Repair Restoration and Sterngthning of Buildings

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Thc nccd lo improvc lhc abiIily of an cxisl-
ing buiIding lo wilhsland scismic forccs
ariscs usuaIIy from lhc cvidcncc of dam-
agc and poor bchaviour during a rcccnl
carlhquakc. Il can arisc aIso from caIcuIa-
lions or by comparisons wilh simiIar buiId-
ings lhal havc bccn damagcd in olhcr
pIaccs. WhiIc in lhc firsl casc lhc owncr
can bc ralhcr casiIy convinccd lo lakc mcas-
urcs lo improvc lhc slrcnglh of his buiId-
ing, in lhc sccond casc dwcIIcrs lhal havc
much morc slringcnl day-lo-day nccds arc
usuaIIy rcIuclanl lo invcsl moncy in lhc
improvcmcnl of scismic safcly. Thc prob-
Icms of rcpairs, rcsloralion and scismic
slrcnglhcning of buiIdings arc bricfIy
slalcd bcIow:
(i) Bcforc lhc occurrcncc of lhc probabIc
carlhquakc, lhc rcquircd slrcnglhcn-
ing of scismicaIIy wcak buiIdings is
lo bc dclcrmincd by a survcy and
anaIysis of lhc slruclurcs.
(ii) }usl aflcr a damaging carlhquakc,
lcmporary supporls and cmcrgcncy
rcpairs arc lo bc carricd so lhal prc-
cariousIy slanding buiIdings may
nol coIIapsc during aflcrshocks and
lhc Icss damagcd oncs couId bc
quickIy broughl back inlo usc.
(iii) Thc rcaI rcpair and slrcnglhcning
probIcms arc faccd al lhc slagc aflcr
lhc carlhquakc whcn lhings slarl scl-
lIing down. Al lhis slagc dislinclion
has lo bc madc in lhc lypc of aclion
rcquircd, lhal is, rcpairs, rcsloralion
and slrcnglhcning, sincc lhc cosl,
limc and skiII rcquircd in lhc lhrcc
may bc quilc diffcrcnl.
Thc dccision as lo whclhcr a givcn
buiIding nccds lo bc slrcnglhcncd and lo
whal dcgrcc, musl bc bascd on caIcuIalions
lhal show if lhc IcvcIs of safcly dcmandcd
by prcscnl codcs and rccommcndalions arc
mcl. DifficuIlics in cslabIishing acluaI
slrcnglh arisc from lhc considcrabIc unccr-
lainlics rcIalcd wilh malcriaI propcrlics and
wilh lhc amounl of slrcnglh dclcrioralion
duc lo agc or lo damagc suffcrcd from prc-
vious carlhquakcs. Thus, dccisions arc frc-
qucnlIy bascd on gross conscrvalivc as-
sumplions aboul acluaI slrcnglh.
Thc mclhod of rcpair and slrcnglhcn-
ing wouId naluraIIy dcpcnd vcry IargcIy
on lhc slrucluraI schcmc and malcriaIs uscd
for lhc conslruclion of lhc buiIding in lhc
firsl inslancc, lhc lcchnoIogy lhal is fcasi-
bIc lo adopl quickIy and on lhc amounl of
funds lhal can bc assigncd lo lhc lask, usu-
aIIy vcry Iimilcd. Somc mclhods Iikc
spIinls and bandagcs, wirc mcsh wilh
gunilc, cpoxy injcclion, clc., havc aI-
rcady bccn lricd and appIicd in a fcw coun-
lrics for rcpairing as wcII as slrcnglhcning
carlhquakc damagcd buiIdings. Thcsc as
wcII as olhcr possibIc mclhods wiII bc dis-
cusscd in lhis chaplcr.
Thc undcrIying conccpls in lhc lhrcc op-
cralions arc slalcd bcIow:
9.2.1 Repairs
Thc main purposc of rcpairs is lo bring back
lhc archilccluraI shapc of lhc buiIding so
lhal aII scrviccs slarl working and lhc func-
lioning of buiIding is rcsumcd quickIy. Rc-
pair docs nol prclcnd lo improvc lhc slruc-
luraI slrcnglh of lhc buiIding and can bc
vcry dcccplivc for mccling lhc slrcnglh rc-
quircmcnls of lhc ncxl carlhquakc. Thc ac-
lions wiII incIudc lhc foIIowing:
(i) Ialching up of dcfccls such as cracks
and faII of pIaslcr.
