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1. !n an experiment, two-year-old boys and their fathers made pie dough together using rolling pins and other
utensils. Each father-son pair used a rolling pin that was distinctively different from those used by the other
father-son pairs, and each father repeated the phrase "rolling pin" each time his son used it. But when the
children were asked to identify all of the rolling pins among a group of kitchen utensils that included several
rolling pins, each child picked only the one that he had used. Which one of the following inferences is most
supported by the information above?
a) The children did not grasp the function of a rolling pin.
b) No two children understood the name "rolling pin" to apply to the same object.
c) The children understood that all rolling pins have the same general shape.
d) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.
e) The children were not able to distinguish the rolling pins they used from other rolling pins.

2. Nystery stories often feature a brilliant detective and the detective's dull companion. Clues are presented in the
story, and the companion wrongly infers an inaccurate solution to the mystery using the same clues that the
detective uses to deduce the correct solution. Thus, the author's strategy of including the dull companion gives
readers a chance to solve the mystery while also diverting them from the correct solution. Which one of the
following is most strongly supported by the information above?
a) Nost mystery stories feature a brilliant detective who solves the mystery presented in the story.
b) Nystery readers often solve the mystery in a story simply by spotting the mistakes in the reasoning of the
detective's dull companion in that story.
c) Some mystery stories give readers enough clues to infer the correct solution to the mystery.
d) The actions of the brilliant detective in a mystery story rarely divert readers from the actions of the
detective's dull companion.
e) The detective's dull companion in a mystery story generally uncovers the misleading clues that divert readers
from the mystery's correct solution.

3. A recent research study of undergraduate students analyzed the effects of music on human emotions. Each of
the 200 participants attended at least 1 two-hour concert of classical music per week over the course of 12 weeks
of their spring semester. At the end of the experiment, all of the students filled out a questionnaire assessing
their emotional state. Based on the results of the questionnaires, all of the 10 students who attended the greatest
number of concerts reported lower stress levels and higher satisfaction with their lives. Also, most of the 20
students who attended the fewest number of concerts reported below-average levels of emotional comfort.
Which of the following must be true based on the evidence presented above?
a) Nost of the 200 participants improved their emotional state and lowered their stress levels.
b) During each week of the experiment, the participants spent at least 2 hours less on their academic work as a
result of concert attendance.
c) Listening to classical music for at least 2 hours per week improves the emotional well-being of the majority of
young adults.
d) Nore than 6 participants attended at least 1+ concerts during the course of the experiment.
e) At least some of the students participated in the study in order to gain free access to classical concerts.

+. Everyone who has graduated from TopNotch High School has an intelligence quotient (!Q) of over 120. Nost
students with an !Q of over 120 and all students with an !Q of over 150 who apply to one or more !vy League
universities are accepted to at least one of them. The statements above, if true, best support which of the
following conclusions?
a) Every graduate of TopNotch High School with an !Q of 150 has been accepted to at least one !vy-League
b) !f a person is a high-school graduate and has an !Q of less than 100, he or she could not have been a
student at TopNotch High School.
c) !f a person has an !Q of 130 and is attending an !vy-League school, it is possible for him or her to have
graduated from TopNotch High School.
d) At least one graduate from TopNotch high school who has applied to at least one !vy-League university has
been accepted to one of them.
e) !f a high-school graduate has an !Q of 150 and is not attending an !vy-League school, then he or she did not
apply to one of them.

5. The number of North American children who are obese-that is, who have more body fat than do 85 percent of
North American children their age-is steadily increasing, according to four major studies conducted over the past
15 years. If the finding reported above is correct, it can be properly concluded that:
a) when four major studies all produce similar results, those studies must be accurate
b) North American children have been progressively less physically active over the past 15 years
c) the number of North American children who are not obese increased over the past 15 years
d) over the past 15 years, the number of North American children who are underweight has declined
e) the incidence of obesity in North American children tends to increase as the children grow older

6. From 1973 to 1989 total energy use in this country increased less than 10 percent. However, the use of electrical
energy in this country during this same period grew by more than 50 percent, as did the gross national product-
the total value of all goods and services produced in the nation. If the statements above are true, then
which one of the following must also be true?
a) Nost of the energy used in this country in 1989 was electrical energy.
b) From 1973 to 1989 there was a decline in the use of energy other than electrical energy in this country.
c) From 1973 to 1989 there was an increase in the proportion of energy use in this country that consisted of
electrical energy use.
d) !n 1989 electrical energy constituted a larger proportion of the energy used to produce the gross national
product than did any other form of energy.
e) !n 1973 the electrical energy that was produced constituted a smaller proportion of the gross national
product than did all other forms of energy combined.

7. Ditrama is a federation made up of three autonomous regions: Korva, Nitro, and Guadar. Under the federal
revenue-sharing plan, each region receives a share of federal revenues equal to the share of the total population
of Ditrama residing in that region, as shown by a yearly population survey. Last year, the percentage of federal
revenues Korva received for its share decreased somewhat even though the population survey on which the
revenue-sharing was based showed that Korva's population had increased. If the statements above are true,
which one of the following must also have been shown by the population survey on which last
year's revenue-sharing in Ditrama was based?
a) Of the three regions, Korva had the smallest number of residents.
b) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years.
c) The populations of Nitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which
the population of Korva increased.
d) Of the three regions, Korva's numerical increase in population was the smallest.
e) Korva's population grew by a smaller percentage than did the population of at least one of the other two
autonomous regions.

8. Students from outside the province of Narkland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition each
as do students from Narkland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Central
Narkland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen, and the proportion of
students who are not Narklanders has dropped to around +0 percent. Which one of the following can be
properly inferred from the statements above?
a) !f it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Narkland, the college could not have
improved its academic standards over the past 10 years.
b) !f academic standards had not risen over the past 10 years, students who are not Narklanders would still
account for at least two-thirds of the college's enrollment.
c) Over the past 10 years, the number of students from Narkland increased and the number of students from
outside Narkland decreased.
d) Over the past 10 years, academic standards at Central Narkland College have risen by more than academic
standards at any other college in Narkland.
e) !f the college's per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same, tuition fees have increased over the
past 10 years.

