What Is A Drug

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What is a Drug?

- A drug is any substance, solid, liquid or as that changes the functions or

structures of the body in some way. This excludes food and water, which
are required to maintain normal functioning.
How do they work?
- Drugs act on the central nervous system and other parts of the body
altering mood, function, understanding and awareness.
- The effects can be hard to predict because they depend on the amount
taken, the way it is taken, personality of user and the environment.
Types of Drugs
There are three main types of drugs:
- Depressants
- Stimulants
- Hallucinogens
- Depressant drugs slow down, or depress the central nervous. They dont
necessarily make you feel depressed. In moderate doses they make you
feel calm, sleepy and relaxed. They affect coordination, concentration
and judgement. The also slow down breathing rate, heart rate and
reaction time.
- Examples: alcohol, heroin, tranquillisers, marijuana, rohyphol.
- Stimulant drugs can excite and bodily function; usually one that
stimulates the central nervous system, including alertness, elevated
mood, wakefulness, increased speech and motor activity and decreased
- Examples: ecstasy, speed, ice, cocaine, base.
- Hallucinogen drugs distort the users perception of reality. They make
them see, hear and feel things that are not there. The physical effects
are the dilation of pupils, increase in talking, laughing, jaw clenching,
sweating and sometimes cramps and nausea. The person may behave in
ways that appear bizarre or irrational.
- Examples: LSD, some ecstasy, magic mushroom.

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