(ii) Rcpairing doors, windows, rcpIacc-
mcnl of gIass pancs.
(iii) Chccking and rcpairing cIcclric wir-
(i.) Chccking and rcpairing gas pipcs,
walcr pipcs and pIumbing scrviccs.
(.) Rc-buiIding non-slrucluraI waIIs,
smokc chimncys, boundary waIIs,
(.i) Rc-pIaslcring of waIIs as rcquircd.
(.ii) Rcarranging dislurbcd roofing liIcs.
(.iii) RcIaying crackcd fIooring al ground
(ix) Rcdccoralion whilcwashing,
painling, clc.
Thc archilccluraI rcpairs as slalcd abovc
do nol rcslorc lhc originaI slrucluraI
slrcnglh of crackcd waIIs or coIumns and
may somclimcs bc vcry iIIusivc, sincc lhc
rcdccoralcs buiIding wiII hidc aII lhc wcak-
ncsscs and lhc buiIding wiII suffcr cvcn
morc scvcrc damagc if shakcn again by an
cquaI shock sincc lhc originaI cncrgy ab-
sorbing capacily wiII nol bc avaiIabIc.
9.2.2 Restoration
Il is lhc rcslilulion of lhc slrcnglh lhc buiId-
ing had bcforc lhc damagc occurrcd. This
lypc of aclion musl bc undcrlakcn whcn
lhcrc is cvidcncc lhal lhc slrucluraI dam-
agc can bc allribulcd lo cxccplionaI phc-
nomcna lhal arc nol IikcIy lo happcn again
and lhal lhc originaI slrcnglh providcs an
adcqualc IcvcI of safcly.
Thc main purposc of rcsloralion is lo
carry oul slrucluraI rcpairs lo Ioad bcaring
cIcmcnls. Il may invoIvc culling porlions
of lhc cIcmcnls and rcbuiIding lhcm or sim-
pIy adding morc slrucluraI malcriaI so lhal
lhc originaI slrcnglh is morc or Icss rcslorcd.
Thc proccss may invoIvc inscrling lcmpo-
rary supporls, undcrpinning, clc. Somc of
lhc approachcs arc slalcd bcIow:
(i) RcmovaI of porlions of crackcd ma-
sonry waIIs and picrs and rcbuiId-
ing lhcm in richcr morlar. Usc of non-
shrinking morlar wiII bc prcfcrabIc.
(ii) Addilion of rcinforcing mcsh on
bolh -faccs of lhc crackcd waII, hoId-
ing il lo lhc waII lhrough spikcs or
boIls and lhcn covcring il suilabIy.
ScvcraI aIlcrnalivcs havc bccn uscd.
(iii) Injccling cpoxy Iikc malcriaI, which
is slrong in lcnsion, inlo lhc cracks
in waIIs, coIumns, bcams, clc.
Whcrc slrucluraI rcpairs arc considcrcd
ncccssary, lhcsc shouId bc carricd oul prior
lo or simuIlancousIy wilh lhc archilccluraI
rcpairs so lhal lolaI pIanning of work couId
bc donc in a coordinalcd manncr and wasl-
agc is avoidcd.
9.2.3 Strengthening of existing
Thc scismic bchaviour of oId cxisling buiId-
ings is affcclcd by lhcir originaI slrucluraI
inadcquacics, malcriaI dcgradalion duc lo
limc, and aIlcralions carricd oul during usc
ovcr lhc ycars such as making ncw opcn-
ings, addilion of ncw parls inducing dis-
symmclry in pIan and cIcvalion, clc.
Thc possibiIily of subsliluling lhcm
wilh ncw carlhquakc rcsislanl buiIdings
is gcncraIIy ncgIcclcd duc lo hisloricaI, ar-
lislic, sociaI and cconomicaI rcasons. Thc
compIclc rcpIaccmcnl of lhc buiIdings in a
givcn arca wiII aIso Icad lo dcslroying a
numbcr of sociaI and human Iinks. Thcrc-
forc scismic slrcnglhcning of cxisling dam-
agcd or undamagcd buiIdings can bc a dcfi-
nilc rcquircmcnl in samc arcas.
Slrcnglhcning is an improvcmcnl ovcr
lhc originaI slrcnglh whcn lhc cvaIualion
of lhc buiIding indicalcs lhal lhc slrcnglh
avaiIabIc bcforc lhc damagc was insuffi-
cicnl and rcsloralion aIonc wiII nol bc ad-
cqualc in fulurc quakcs.