9. Shipping Clerk: The five specially ordered shipments sent out last week were sent out on Thursday. Last week, all
of the shipments that were sent out on Friday consisted entirely of building supplies, and the shipping
department then closed for the weekend. Four shipments were sent to Truax Construction last week, only three
of which consisted of building supplies. If the shipping clerk's statements are true, which of the
following must also be true?
a) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction last week was specially ordered.
b) At least one of last week's specially ordered shipments did not consist of building supplies.
c) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction was not sent out on Thursday of last week.
d) At least one of the shipments that were sent out on Friday of last week was sent to Truax Construction.
e) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction last week was sent out before Friday.

10. Calorie restriction, a diet high in nutrients but low in calories, is known to prolong the life of rats and mice by
preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. A six-month study of +8 moderately overweight
people, who each reduced their calorie intake by at least 25 percent, demonstrated decreases in insulin levels
and body temperature, with the greatest decrease observed in individuals with the greatest percentage change in
their calorie intake. Low insulin level and body temperature are both considered signs of longevity, partly because
an earlier study by other researchers found both traits in long-lived people. If the above statements are true,
they support which of the following inferences?
a) Calorie restriction produces similar results in humans as it does in rats and mice.
b) Humans who reduce their calorie intake by at least 25 percent on a long-term basis will live longer than they
would have had they not done so.
c) Calorie intake is directly correlated to insulin level in moderately overweight individuals.
d) !ndividuals with low insulin levels are healthier than individuals with high insulin levels.
e) Some individuals in the study reduced their calorie intake by more than 25 percent.

11. Finding of a survey of Systems magazine subscribers: Thirty percent of all merchandise orders placed by
subscribers in response to advertisements in the magazine last year were placed by subscribers under age thirty-
Finding of a survey of advertisers in Systems magazine: Nost of the merchandise orders placed in
response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by people under age thirty-five.
For both of the findings to be accurate, which of the following must be true?
a) Nore subscribers to Systems who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements in the
magazine are age thirty-five or over than are under age thirty-five.
b) Among subscribers to Systems, the proportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year
than it is now.
c) Nost merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems
subscribers over age thirty-five.
d) Last year, the average dollar amount of merchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-
five than for those age thirty-five or over.
e) Last year many people who placed orders for merchandise in response to advertisements in Systems were
not subscribers to the magazine.

12. Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any
suitable size of host egg. !f they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete
with each other to the death for nutrients and space. !f too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would
decay, killing the wasp larvae. Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the
information above?
a) The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the
wasp's egg-laying behavior.
b) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
c) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
d) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would
laying too many eggs.
e) Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.

13. Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960's when the Small Business Administration (SBA)
began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance
available to minority business enterprises. While this program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new
businesses, the results were disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital
shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts
were not quite two percent of the national economy's total receipts. Which of the following statements
about the SBA program can be inferred from the passage?
a) The maximum term for loans made to recipient businesses was 15 years.
b) Business loans were considered to be more useful to recipient businesses than was management and
technical assistance.
c) The anticipated failure rate for recipient businesses was significantly lower than the rate that actually
d) Recipient businesses were encouraged to relocate to areas more favorable for business development.
e) The capitalization needs of recipient businesses were assessed and then provided for adequately.


3|rce lre ear|y 19Z0's, r|slor|ars rave oegur lo devole ser|ous
allerl|or lo lre Wor||rg c|ass |r lre ur|led 3lales. Yel Wr||e We
roW rave slud|es ol Wor||rg-c|ass corrur|l|es ard cu|lure,
We |roW rerar|ao|y ||ll|e ol Wor||essress. wrer r|slor|ars
rave pa|d ary allerl|or al a|| lo urerp|oyrerl, lrey rave
locused or lre 0real 0epress|or ol lre 1930's. Tre
rarroWress ol lr|s perspecl|ve |grores lre pervas|ve
recess|ors ard joo|essress ol lre prev|ous decades, as
A|exarder Keyssar sroWs |r r|s recerl ooo|. Exar|r|rg lre
per|od 18Z0-1920, Keyssar corcerlrales or Vassacrusells,
Wrere lre r|slor|ca| raler|a|s are parl|cu|ar|y r|cr, ard lre
l|rd|rgs app||cao|e lo olrer |rduslr|a| areas.
Tre urerp|oyrerl rales lral Keyssar ca|cu|ales appear lo oe
re|al|ve|y rodesl, al |easl oy 0real 0epress|or slardards:
dur|rg lre Worsl years, |r lre 18Z0's ard 1890's,
urerp|oyrerl Was arourd 15 percerl. Yel Keyssar r|grl|y
urderslards lral a oeller Way lo reasure lre |rpacl ol
urerp|oyrerl |s lo ca|cu|ale urerp|oyrerl lrequerc|es
reasur|rg lre percerlage ol Wor|ers Wro exper|erce ary
urerp|oyrerl |r lre course ol a year. 0|ver lr|s perspecl|ve,
joo|essress |oors rucr |arger.
Keyssar a|so scrul|r|zes urerp|oyrerl pallerrs accord|rg lo
s|||| |eve|, elrr|c|ly, race, age, c|ass, ard gerder. le l|rds lral
rales ol joo|essress d|llered pr|rar||y accord|rg lo c|ass: lrose
|r r|dd|e-c|ass ard Wr|le-co||ar occupal|ors Were lar |ess |||e|y
lo oe urerp|oyed. Yel lre |rpacl ol urerp|oyrerl or a
spec|l|c c|ass Was rol a|Ways lre sare. Ever Wrer deperderl
or lre sare lrade, adjo|r|rg corrur|l|es cou|d rave
draral|ca||y d|llererl urerp|oyrerl rales. Keyssar uses lrese
d|llererl|a| rales lo re|p exp|a|r a preroreror lral ras
puzz|ed r|slor|arslre slarl||rg|y r|gr rale ol geograpr|ca|
roo|||ly |r lre r|releerlr-cerlury ur|led 3lales. 8ul roo|||ly
Was rol lre dor|rarl Wor||rg-c|ass slralegy lor cop|rg W|lr
urerp|oyrerl, ror Was ass|slarce lror pr|vale crar|l|es or
slale agerc|es. 3e|l-re|p ard lre re|p ol ||r gol rosl Wor|ers
lrrougr joo|ess spe||s.
wr||e Keyssar r|grl rave sperl rore l|re deve|op|rg lre
|rp||cal|ors ol r|s l|rd|rgs or joo|essress lor corlerporary
puo||c po||cy, r|s sludy, |r |ls lrorougr researcr ard creal|ve
use ol quarl|lal|ve ard qua||lal|ve ev|derce, |s a rode| ol
r|slor|ca| ara|ys|s.

