Present Perfect Tense: Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

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Match the sentences to make short dialogues.

1 Have you read Toms ne! article" #####
$ She has !on a holiday to S%ain. #####
& 's he ready (or the tri% to )reece" #####
* +re your (riends in the ,S+ no!" #####
- Have you ever .een to Paris" #####
a/ 0h1 !hat a great %ri2e3
./ 4es1 theyve 5ust gone there.
c/ 4es1 've .een there three times.
d/ No1 not yet. ' havent had time.
e/ 4es1 he has already got his %ass%ort.

Choose the correct item.
1 Have you ever / never / just eaten
(ried !orms"
$ 6e have just / ago / yet met 7ate.
& Mum has yet / ever / just met my
English teacher.
* My (riends havent (inished lunch
just / yet / ago.
- Sues little sister has yet / ago /
just started school.
8 The cleaner hasnt tidied the
.athroom just / ever / yet.
Com%lete the ta.le !ith the missing (orms o( the ver.s.
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
!as 9 !ere
:ecide i( the sentences are correct ;/ or not
1 Sorry1 've (orgotten your %hone
$ 've (orgotten <oes .irthday last Monday.
& My English teacher has changed her 5o..
* :iana has !ritten an email to me t!o !eeks
- Tims seen a great (ilm last night.
8 Shes .een here since Sunday.
Com%lete the sentences !ith the %resent %er(ect
(orm o( the ver.s in .rackets.
1 ####### you ####### the ne! T!ilight (ilm" ;see/
$ Hector ######### his in5ection. ;have95ust/
& ' ########## the dog yet. ;not9.rush/
* My (ather ###### 5eans. ;never9!ear/
- 7ate and Sarah ######## their clothes (or the
school tri% yet. ; not9choose/
8 ###### your .rother ######### Chinese (ood"
= They ############## to <a%an. ;never9.e/
> Mum isnt ready. She ######### her things yet.
Choose? been or gone.
1 6heres Mum" Shes ###### to the dentists.
$ :ads ##### sho%%ing? the (ridge is (ull.
& Toms ##### to live in S%ain.
* ' havent ##### to the li.rary (or !eeks.
- Have you ever ##### to 'taly"
8 <oes ###### s!imming. Hell .e .ack at -.@@.

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