Thc cxlcnl of lhc modificalions musl bc
dclcrmincd by lhc gcncraI principIcs and
dcsign mclhods slalcd in carIicr chaplcrs,
and shouId nol bc Iimilcd lo incrcasing lhc
slrcnglh of mcmbcrs lhal havc bccn dam-
agcd, bul shouId considcr lhc ovcraII bc-
haviour of lhc slruclurc. CommonIy,
slrcnglhcning proccdurcs shouId aim al
onc or morc of lhc foIIowing objcclivcs:
(i) Incrcasing lhc IalcraI slrcnglh in onc
or bolh dircclions, by rcinforccmcnl
or by incrcasing waII arcas or lhc
numbcr of waIIs and coIumns.
(ii) Giving unily lo lhc slruclurc by pro-
viding a propcr conncclion bclwccn
ils rcsisling cIcmcnls, in such a way
lhal incrlia forccs gcncralcd by lhc
vibralion of lhc buiIding can bc
lransmillcd lo lhc mcmbcrs lhal havc
lhc abiIily lo rcsisl lhcm. TypicaI im-
porlanl aspccls arc lhc conncclions
bclwccn roofs or fIoors and waIIs,
bclwccn inlcrsccling waIIs and bc-
lwccn waIIs and foundalions.
(iii) LIiminaling fcalurcs lhal arc sourccs
of wcakncss or lhal producc conccn-
lralions of slrcsscs in somc mcmbcrs.
AsymmclricaI pIan dislribulion of
rcsisling mcmbcrs, abrupl changcs
of sliffncss from onc fIoor lo lhc olhcr,
conccnlralion of Iargc masscs, Iargc
opcnings in waIIs wilhoul a propcr
pcriphcraI rcinforccmcnl arc cxam-
pIcs of dcfccl of lhis kind.
(i.) Avoiding lhc possibiIily of brillIc
modcs of faiIurc by propcr rcinforcc-
mcnl and conncclion of rcsisling
mcmbcrs. Sincc ils cosl may go lo as
high as 50 lo 60 of lhc cosl of rc-
buiIding, lhc juslificalion of such
slrcnglhcning musl bc fuIIy consid-
Thc cxlcnl of modificalion musl bc
found using lhc principIcs of slrcnglhcn-
ing discusscd in Chaplcrs 2, 3 and 4 and
in accordancc wilh lhc IocaI faclors appIi-
cabIc lo cach buiIding.
Thc mosl common malcriaIs for damagc
rcpair works of various lypcs arc ccmcnl
and slccI. In many silualions non-shrink-
ing ccmcnl or an admixlurc Iikc aIuminium
powdcr in lhc ordinary porlIand ccmcnl
wiII bc admissibIc. SlccI may bc rcquircd
in many forms, Iikc boIls, rods, angIcs,
channcIs, cxpandcd mclaI and wcIdcd
wirc fabric. Wood and bamboo arc lhc mosl
common malcriaI for providing lcmporary
supporls and scaffoIding clc., and wiII bc
rcquircd in lhc form of rounds, sIccpcrs,
pIanks, clc.
Bcsidcs lhc abovc, spcciaI malcriaIs and
lcchniqucs arc avaiIabIc for bcsl rcsuIls in
lhc rcpair and slrcnglhcning opcralions.
Thcy arc dcscribcd bcIow:
9.3.1. Shotcrete
Sholcrclc is a mclhod of appIying a combi-
nalion of sand and porlIand ccmcnl which
mixcd pncumalicaIIy and convcycd in dry
slalc lo lhc nozzIc of a prcssurc gun, whcrc
walcr is mixcd and hydralion lakcs pIacc
jusl prior lo cxpuIsion. Thc malcriaI bonds
pcrfcclIy lo propcrIy prcparcd surfacc of
masonry and slccI. In vcrsaliIily of appIi-
calion lo curvcd or irrcguIar surfaccs, ils
high slrcnglh aflcr appIicalion and good
physicaI characlcrislics, makc for an idcaI
mcans lo achicvc addcd slrucluraI capa-
biIily in waIIs and olhcr cIcmcnls. Thcrc
arc somc minor rcslriclions of cIcarancc,
lhickncss, dircclion of appIicalion, clc.
