ick on "#S$%&' button
c) (!ick on the app!ication too!bar "&E"'( "T)L * +,-.
d) (heck )or an* errors .
e) #) no errors Generate the object.
)) &!so copare the object with the o!der +ersion
,. O!E"T T#PE $ S."I
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SE1/.
How to check ?
a) Go to transaction SE1/
b) (!ick the radiobutton "L0SSI" 01I.
c) Enter the object nae and c!ick on disp!a*
d) (heck )or an* errors .
2. O!E"T T#PE $ I1O"
Transaction used to test and upgrade : %E1/.
How to check ?
a) Go to transaction %E1/.
b) (!ick on the app!ication too!bar "&E"' ("T)L*+,-.
c) &na!*se the errors.
3. SP04 O!E"TS
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SP04
How to check?
a) Go to transaction SP04.
b) #n SP04 screen , *ou )ind check bo-es under . odi)ication objects and enhanceents/ . #) *ou
check the check bo- . with odi)ication assistant .
'ou wi!! )ind the objects that wi!! be pro+ided with a odi)ication assistant
Upgrade Guidelines
To ake the necessar* changes i) re1uired.#) *ou check the check bo- . without
2odi)ication assistant/ and e-ecute *ou wi!! )ind the objects that wi!! not be pro+ided with an*
assistance , in case *ou want to change the code to the code that e-isted in the pre+ious +ersion.
c) check the check bo- . with odi)ication assistant/ and e-ecute.
d) 'ou wi!! see a tree structure with 345(T#O5 G6O4$S , #5(%4"ES, $6OG6&2S at the
e) 4nder each o) these categories *ou a* )ind other subobjects !ike )or e-ap!e
under )unction group *ou a* )ind )unction odu!es. "isp!a* the +ersions o) the object and
copare the acti+e +ersion 7The code contains the additions that done in new s*te) to the
pre+ious +ersion 7 code wi!! be as in o!d s*ste).
)) copare the code and where e+er di))erences e-ist ana!*se and check i) an*
S&$ 5OTE and user8e-its app!ied in the pre+ious +ersion does not e-ist in the new +ersion.
g) To inc!ude the changes that e-ist in the pre+ious s*ste that does not e-ist in the
5ew s*ste *ou need to adopt modification. "oub!e c!ick on the s*bo! beside the subobject .
#) a green s5uare s*bo! e-ists *ou can ake changes autoatica!!*.
#) a 6ellow triangle s*bo! e-ists *ou wi!! )ind a sp!it screen which wi!! a!!ow *ou to do the
#) a red circle e-ists *ou need to do the odi)ications anua!!*.
7- O!E"T T#PE $ IO!
Transaction used to test and upgrade : )S01.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction 6S&1 .
b) (!ick on Infoobjects and )ind )or the speci)ied in)oobject.
c) "oub!e c!ick the object to check i) it is acti+e
d) &!so per)or a s*nta- check7 (T6% 9 30) to check the characteristic and ke* )igures.#) an*
error e-ists report to the custoer be)ore aking the changes.
8- O!E"T T#PE $ IS9P
Transaction used to test and upgrade : )S01.
How to check?
5ote: Here we need to check i) the 10T0SO4)"E is present in the correct source s*ste and i) it
is acti+e and s*ntactica!!* correct.
a) Go to transaction 6S&1 .
b) (!ick on 1atasource and choose the source s*ste )ro the . choose source s*ste/ app!ication
c) Search )or the datasource and check i) it is acti+e and s*ntactica!!* correct.
d) 6eport the s*nta- errors, inacti+e objects and not )ound objects to the custoer be)ore taking an*
)urther action.
Upgrade Guidelines
:- O!E"T T#PE $ OSO0
Transaction used to test and upgrade : )S02.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction 6S&:.
b) $ut the speci)ied datasource in the input bo- )or datasource.
c) (!ick on E-traction or E-ecute button 73;).
