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Expression of Interest

Individual Consultants
A. Project Data
Project Number
Project Name
Project Country
B. Consultant Data (pre!populated from C"# re$istration%
Country of Nationality
Address of consultant
E-mail of consultant
Assi$nment #pecific &ualifications and Experience
Assignment Specific Experience (Proide information demonstrating your a!ility" s#ills
and experience to underta#e adertised assignment and delier inputs$ outputs re%uired under
t&e '()*
(t&er +nformation (if t&is E(+ is filled on t&e !asis of simplified CMS registration" please
proide summary of your %ualifications and attac& your C, to your CMS registration*
C. Eli$ibility Declaration
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief
My CMS registration contains current contact details
The CV I attached to my CMS registration correctly describes my qualifications and
my experience
I am not employed by the Executing or the Implementing Agency
I am not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting
serices assignment!
I am not sanctioned "not eligible for engagement# by A$% or another M$%!
I have not been convicted of an offense or crime related to theft& corruption or fraud!
I understand that it is my obligation to notify A$% should I become ineligible to
wor' with A$% or another M$%& or should I be conicted of an offense related to
theft& corruption or fraud!
I understand that any misrepresentations that knowingly or recklessly mislead, or attempt to
mislead may lead to the automatic rejection of the proposal or cancellation of the contract, if
awarded, and may result in further remedial action, in accordance with ADBs Anticorruption
Completed by
Date (dd'mm'yyyy%
Dec -./.

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