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Navarro vs Coca Cola Bottlers Phils. Ic.

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Petitioer +as a e, o/ res-o0et Coca Cola /or ,ore tha a 0eca0e. 1e +or2e0 as
/or2 li/t o-erator. Res-o0et has a e3isti4 E,-lo.er5s Co0e o/ Disci-liar. R6les a0
re46latios -rovi0i4 -ealt. /or a !'
Petitioer 0i0 ot re-ort to +or2 8eca6se o/ heav. rais +hich 9oo0e0 their area.
I,,e0iatel. a/ter: he ;le0 a a--licatio /or leave. 1e +as re<6ire0 8. the res-o0et to
e3-lai i +riti4 +h. o 0isci-liar. actio sho6l0 8e i,-ose0 o hi,. 1e s68,itte0 a
+ritte e3-laatio acco,-aie0 +ith a Certi;catio /ro, their Bara4a. Chair,a.
Des-ite his co,-liace: he +as 4ive a Notice o/ Ter,iatio.
Petitioer ;le0 a co,-lait o/ ille4al 0is,issal +hich +as 0is,isse0 /or lac2 o/ ,erit.
O a--eal: the NLRC reverse0 the 0ecisio 8. the La8or Ar8iter. Res-o0et a--eale0 the
case 8e/ore the Co6rt o/ A--eals: +hich a6lle0 the NLRC 0ecisio.
Sho6l0 the leave o/ a8sece ;le0 8. the -etitioer 8e allo+e0 8. the co,-a.=
?es. The -etitioer5s leave o/ a8sece sho6l0 have 8ee a--rove0. 1is a8sece +as 06e to a
/ort6ito6s evet o6tsi0e his cotrol. State -olic. is to a@or0 /6ll -rotectio to la8or. >0er
Article #(A o/ the La8or Co0e: a e, +ho is 6B6stl. 0is,isse0 is etitle0 to
reistate,et +itho6t loss o/ seiorit. ri4hts a0 other -rivile4es a0 to the -a.,et o/ /6ll
8ac2 +a4es: icl6sive o/ allo+aces a0 other 8ee;ts or their ,oetar. e<6ivalet
co,-6te0 /ro, the ti,e his co,-esatio +as +ithhel0 /ro, hi,.
ALCA S. CENDODA Att.. Si3to Ro0ri46eE: Fr.
P>NP LLB G H La8or La+

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