1. The passage suggests that before the ear|y
1970's, wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng was true of the
study by h|stor|ans of the work|ng c|ass |n the
Un|ted 8tates?
A. Tre sludy Was |rlrequerl or superl|c|a|, or oolr.
8. Tre sludy Was repealed|y cr|l|c|zed lor |ls a||eged|y
rarroW locus.
C. Tre sludy re||ed rore or qua||lal|ve lrar quarl|lal|ve
0. Tre sludy locused rore or lre Wor||rg-c|ass
corrur|ly lrar or Wor||rg-c|ass cu|lure.
E. Tre sludy |grored Wor||rg-c|ass joo|essress dur|rg
lre 0real 0epress|or.

2. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements about the
unemp|oyment rate dur|ng the Creat 0epress|on
can be |nferred from the passage?
A. ll Was sorel|res r|grer lrar 15 percerl.
8. ll ras oeer ara|yzed ser|ous|y or|y s|rce lre ear|y
C. ll car oe ca|cu|aled rore eas||y lrar car
urerp|oyrerl lrequercy.
0. ll Was rever as r|gr as lre rale dur|rg lre 18Z0's.
E. ll ras oeer sroWr oy Keyssar lo oe |oWer lrar
prev|ous|y lrougrl.

Veasur|rg rore lrar l|ve leel la|| ard ler leel |org, lre Javar
rr|roceros |s oller ca||ed lre raresl |arge rarra| or earlr.
Nore ex|sl |r zoos. L||e lre lrd|ar rr|ro, lre Javar ras or|y
ore rorr; Alr|car ard 3uralrar rr|ros rave lWo. wr||e lre
Javar rr|ro rao|lal orce exlerded across soulrerr As|a, roW
lrere are leWer lrar ore rurdred ol lre ar|ra|s |r lrdores|a
ard urder a dozer |r v|elrar. very ||ll|e |s |roWr aooul Javar
rr|ros oecause lrey |ead secrel|ve ard so||lary ||ves |r rerole
jurg|es. url|| recerl|y, sc|erl|sls deoaled Wrelrer lera|es
ever rave rorrs, ard rosl sc|erl|l|c Wor| ras rad lo re|y or
0NA garrered lror durg.
Tre rear exl|rcl|or ol lre Javar rr|ro |s lre d|recl resu|l ol
rurar acl|ors. For cerlur|es, larrers, Wro lavored lre sare
rao|lal, v|eWed lrer as crop eal|rg pesls ard srol lrer or
s|grl. 0ur|rg lre co|or|a| per|od, rurlers s|augrlered
lrousards. NoW, rurar ellorls lo save lrer ray We|| prove
lul||e. Tre v|elrarese rerd |s prooao|y doored, as loo leW
rera|r lo ra|rla|r lre recessary gerel|c var|al|or. Rr|ros
lror Java carrol supp|ererl lre v|elrarese ruroers
oecause |r lre r||||ors ol years s|rce lrdores|a separaled
lror lre ra|r|ard, lre lWo groups rave evo|ved |rlo separale
suo-spec|es. lr lrdores|a, lre rr|ros are prolecled or lre
ujurg Ku|or per|rsu|a, Wr|cr |s ursell|ed oy rurars, ard sl|||
rave sull|c|erl gerel|c d|vers|ly lo rave a crarce al surv|va|.
lror|ca||y, roWever, lre |ac| ol rurar d|sluroarce a||oWs
ralure loresls lo rep|ace lre srruooy vegelal|or lre ar|ra|s
preler. Trus, rurar oerevo|erce ray prove ||ll|e oeller lor
lrese rr|ros lrar pasl rurar ra|lrealrerl.

1. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng can be |nferred from the
a) Javar rr|ros are ore ol lre rosl erdargered ar|ra|s or
lre p|arel.
o) Vore |s |roWr aooul lre gerel|cs ol lre Javar rr|ro lrar
|s |roWr aooul |ls ral|rg pallerrs.
c) lurlers ||||ed rore Javar rr|ros |r v|elrar lrar |r
d) Vosl ar|ra| exl|rcl|ors are lre resu|l ol rurar acl|ors.
e) 0erel|c d|vers|ly |s lre rosl |rporlarl laclor lor lre
surv|va| ol a spec|es.

For years, u.3. erp|oyers rave courled or a sleady l|oW ol
|aoor lror Vex|co W||||rg lo accepl |oW-s||||ed, |oW pay|rg joos.
Trese Wor|ers, rary ol Wror |eave ecoror|ca||y depressed
v|||ages |r lre Vex|car |rler|or, are oller rore lrar W||||rg lo
Wor| lor Wages We|| oe|oW oolr lre u.3. r|r|rur Wage ard
lre poverly ||re. loWever, lrar|s lo a draral|c derograpr|c
sr|ll currerl|y la||rg p|ace |r Vex|co, lre seer|rg|y
|rexrausl|o|e supp|y ol Wor|ers r|gral|rg lror Vex|co lo lre
ur|led 3lales r|grl ore day greal|y d|r|r|sr |l rol cease.
Pred|cl|ors ol sucr a drasl|c decrease |r lre ruroer ol
Vex|car |rr|grarls, oolr |ega| ard |||ega|, are dr|ver oy
Vex|co's rap|d|y d|r|r|sr|rg popu|al|or groWlr. As a resu|l ol a
decades-|org lar||y p|arr|rg carpa|gr, rosl Vex|cars are
rav|rg lar leWer cr||drer lrar Was lre rorr a gereral|or ago.
Tre carpa|gr, orgar|zed arourd lre s|ogar lral 'lre sra||
lar||y ||ves oeller, saW lre Vex|car goverrrerl eslao||sr
lar||y-p|arr|rg c||r|cs ard oller lree corlracepl|or. For rear|y
lrree decades, lre goverrrerl's ressage corcerr|rg
popu|al|or rasr'l Wavered. lr lacl, lre Vex|car 3erale recerl|y
voled lo exlerd puo||c scroo| sex educal|or progrars lo
Tre resu|l ol Vex|co's ellorls lo sler popu|al|or groWlr |s
rolr|rg srorl ol slurr|rg. lr 198, lre average Vex|car
Worar rad jusl leWer lrar sever cr||drer; loday, lre l|gure |s
s||grl|y rore lrar lWo. For lWo pr|rary reasors, Vex|co's reW
derograpr|cs cou|d greal|y |rpacl lre ruroer ol Vex|cars
see||rg Wor| |r lre u.3. F|rsl, sra||er lar|||es oy lre|r ralure
||r|l lre poo| ol polerl|a| r|grarls. 3ecord, lre s|oW|rg ol
Vex|co's popu|al|or groWlr ras loslered rope lral Vex|co W|||
deve|op a rea|lry r|dd|e c|ass ol peop|e corlerl lo ra|e lre|r
||ve||roods |r lre|r rore courlry.
Trougr lre lorrer ol lrese laclors |s a|| oul assured, lre
groWlr ol a rea|lry r|dd|e c|ass |s lar lror a loregore
corc|us|or. Tre cr|l|ca| cra||erge lor Vex|co |s Wral |l does
W|lr lre rexl 20 years. Vex|co rusl |rvesl |r educal|or, joo
lra|r|rg, ard |rlraslruclure, as We|| as a soc|a|-secur|ly sysler
lo prolecl |ls ag|rg popu|al|or. ll Vex|co |s W||||rg lo slep
lorWard ard reel lr|s cra||erge, Arer|ca ray ore day Wa|e
up lo l|rd lral, |||e creap gaso||re, creap Vex|car |aoor ras
oecore a lr|rg ol lre pasl.

1. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements can N0T be
|nferred from the passage?
a) 0ue lo lre goverrrerl's lar||y p|arr|rg carpa|gr,
Vex|co's popu|al|or |s currerl|y d|r|r|sr|rg.
o) 0r average, Vex|car Worer are rav|rg approx|rale|y
ore-lr|rd lre ruroer ol cr||drer lral lrey rad |r 198.
c) Vary Vex|cars sl||| r|grale lo lre ur|led 3lales |r searcr
ol Wor|.
d) As a resu|l ol dec||r|rg o|rlr rales, Vex|co's popu|al|or |s
e) A rea|lry r|dd|e c|ass |r Vex|co ras rol yel lu||y

2. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng can be |nferred about U.8.
emp|oyers of Hex|can |mm|grants?
a) Vosl ol lrese erp|oyers pay Vex|car |rr|grarls |ess
rorey lrar lrey pay Arer|car c|l|zers.
o) 3ore ol lrese erp|oyers v|o|ale Wage |aWs.
c) Vary ol lrese erp|oyers Wor| |r lre agr|cu|lura| |rduslry.
d) w|lroul Vex|car |rr|grarls, sore ol lrese erp|oyers
Wou|d oe lorced lo c|ose lre|r ous|resses.
e) Tre rajor|ly ol lrese erp|oyers sroW ro corcerr lor lre
We|lare ol lre|r Wor|ers.

Tre s|rg|e-ce||ed paras|le |roWr as Toxop|asra gord|| |rlecls
rore lrar ra|l ol lre Wor|d's rurar popu|al|or W|lroul creal|rg
ary rol|ceao|e syrplors. 0rce |rs|de lre rurar oody,
Toxop|asra rap|d|y spreads lo lre rearl ard olrer orgars. ll
car ever perelrale lre l|grl oarr|er lral rorra||y prolecls lre
ora|r lror rosl palrogers. Yel, lre o|ood ol |rlecled persors
carr|es very leW lree-l|oal|rg Toxop|asra ce||s. 3c|erl|sls rave
|org oeer puzz|ed oy lr|s ao|||ly ol Toxop|asra lo paras|l|ze
lre rurar oody W|lroul lr|gger|rg ar |rrure resporse ard
W|lroul ar apprec|ao|e preserce |r lre o|oodslrear. Recerl
researcr, roWever, ras sred ||grl or lre Ways |r Wr|cr
Toxop|asra acr|eves |ls rerar|ao|e |rl||lral|or ol lre rurar
Trougr lrere are leW |rd|v|dua| Toxop|asra ce||s cours|rg
lree|y |r lre o|ood ol ar |rlecled persor, sc|erl|sls rave
d|scovered lral lre paras|le |s qu|le corror |r cerla|r ce||s,
|roWr as derdr|l|c ce||s, |rvo|ved |r lre rurar |rrure
sysler. 0erdr|l|c ce||s are lourd |r lre d|gesl|ve lracl ard
lrequerl|y core |rlo corlacl W|lr lre var|ous palrogers lral
erler lre rurar oody lrrougr lood ard Waler. wrer lre
derdr|l|c ce||s ercourler palrogers, lrey lrave| lo |yrpr rodes
ard re|ay lr|s |rlorral|or lo olrer |rrure ce||s lral lrer la|e
acl|or aga|rsl lre reporled palroger. 3c|erl|sls rave lourd,
roWever, lral Toxop|asra |s capao|e ol r|jac||rg derdr|l|c
ce||s, lorc|rg lrer lror lre|r usua| acl|v|ly ard us|rg lrer as a
lorr ol lrarsporlal|or lo |rlecl lre rurar oody qu|c||y. w|lroul
lr|s lrarsporl recrar|sr, Toxop|asra cou|d rol reacr lre
oeller-prolecled areas ol lre oody.
Toxop|asra |rvades lre rurar oody lrrougr corsurpl|or ol
lre urdercoo|ed real ol |rlecled ar|ra|s, pr|rar||y p|gs ard
cr|c|ers. 0lrer ar|ra|s, sucr as cals, car oecore |rlecled as
We||. lr lacl, cals are a recessary corporerl |r lre
reproducl|ve cyc|e ol Toxop|asra, s|rce lre ar|ra|'s |rlesl|res
are lre paras|le's so|e oreed|rg grourd. Toxop|asra creales
egg-|||e cysls, |roWr as oocysls, |r lre cals' |rlesl|res. Trese
oocysls are sred |r lre cals' dropp|rgs ard corlar|rale
grourd Waler ard so||, everlua||y l|rd|rg lre|r Way |rlo lre lood
cra|r. 8ecause Toxop|asra rusl soreroW l|rd |ls Way |rlo a
reW rosl cal |r order lo reproduce, |l carrol |||| |ls currerl rosl.
lrslead, |l Wa|ls lor lre rosl, usua||y a sra|| roderl, lo oe ealer
oy a cal, lrus prov|d|rg Toxop|asra lre opporlur|ly lo

1. |t can be |nferred from the passage that wh|ch of the
fo||ow|ng statements |s true of dendr|t|c ce||s |n the
human body?
A. Trey are produced oy lre |yrpral|c sysler.
8. Trey are rore rurerous |r lre d|gesl|ve lracl lrar |r ary
olrer parl ol lre rurar oody.
C. Vosl derdr|l|c ce||s ol persors |rlecled W|lr Toxop|asra
carry lre paras|le.
0. Trey are lre or|y ce||s capao|e ol oe|rg |rlecled oy
E. Trey are ao|e lo perelrale lre rerorares surrourd|rg
lre ora|r.

