TK Letter of Rec-1

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Heather Juelfs

18 Orchid Ct
Windsor, CO 80550
(970) 214!425
$o Who% &t 'a( Concern)
Reference: Tricia Kindred
&t is *ith +reat ,leasure that & *rite this letter of reco%%endation for $ricia -indred. &
ha/e had the ,ri/ile+e of *or0in+ *ith $ricia as her 1u,er/isor at $he 1unshine House
2arl( 3earnin+ 4cade%(. $ricia *or0ed for ! %onths as the lead toddler teacher in our
one (ear old ,ro+ra% and /er( *illin+l( and ca,a5l( too0 on the lead teacher ,osition in
our 4(r old ,re0inder+arten ,ro+ra% in 4u+ust 201#.
$hrou+hout her ti%e at $he 1unshine House, $ricia offered nothin+ short of e6cellence in
the care and educational e6,erience she ,ro/ided the children and fa%ilies she *or0ed
*ith. $ricia is /er( dedicated often *or0in+ *ee0ends"e/enin+s and usin+ her ,ersonal
resources to su,,ort the classroo% and students she *or0s *ith.
&n the short ti%e that &7/e 0no*n $ricia, & ha/e 5een continuall( i%,ressed *ith her
0no*led+e8 enthusias% and u,5eat ,rofessional attitude each da(. Her creati/it( and
inno/ati/e ideas allo* for students to 5e trul( en+a+ed in the learnin+ ,rocess. 1he is
intuiti/e, easil( assessin+ student7s stren+ths and *ea0nesses and ,ro/idin+ su,,ort as
needed. 45o/e all else, $ricia is a +reat tea% ,la(er8 +oin+ out of her *a( to su,,ort her
co*or0ers and the ,ro+ra%.
$ricia is al*a(s read( and *illin+ to hel,. 1he is confident and ca,a5le of ,ro/idin+
,ositi/e su,,ort and +uidance *hen ste,,in+ into an( situation. $ricias a5ilit( to or+ani9e
co%5ined *ith her creati/it( and ,assion for the field of education %a0es her an asset to
an( ,ro+ra%.
&f (ou are interested in an indi/idual *ho trul( cares a5out children, is ,assionate a5out
education, and is a stron+ leader, then (ou should consider $ricia for (our o,en ,osition.
&f (ou ha/e an( :uestions re+ardin+ $ricia -indred, ,lease don7t hesitate to contact %e at
Heather Juelfs

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