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Return to Castle Wolfeinstein - Statisztika

Important config settings:
Set these values in your "wolfconfig_mp.cfg" file:
seta g_log "1"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta logfile "1"
So the "rtcwconsole.log" file will be create in your RTCW\Main dir.
Using the software:
-Unzip the file.
-Run the wolf_stat.exe and use the "Open log file" button to open your "rtcwcon
sole.log" file.
-You can save the logs (Save button) and Export stats to *.Html file (Export Ht
ml button).
-You can open the following extensions: *.log, *.evo. These file types are atta
chable to wolf_stat.exe!!!
After attach you can open log file with only duble click.
-When the program started the last opened file will automaticaly open.
-You can change the program languages with the "Language/Nyelv" button.
-The soft save automaticaly the opened log files to "temp" dir. Somtimes erase
this files (recommended).
-It's easy!
OSP tables:
Kll: Total number of killed enemies
Dth: Total number of deaths caused by enemies
Sui: Total number of suicides
TK: Total number of Team Kills
Eff: Overall Kill/Death efficiency: Kll/(Kll + Dth)
GP: Game Points (bonuses scored): Score - Kll
DG: Total damage given
DR: Total damage received
TD: Total damage inflicted on teammates
Evolution Wolfeinstein Clan
//Sorry about my english :)))

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