A rajor lerel ol lre reurosc|erces ras oeer lral a|| reurors
(rerve ce||s) |r lre ora|rs ol verleorale ar|ra|s are lorred ear|y |r
deve|oprerl. Ar adu|l verleorale, |l Was oe||eved, rusl ra|e do
W|lr a l|xed ruroer ol reurors: lrose |osl lrrougr d|sease or
|rjury are rol rep|aced, ard adu|l |earr|rg la|es p|ace rol lrrougr
gereral|or ol reW ce||s oul lrrougr rod|l|cal|or ol correcl|ors
arorg ex|sl|rg ores.
loWever, reW ev|derce lor reurogeres|s (lre o|rlr ol reW
reurors) ras core lror lre sludy ol carary sorg. Yourg
carar|es ard olrer sorgo|rds |earr lo s|rg rucr as rurars |earr
lo spea|, oy |r|lal|rg rode|s prov|ded oy lre|r e|ders. 3evera|
Wee|s aller o|rlr, a yourg o|rd produces |ls l|rsl rud|rerlary
allerpls al s|rg|rg; over lre rexl leW rorlrs lre sorg oecores
rore slruclured ard slao|e, reacr|rg a lu||y deve|oped slale oy
lre l|re lre o|rd approacres |ls l|rsl oreed|rg seasor. 8ul lr|s
reperlo|re ol sorg |s rol perrarerl|y |earred. Aller eacr oreed|rg
seasor, dur|rg |ale surrer ard la||, lre o|rd |oses raslery ol |ls
deve|oped 'vocaou|ary, ard |ls sorg oecores as urslao|e as lral
ol a juver||e o|rd. 0ur|rg lre lo||oW|rg W|rler ard spr|rg, roWever,
lre carary acqu|res reW sorgs, ard oy lre rexl oreed|rg seasor
|l ras deve|oped ar erl|re|y reW reperlo|re.
Recerl reuro|og|ca| researcr |rlo lr|s |earr|rg ard re|earr|rg
process ras sroWr lral lre lWo rosl |rporlarl reg|ors ol lre
carary's ora|r re|aled lo lre |earr|rg ol sorgs aclua||y vary |r s|ze
al d|llererl l|res ol lre year. lr lre spr|rg, Wrer lre o|rd's sorg |s
r|gr|y deve|oped ard ur|lorr, lre reg|ors are rougr|y lW|ce as
|arge as lrey are |r lre la||. Furlrer exper|rerls lrac|rg |rd|v|dua|
rerve ce||s W|lr|r lrese reg|ors rave sroWr lral lre ruroer ol
reurors drops oy aooul 38 percerl aller lre oreed|rg seasor, oul
oy lre lo||oW|rg oreed|rg seasor, reW ores rave oeer gereraled
lo rep|ace lrer. A poss|o|e exp|aral|or lor lr|s corl|rua|
rep|acererl ol rerve ce||s ray rave lo do W|lr lre carary's
re|al|ve|y |org ||le spar ard lre requ|rererls ol l||grl. lls ora|r
Wou|d rave lo oe suoslarl|a||y |arger ard reav|er lrar r|grl oe
leas|o|e lor l|y|rg |l |l rad lo carry a|| lre ora|r ce||s reeded lo
process ard rela|r a|| lre |rlorral|or galrered over a ||lel|re.
A|lrougr lre |dea ol reurogeres|s |r lre adu|l rarra||ar ora|r |s
sl||| rol gerera||y accepled, lrese l|rd|rgs r|grl re|p urcover a
recrar|sr lral Wou|d erao|e lre rurar ora|r lo repa|r |lse|l
lrrougr reurogeres|s. wrelrer sucr rep|acererl ol reurors
Wou|d d|srupl corp|ex |earr|rg processes or |org-lerr rerory |s
rol |roWr, oul sorgo|rd researcr cra||erges sc|erl|sls lo |derl|ly
lre geres or rorrores lral orcreslrale reurogeres|s |r lre
yourg rurar ora|r ard lo |earr roW lo acl|vale lrer |r lre adu|l

1. |t can be |nferred from the passage that the author wou|d
most ||ke|y descr|be the current understand|ng of
neurogenes|s as
(A) Exrausl|ve (8) progress|ve (C) |rcorp|ele
(0) Arl|qualed (E) |rcorrecl
2. |nformat|on |n the passage suggests that the author
wou|d most ||ke|y regard wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng as
LEA8T |mportant |n future research on neurogenes|s |n
(A) researcr or poss|o|e s|r||ar|l|es oelWeer lre reuro|og|ca|
slruclures ol rurars ard carar|es
(8) slud|es lral corpare lre ral|o ol ora|r We|grl lo oody We|grl
|r carar|es lo lral |r rurars
(C) reuro|og|ca| researcr or lre geres or rorrores lral acl|vale
reurogeres|s |r lre ora|r ol rurar |rlarls
(0) slud|es aooul lre Ways |r Wr|cr |org-lerr rerory lurcl|ors
|r lre rurar ora|r
(E) researcr corcerr|rg lre processes oy Wr|cr rurars |earr
corp||caled las|s