9.3.2 Epoxy resins
Lpoxy rcsins arc cxccIIcnl binding agcnls
wilh high lcnsiIc slrcnglh. Thcrc arc chcmi-
caI prcparalions lhc composilions of
which can bc changcd as pcr rcquircmcnls.
Thc cpoxy componcnls arc mixcd jusl prior
lo appIicalion. Thc producl is of Iow vis-
cosily and can bc injcclcd in smaII cracks
Thc highcr viscosily cpoxy rcsin can bc
uscd for surfacc coaling or fiIIing Iargcr
cracks or hoIcs. Thc cpoxy mixlurc slrcnglh
is dcpcndcnl upon lhc lcmpcralurc of cur-
ing (Iowcr slrcnglh for highcr lcmpcralurc)
and mclhod of appIicalion.
9.33 Epoxy mortar
Ior Iargcr void spaccs, il is possibIc lo com-
binc cpoxy rcsins of cilhcr Iow viscosily or
highcr viscosily, wilh sand aggrcgalc lo
form cpoxy morlar. Lpoxy morlar mixlurc
has highcr comprcssivc slrcnglh, highcr
lcnsiIc slrcnglh and a Iowcr moduIus of
cIaslicily lhan IorlIand ccmcnl concrclc.
Thus lhc morlar is nol a sliff malcriaI for
rcpIacing rcinforccd concrclc. Il is aIso rc-
porlcd lhal cpoxy is a combuslibIc malc-
riaI. Thcrcforc il is nol uscd aIonc. Thc sand
aggrcgalc mixcd lo form lhc cpoxy morlar
providcs a hcal sink for hcal gcncralcd and
il providcs incrcascd moduIus of cIaslicily
9.4.1 Small cracks
If lhc cracks arc rcasonabIy smaII (opcning
widlh = 0.075 cm), lhc lcchniquc lo rcslorc
lhc originaI lcnsiIc slrcnglh of lhc crackcd
cIcmcnl is by prcssurc injcclion of cpoxy.
Thc proccdurc is as foIIows, Iig 9.1 (c) and
Thc cxlcrnaI surfaccs arc cIcancd of
non-slrucluraI malcriaIs and pIaslic injcc-
lion porls arc pIaccd aIong lhc surfacc of
lhc cracks on bolh sidcs of lhc mcmbcr and
arc sccurcd in pIacc wilh an cpoxy scaIanl.
Thc ccnlrc lo ccnlrc spacing of lhcsc porls
may bc approximalcIy cquaI lo lhc lhick-
ncss of lhc cIcmcnl. Aflcr lhc scaIanl has
curcd, a Iow viscosily cpoxy rcsin is injcclcd
inlo onc porl al a limc, bcginning al lhc Iow-
csl parl of lhc crack in casc il is vcrlicaI or al
onc cnd of lhc crack in casc il is horizonlaI.
Thc rcsin is injcclcd liII il is sccn fIow-
ing from lhc opposilc sidcs of lhc mcmbcr
al lhc corrcsponding porl or from lhc ncxl
highcr porl on lhc samc sidc of mcmbcr. Thc
injcclion porl shouId bc cIoscd al lhis slagc
and injcclion cquipmcnl movcd lo lhc ncxl
porl and so on.
Thc smaIIcr lhc crack, highcr is lhc prcs-
surc or morc cIoscIy spaccd shouId bc lhc
porls so as lo oblain compIclc pcnclralion
of lhc cpoxy malcriaI lhroughoul lhc dcplh
and widlh of mcmbcr. Iargcr cracks wiII
pcrmil Iargcr porl spacing, dcpcnding upon
widlh of lhc mcmbcr. This lcchniquc is ap-
proprialc for aII lypcs of slrucluraI cIcmcnls
bcams, coIumns, waIIs and fIoor unils
in masonry as wcII as concrclc slruclurcs.
Two ilcms shouId howcvcr bc lakcn carc of
in such lypc of rcpair:
9.3.4 Gypsum cement mortar
Il has gol ralhcr Iimilcd usc for slrucluraI
appIicalion. Il has Iowcsl slrcnglh al faiI-
urc among lhcsc lhrcc malcriaIs.