(heck i) the e-traction is happening i) not ana!*se the reason )or e-traction not happening and
report to the custoer.
;- O!E"T T#PE $ IST1
Transaction used to test and upgrade : )S01.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction 6S&1.
b) (!ick on Infosource and search )or the speci)ied in)osource.
c) (heck i) the counication structure and trans)er structure in the in)osource are acti+e.
d) 6eport to the custoer regarding an* inacti+e counication structure or trans)er structure
and check i) the source s*ste and datasource are entioned in the trans)er structure.
/- O!E"T T#PE $ P)O<
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SE2;.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction SE:;
b) Enter the progra.
c) (heck the s*nta- and recti)* an* s*nta- errors.
d) &cti+ate the progra and tr* e-ecuting the progra
e) 6eport to the custoer )or an* errors in the progra
1=-O!E"T T#PE $ S&PL
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SE11.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction SE11
Upgrade Guidelines
b) (!ick on the radio button . search he!p/ enter the object nae and c!ick disp!a*
c) (heck the s*nta- and recti)* an* s*nta- errors.
d) &cti+ate the object i) not acti+ated .
11)O!E"T T#PE $ P0)0 7 S$& = G$& $&6&2ETE6)
1,-O!E"T T#PE $ >IE%
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SE11.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction SE11
b) (!ick on radiobutton . >#EW/ and enter the object nae and c!ick disp!a*
c) (heck the object7(T6% 9 30) )or an* errors and warnings .
d) (heck the "e+e!opent c!ass o) the object.
12-O!E"T T#PE $ S&IP 7 #53O$&(?&GE)
Transaction used to test and upgrade : SE11.
How to check?
a) Go to transaction )S01
b) (!ick the g!oba! )ind and c!ick on the check bo- . in)opackages/
c) #n the . )ind . bo- put the object nae and c!ick on search
d) (heck i) the object e-ists.
13- O!E"T T#PE$ +4<)
a) Go to transaction se;@.
b) Enter the )unction group nae.
c) (heck the e-tended s*nta- check.
d) 6ecti)* i) an* errors are there and in obso!ete stateents check )or obso!ete )unction odu!e
error and ake docuents be)ore correction and a)ter correction with c!ear description..
e) &cti+ate the 3unction group.
)) 6eport to the custoer )or an* errors in the 3unction group.
1A)O!E"T T#PE: S.S1 (01I (1efn--
a). Go to transaction se1;.
b). Enter the object nae in B&"# 5ae and do disp!a*
c). #n 2enu ip!eentation 8C o+er+iew se!ect an ip!eentation object to check.
d). 5a+igate thru ip!eenting c!ass, there check the s*nta- and acti+ate the object.
e). Step d shou!d be e-ecuted )or a!! the ip!eentation object e-ist in O+er+iew.
)). 6eport to the custoer )or an* errors in the 3unction group.
Upgrade Guidelines
1D) O!E"T T#PE: SS+O
a) Go to Transaction sart)ors.
b) "o the s*nta- check and recti)* i) an* Errors.
c) &cti+ate it
1:- O!E"T T#PE: AUTH
a) Go to Transaction se0@.
b) (heck the E-istence o) gi+en &uthoriEation )ie!d object
c) 3or &uthoriEation c!ass and object go to transaction se01.
1;- 0)E0 $ I?+O0)E0
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing8C#n)opro+ider .
Things to be checked : E-istence o) in)oarea .
1/-"L0S $ "lass (00P Objects-
$ath : SE0< .
Things to be checked : &cti+ation
,=-"4E $ I?+O"4E
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing8C #n)opro+ider .
Things to be checked : &cti+ation o) #n)ocube .
,1-1EST $ Open &ub 1estination
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata 6epositor* 8C !oca! object 8C Open Hub "estination
,,-I1O" $ asic t6pe