Tre Par-Arer|car |ard or|dge, or |slrrus, correcl|rg Norlr
ard 3oulr Arer|ca Was lorred vo|car|ca||y |org aller
d|rosaurs oecare exl|rcl. Tre |slrrus c|eaved popu|al|ors ol
rar|re orgar|srs, creal|rg s|sler spec|es. Trese lW|r spec|es,
ca||ed 'ger|rales, lrer evo|ved |rdeperderl|y. 3c|erl|sls
ooserve, lor exarp|e, lral Pac|l|c p|slo| srr|rp ro |orger rale
W|lr lrose lror lre Al|arl|c 0cear. Yel lre lWo ocears rad
a|ready oegur lo lorr lre|r d|sl|rcl|ve persora||l|es |org oelore
lre |slrrus Was lu||y lorred. As lre seaoed rose, Pac|l|c
Walers greW coo|er, lre|r up-sWe|||rg currerls carry|rg r|cr
rulr|erls, Wr||e lre Al|arl|c s|de greW sra||oWer, Warrer, ard
rulr|erl poor. lr lacl, |l Was lrese reW cord|l|ors, ard rol so
rucr lre lu||y-lorred |slrrus, lral spaWred crarges |r lre
srr|rp popu|al|or.
For lerreslr|a| ||le, lre |rpacl ol lre |slrrus Was rore
|rred|ale. Ar|ra|s lraversed lre reW|y lorred or|dge |r oolr
d|recl|ors, a|lrougr Norlr Arer|car crealures proved oeller
co|or|zersrore lrar ra|l ol 3oulr Arer|ca's rarra|s lrace
d|recl ||reage lo lr|s so-ca||ed 0real Arer|car 8|ol|c
Excrarge. 0r|y lrree ar|ra|slre arrad|||o, opossur, ard
redgerogsurv|ve as lrarsp|arls |r lre rorlr loday.

1. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements f|nds the LEA8T
support |n the passage?
A. Popu|al|or d|vergerces resu|l|rg lror lre lorral|or ol lre
Par-Arer|car |slrrus Were rore a process lrar ar
8. Tre d|vergerce |r ocear lerperalure dur|rg lre lorral|or
ol lre Par-Arer|car |slrrus resu|led |r a d|vergerce |r
lre ocear's rulr|erl va|ue.
C. 0erel|c d|llererces arorg p|slo| srr|rp rave groWr lo lre
po|rl lral lrere are roW al |easl lWo d|sl|rcl spec|es ol
lrese srr|rp.
0. Tre parl ol ocear Wr|cr |s roW lre Pac|l|c greW deeper
due lo lre geo|og|c lorces lral crealed lre Par-Arer|car
E. Nol url|| lre Par-Arer|car |slrrus Was lu||y lorred d|d
ger|rale rar|re orgar|srs oeg|r lo deve|op |r lral area
ol lre ocear.

2. wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng statements |s most read||y
|nferab|e from the |nformat|on |n the passage?
A. 3pec|es ol rar|re orgar|srs |r lre Al|arl|c 0cear ruroer
leWer loday lrar oelore lre lorral|or ol lre Par-Arer|car
8. Tre ruroer ol lerreslr|a| ar|ra| spec|es |r 3oulr Arer|ca
loday exceeds lre ruroer pr|or lo lre lorral|or ol lre
Par-Arer|car |slrrus.
C. 0l lre |rd|gerous Norlr Arer|car spec|es lral r|graled
soulr across lre Par-Arer|car |slrrus, rore lrar lrree
surv|ve lo lr|s day.
0. 3|rce lre lorral|or ol lre Par-Arer|car |slrrus, leWer
lerreslr|a| ar|ra|s rave lrave|ed rorlr across lre |slrrus
lrar soulr.
E. As lre Par-Arer|car |slrrus oegar lo lorr, rosl p|slo|
srr|rp r|graled Wesl lo Wral |s roW lre Pac|l|c 0cear.

Near|y a cerlury ago, o|o|og|sls lourd lral |l lrey separaled ar
|rverleorale ar|ra| eroryo |rlo lWo parls al ar ear|y slage ol
|ls ||le, |l Wou|d surv|ve ard deve|op as lWo rorra| eroryos.
Tr|s |ed lrer lo oe||eve lral lre ce||s |r lre ear|y eroryo are
urdelerr|red |r lre serse lral eacr ce|| ras lre polerl|a| lo
deve|op |r a var|ely ol d|llererl Ways. Laler o|o|og|sls lourd
lral lre s|lual|or Was rol so s|rp|e. ll rallers |r Wr|cr p|are
lre eroryo |s cul. ll |l |s cul |r a p|are d|llererl lror lre ore
used oy lre ear|y |rvesl|galors, |l W||| rol lorr lWo Wro|e
A deoale arose over Wral exacl|y Was rapper|rg. wr|cr
eroryo ce||s are delerr|red, jusl Wrer do lrey oecore
|rrevers|o|y corr|lled lo lre|r lales, ard Wral are lre
'rorprogerel|c delerr|rarls lral le|| a ce|| Wral lo oecore?
8ul lre deoale cou|d rol oe reso|ved oecause ro ore Was ao|e
lo as| lre cruc|a| quesl|ors |r a lorr |r Wr|cr lrey cou|d oe
pursued producl|ve|y. Recerl d|scover|es |r ro|ecu|ar o|o|ogy,
roWever, rave opered up prospecls lor a reso|ul|or ol lre
deoale. NoW |rvesl|galors lr|r| lrey |roW al |easl sore ol lre
ro|ecu|es lral acl as rorprogerel|c delerr|rarls |r ear|y
deve|oprerl. Trey rave oeer ao|e o sroW lral, |r a serse,
ce|| delerr|ral|or oeg|rs ever oelore ar egg |s lerl|||zed.
3ludy|rg sea urcr|rs, o|o|og|sl Pau| 0ross lourd lral ar
urlerl|||zed egg corla|rs suoslarces lral lurcl|or as
rorprogerel|c delerr|rarls. Trey are |ocaled |r lre
cylop|asr ol lre egg ce||; |.e., |r lral parl ol lre ce||'s
prolop|asr lral ||es ouls|de ol lre ruc|eus. lr lre urlerl|||zed
egg, lre suoslarces are |racl|ve ard are rol d|slr|ouled
rorogereous|y. wrer lre egg |s lerl|||zed, lre suoslarces
oecore acl|ve ard, presurao|y, goverr lre oerav|or ol lre
geres lrey |rleracl W|lr. 3|rce lre suoslarces are urever|y
d|slr|ouled |r lre egg, Wrer lre lerl|||zed egg d|v|des, lre
resu|l|rg ce||s are d|llererl lror lre slarl ard so car oe
qua||lal|ve|y d|llererl |r lre|r oWr gere acl|v|ly.
Tre suoslarces lral 0ross slud|ed are ralerra| resserger
RNA'sproducls ol cerla|r ol lre ralerra| geres. le ard
olrer o|o|og|sls sludy|rg a W|de var|ely ol orgar|srs rave
lourd lral lrese parl|cu|ar RNA's d|recl, |r |arge parl, lre
syrlres|s ol r|slores, a c|ass ol prole|rs lral o|rd lo 0NA.
0rce syrlres|zed, lre r|slores rove |rlo lre ce|| ruc|eus,
Wrere secl|or ol 0NA Wrap arourd lrer lo lorr a slruclure
lral resero|es oeads, or |rols, or a slr|rg. Tre oeads are
0NA segrerls Wrapped arourd lre r|slores; lre slr|rg |s lre
|rlerver|rg 0NA. Ard |l |s lre slruclure ol lrese oeaded 0NA
slr|rgs lral gu|des lre lale ol lre ce||s |r Wr|cr lrey are
1. |t can be |nferred from the passage that the
morphogenet|c determ|nants present |n the ear|y
embryo are
A. |ocaled |r lre ruc|eus ol lre eroryo ce||s
8. ever|y d|slr|ouled ur|ess lre eroryo |s rol deve|op|rg
C. |racl|ve url|| lre eroryo ce||s oecore |rrevers|o|y
corr|lled lo lre|r l|ra| lurcl|or
0. |derl|ca| lo lrose lral Were a|ready preserl |r lre
urlerl|||zed egg
E. preserl |r |arger quarl|l|es lrar |s recessary lor lre
deve|oprerl ol a s|rg|e |rd|v|dua|

2. |t can be |nferred from the passage that the |n|t|a|
product|on of h|stones after an egg |s fert|||zed takes
A. |r lre cylop|asr
8. |r lre ralerra| geres
C. lrrougroul lre prolop|asr
0. |r lre oeaded porl|ors ol lre 0NA slr|rgs
E. |r cerla|r secl|ors ol lre ce|| ruc|eus

3. |t can be |nferred from the passage that wh|ch of the
fo||ow|ng |s dependent on the fert|||zat|on of an egg?
A. Copy|rg ol ralerra| geres lo produce ralerra|
resserger RNA's
8. 3yrlres|s ol prole|rs ca||ed r|slores
C. 0|v|s|or ol a ce|| |rlo |ls ruc|eus ard lre cylop|asr
0. 0elerr|ral|or ol lre egg ce||'s polerl|a| lor d|v|s|or
E. 0ereral|or ol a|| ol a ce||'s rorprogerel|c delerr|rarls

lr a 1981 ooo|, C|a|re C. Rooerlsor argued lral, oelore
co|or|a||sr, age Was a rore |rporlarl |rd|calor ol slalus ard
aulror|ly lrar gerder |r 0rara ard |r Alr|ca gerera||y. 8r|l|sr
co|or|a||sr |rposed Europear-sly|e ra|e-dor|rarl rol|ors
upor rore ega||lar|ar |oca| s|lual|ors lo lre delr|rerl ol
Worer gerera||y, ard gerder oecare a del|r|rg craracler|sl|c
lral Wea|ered Worer's poWer ard aulror|ly.
3uosequerl research |r Kerya corv|rced Rooerlsor lral sre
rad overgerera||zed aooul Alr|ca. 8elore co|or|a||sr, gerder
Was rore sa||erl |r cerlra| Kerya lrar |l Was |r 0rara,
a|lrougr age Was sl||| cruc|a| |r delerr|r|rg aulror|ly. lr
corlrasl W|lr 0rara, Wrere Worer rad lraded lor rurdreds ol
years ard acr|eved |ega| rajor|ly (rol urre|aled prerorera),
lre ev|derce regard|rg cerlra| Kerya |rd|caled lral Worer
Were |ega| r|rors ard Were sorel|res lrealed as ra|e
properly, as Were Europear Worer al lral l|re. Faclors |||e
slrorg palr|||rear|ly ard palr||oca||ly, as We|| as Worer's
|rler|or |ard r|grls ard |esser |rvo|vererl |r lrade, rade
Worer rore deperderl or rer lrar Was gerera||y lre case
|r 0rara. loWever, s|rce age apparent|y rema|ned the
overr|d|ng pr|nc|p|e of soc|a| organ|zat|on |n centra|
Kenya, sore ser|or Worer rad rucr aulror|ly. Trus,
Rooerlsor rev|sed rer rypolres|s soreWral, argu|rg lral |r
delerr|r|rg aulror|ly |r preco|or|a| Alr|ca age Was a pr|rary
pr|rc|p|e lral superseded gerder lo vary|rg degrees deperd|rg
or lre s|lual|or.

1. The passage |nd|cates that Robertson's research |n
Kenya caused her to change her m|nd regard|ng wh|ch
of the fo||ow|ng?
A. wrelrer age Was lre preva|||rg pr|rc|p|e ol soc|a|
orgar|zal|or |r Kerya oelore co|or|a||sr
8. wrelrer gerder Was lre pr|rary delerr|rarl ol soc|a|
aulror|ly |r Alr|ca gerera||y oelore co|or|a||sr
C. wrelrer |l Was or|y aller co|or|a||sr lral gerder oecare
a s|gr|l|carl delerr|rarl ol aulror|ly |r Keryar soc|ely
0. wrelrer age Was a cruc|a| laclor delerr|r|rg aulror|ly |r
Alr|ca aller co|or|a||sr
E. wrelrer 8r|l|sr co|or|a||sr |rposed Europear-sly|e ra|e-
dor|rarl rol|ors upor |oca| s|lual|ors |r 0rara

2. The passage suggests that after conduct|ng the
research ment|oned |n the h|gh||ghted text, but not
before, Robertson wou|d have agreed w|th wh|ch of
the fo||ow|ng about women's status and author|ty |n
A. 0realer |ard r|grls ard grealer |rvo|vererl |r lrade rade
Worer |r preco|or|a| 0rara |ess deperderl or rer lrar
Were Europear Worer al lral l|re.
8. Co|or|a||sr rad a grealer |rpacl or lre slalus ard
aulror|ly ol 0rara|ar Worer lrar or Keryar Worer.
C. Co|or|a||sr rad |ess ol ar |rpacl or lre slalus ard
aulror|ly ol 0rara|ar Worer lral |l rad or lre slalus ard
aulror|ly ol olrer Alr|car Worer.
0. Tre re|al|ve |rdeperderce ol 0rara|ar Worer pr|or lo
co|or|a||sr Was ur|que |r Alr|ca.
E. 8elore co|or|a||sr, lre slalus ard aulror|ly ol 0rara|ar
Worer Was s|r||ar lo lral ol Keryar Worer.