$ath : WE:@ .
,2-IO! $ InfoObject .

$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8 C #n)oobjects
Things to be checked : &cti+ation
,3-ISET $ InfoSet .
Upgrade Guidelines

$ath : 6S&18C 2ode!ing8C#n)opro+ider .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+ation .
,7-IS+S $ 1ataSource )eplica
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C "atasources
Things t be checked : &cti+ation .
,8-ISIP $ InfoPac@age
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)oSources
Things to be checked : e-istence .
,:-IS9P $ Transfer )ule
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources 8C se!ect 6e1uires Trans)er 6u!e 8C E-tra
Object "irector* Entr* 8C Trans)er 6u!e .
Things to be checked : Sa+ed and &cti+e .
,;-IST1 $ InfoSource transaction 1ata
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources
Things to be (hecked : &cti+ation .

,/-0P"O $ 0pplication "omponent
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources .
Things to be (hecked : E-istence .

2=-"9O1 $ "ustomer EAit .
$ath : T(O"E 8C (2O" .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
21-"T)T $ "urrenc6 Translation T6pe
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C (urrenc* Trans!ation T*pe
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
2,-1E>" $ Pac@age .
Upgrade Guidelines
$ath : T(O"E : SE;@ .
Things To Be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status o) &!! Objects in the $ackage .
22-1SI< $ InfoPac@age <roups (S0P 1eliver6- .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources 8C c!ick on Show #n)opackage Group
7Button is on right hand $ane! be!ow &pp!ication Too!bar ).
Things To Be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
23-1O90 $ 1omain
$ath : SE11 8C "oain .
Things to Be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
27-1TEL $ 1ata Element
$ath : "ata E!eent .
Things to be checked : acti+e status .
28-+4<) $ +unction <roup .
$ath : SE:G 8C GOTO 8C 3uction Groups 8C "isp!a* 3unction Groups .
Things to Be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
2:-IO" $ InfoObject catalog
$ath : 6S&1 8 C 2ode!ing 8C #n)oobject .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status
2;- IS"S $ "ommunication structure .

$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources 8C se!ect 6e1uires #n)osource 8C E-tra
Object "irector* Entr* 8C #n)osource .
Things To Be (hecked : &cti+e status .
2/-ISTS $ Transfer Structure .
$ath : $ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)osources 8C se!ect 6e1uires #n)osource
8CE-tra 8C Object "irector* Entr* 8C trans)er Structure .
Things To Be (hecked : &cti+e status .
Upgrade Guidelines
3=-9P)O $ 9ulti Provider .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)opro+ider .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
31-9S0< $ 9essage "lass .
$ath : SEH1 .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
3,-?)O $ ?umber )ange Objects
$ath : S56O .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
32-O1SO $ O1S Object.
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C #n)opro+ider .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
33-OSO0 $ 1ataSource (0ctive version -
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2ode!ing 8C"atasource .
Things to be (hecked : &cti+e Status .
37-B>I% $ Transport Object for % Buer6 >iew .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C Iuer* >iew
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
38- ))"0 $ %$ ))I Info"ube )ecipient

$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C BW: 66# #n)o(ube 6ecipient
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
3:- )SP" $ Process chain .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C $rocess (hain .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
3;-SI"+ $ I"+ Service .
Upgrade Guidelines
$ath : T(O"E 8C S#(3 .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
3/-SPO' $ I?+OSPO'E .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C #n)ospoke .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
7=-S."I $ usiness 0ddCIns D Implementations .
$ath : SE1H .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
71-T0L $ table .
$ath : SE11 .
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
7,-T9PL $ % %eb Templates .
$ath : 6S&1 8C 2etadata repositor* 8C BW Web Tep!ates.
Things to Be checked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
A:) TO! $ 1efinition of a 9aintenance and Transport Object
$ath : SEAD .
Things To be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
73-T)0? $ Transaction .
$ath : SEH: .
Things To be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
77-TT#P $ Table T6pe .
$ath : SE11 8C datat*pes 8C tab!e t*pe .
Things To be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status .
78-%0P0 $ SP (usiness Server Pages- 0pplication .
Upgrade Guidelines
$ath : SE;@ .

Things To be (hecked : E-istence and &cti+e status .

7:-SP+L $ Profile parameter
$ath : T(O"E : 6S$3$&6
Things to be checked : E-istence , the +a!ue o) 4serCdefined value and S6stem 1efault value
shou!d be sae in the o!d s*ste and new s*ste .

Upgrade Guidelines

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