3. The author of the passage ment|ons the status of age
as a pr|nc|p|e of soc|a| organ|zat|on |n preco|on|a|
centra| Kenya |n the h|gh||ghted text most ||ke|y |n
order to
A. |rd|cale lral Worer's deperderce or rer |r preco|or|a|
Kerya Was rol aoso|ule
8. corlrasl lre s|lual|or ol ser|or Worer lo lral ol |ess ser|or
Worer |r preco|or|a| Keryar soc|ely
C. d|llererl|ale oelWeer lre slalus ard aulror|ly ol
preco|or|a| Keryar Worer ard lral ol preco|or|a|
0rara|ar Worer
0. exp|a|r Wry age superseded gerder lo a grealer exlerl |r
preco|or|a| Kerya lrar |l d|d e|seWrere |r Alr|ca
E. |derl|ly a laclor lral |ed Rooerlsor lo rev|se rer rypolres|s
aooul preco|or|a| Alr|ca

3yrplors ol Par||rsor's 0|sease, sucr as lrerors, are
lrougrl lo oe caused oy |oW dopar|re |eve|s |r lre ora|r.
Currerl lrealrerls ol Par||rsor's d|sease are pr|rar||y
reacl|orary, a|r|rg lo rep|er|sr dopar|re |eve|s aller
dopar|re-produc|rg reurors |r lre ora|r rave d|ed. w|lroul a
rore dela||ed urderslard|rg ol lre oerav|or ol dopar|re-
produc|rg reurors, |l ras oeer |rposs|o|e lo deve|op
lrealrerls lral Wou|d preverl lre deslrucl|or ol lrese reurors
|r Par||rsor's pal|erls.
Recerl researcr prov|des |rs|grl |rlo lre |rrer Wor||rgs ol
dopar|re-produc|rg reurors, ard ray |ead lo a reW drug
lrealrerl lral Wou|d proacl|ve|y prolecl lre reurors lror
decay. 8y exar|r|rg lre a|pra-syruc|e|r prole|r |r yeasl ce||s,
sc|erl|sls rave delerr|red lral lox|c |eve|s ol lre prole|r rave
a delr|rerla| ellecl or prole|r lrarsler W|lr|r lre ce||. Vore
spec|l|ca||y, r|gr |eve|s ol a|pra-syruc|e|r d|srupl lre l|oW ol
prole|rs lror lre erdop|asr|c rel|cu|ur, lre s|le ol prole|r
producl|or |r lre ce||, lo lre 0o|g| apparalus, lre corporerl ol
lre ce|| lral rod|l|es ard sorls lre prole|rs oelore serd|rg
lrer lo lre|r l|ra| desl|ral|ors W|lr|r lre ce||. wrer lre sroolr
lrarsler ol prole|rs lror lre erdop|asr|c rel|cu|ur lo lre 0o|g|
apparalus |s |rlerrupled, lre ce|| d|es.
w|lr lr|s |r r|rd, researcrers corducled a gerel|c screer |r
yeasl ce||s |r order lo |derl|ly ary gere lral Wor|s lo reverse
lre lox|c |eve|s ol a|pra-syruc|e|r |r lre ce||. Researcrers
d|scovered lral sucr a gere does |r lacl ex|sl, ard rave
|ocaled lre gerel|c courlerparl |r rarra||ar rerve ce||s, or
reurors. Tr|s d|scovery ras |ed lo reW ropes lral drug
lrerapy cou|d polerl|a||y acl|vale lr|s gere, lrereoy
suppress|rg lre lox|c|ly ol a|pra-syruc|e|r |r dopar|re-
produc|rg reurors.
wr||e drug lrerapy lo suppress a|pra-syruc|e|r ras oeer
exar|red |r yeasl, lru|ll||es, rourdWorrs, ard cu|lures ol ral
reurors, researcrers are res|larl lo corc|ude lral sucr
lrerap|es W||| prove successlu| or rurar pal|erls. A|pra-
syruc|e|r lox|c|ly seers lo oe ore cause lor lre dealr ol
dopar|re-produc|rg reurors |r Par||rsor's pal|erls, oul olrer
causes ray ex|sl. Vosl sc|erl|sls |rvo|ved W|lr Par||rsor's
researcr do agree, roWever, lral sucr pror|s|rg ear|y resu|ls
prov|de a oas|s lor lurlrer lesl|rg.

1. |t can be |nferred from the passage that a yeast ce||
w|th tox|c |eve|s of a|pha-synuc|e|n w||| d|e because
A. |oW |eve|s ol dopar|re W||| d|srupl lre l|oW ol prole|rs lror
lre erdop|asr|c rel|cu|ur lo lre 0o|g| apparalus
8. lre gere lral suppresses a|pra-syruc|e|r |s r|ss|rg or |s
rol lurcl|or|rg proper|y |r sucr yeasl ce||s
C. drug lrerapy ras prover lo oe |rellecl|ve |r yeasl ce||s
0. lre rorra| d|slr|oul|or ol prole|rs lo lre d|llererl ce||
corporerls ouls|de lre 0o|g| apparalus W||| oe allecled
E. a|pra-syruc|e|r |s oy ralure a lox|c prole|r

2. |t can be |nferred from the passage that current
treatments of Park|nson's 0|sease
A. repa|r daraged ce||s oy rep|er|sr|rg dopar|re |eve|s
|r lre ora|r
8. are |rellecl|ve |r lre|r lrealrerl ol Par||rsor's
syrplors, sucr as lrerors
C. Were deve|oped W|lroul a corp|ele urderslard|rg ol
dopar|re-produc|rg reurors
0. W||| |rev|lao|y oe rep|aced oy reW drug lrerapy lo
suppress a|pra-syruc|e|r lox|c|ly
E. Were rol deve|oped lrrougr researcr or yeasl ce||s

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