9.3.5 Quick-setting cement
This malcriaI is palcnlcd and was origi-
naIIy dcvcIopcd for lhc usc as a rcpair ma-
lcriaI for rcinforccd concrclc fIoors adjaccnl
lo slccI bIasl furnaccs. Il is a non-hydrous
magncsium phosphalc ccmcnl wilh lwo
componcnls, a Iiquid and a dry, which can
bc mixcd in a manncr simiIar lo porlIand
ccmcnl concrclc.
9.3.6 Mechanical anchors
McchanicaI lypc of anchors cmpIoy wcdg-
ing aclion lo providc anchoragc. Somc of
lhc anchors providc bolh shcar and lcn-
sion rcsislancc. Such anchors arc manu-
faclurcd lo givc sufficicnl slrcnglh.
AIlcrnalivcIy chcmicaI anchors bondcd
in driIIcd hoIcs poIymcr adhcsivcs can bc
WhiIc considcring rcsloralion work, il is
imporlanl lo rcaIisc lhal cvcn finc cracks
in Ioad bcaring mcmbcrs which arc
unrcinforccd, Iikc masonry and pIain con-
crclc rcducc lhcir rcsislancc vcry IargcIy.
Thcrcforc aII cracks musl bc Iocalcd and
markcd carcfuIIy and lhc crilicaI oncs fuIIy
rcpaircd cilhcr by injccling slrong ccmcnl
or chcmicaI groul or by providing cxlcrnaI
bandagc. Thc lcchniqucs arc dcscribcd bc-
Iow aIong wilh olhcr rcsloralion mcasurcs.
(i) In lhc casc of Ioss of bond bclwccn
rcinforcing bar and concrclc, if lhc
concrclc adjaccnl lo lhc bar has bccn
puIvcriscd lo a vcry finc powdcr, lhis
powdcr wiII dam lhc cpoxy from
saluraling lhc rcgion. So il shouId
bc cIcancd propcrIy by air or walcr
prcssurc prior lo injcclion of cpoxy.
(ii) Il has bccn slalcd lhal cracks smaIIcr
lhan aboul 0.75 mm may bc difficuIl
Fig 9.1 Strengthening of existing masonry (continued on next page)
lo prcssurc injccl. So cracks smaIIcr
lhan lhis shouId nol bc rcpaircd by
lhis mclhod.
9.4.2 Large cracks and crushed
Ior cracks widcr lhan aboul 6 mm or for
rcgions in which lhc concrclc or masonry
has crushcd, a lrcalmcnl olhcr lhan injcc-
lion is indicalcd. Thc foIIowing proccdurc
may bc adoplcd.
(i) Thc Ioosc malcriaI is rcmovcd and
rcpIaccd wilh any of lhc malcriaIs
mcnlioncd carIicr, i.c., cxpansivc cc-
mcnl morlar, quick sclling ccmcnl or
gypsum ccmcnl morlar, Iig 9.1 (c).
Fig 9.1 Strengthening of existing masonry
(ii) Whcrc found ncccssary, addilionaI
shcar or fIcxuraI rcinforccmcnl is
providcd in lhc rcgion of rcpairs.
This rcinforccmcnl couId bc covcrcd
by morlar lo givc furlhcr slrcnglh as
wcII as prolcclion lo lhc rcinforcc-
mcnl, Iig 9.1 (!).
(iii) In arcas of vcry scvcrc damagc, rc-
pIaccmcnl of lhc mcmbcr or porlion
of mcmbcr can bc carricd oul as dis-
cusscd Ialcr.
Fig 9.2 Roof modification to reduce thrust of walls
(i.) In lhc casc of damagc lo waIIs and
fIoor diaphragms, slccI mcsh couId
bc providcd on lhc oulsidc of lhc sur-
facc and naiIcd or boIlcd lo lhc waII.
Thcn il may covcrcd wilh pIaslcr or
micro-concrclc, Iig 9.1 (!).
9.4.3 Fractured, excessively
yielded and buckled
In lhc casc of scvcrcIy damagcd rcinforccd
concrclc mcmbcr, il is possibIc lhal lhc rc-
inforccmcnl wouId havc buckIcd, or cIon-
cncIosc lhc IongiludinaI bars lo prcvcnl
lhcir buckIing in fulurc.
In somc cascs il may bc ncccssary lo
anchor addilionaI slccI inlo cxisling con-
crclc. A common lcchniquc for providing
lhc anchoragc uscs lhc foIIowing procc-
A hoIc Iargcr lhan lhc bar is driIIcd. Thc
hoIc is fiIIcd wilh cpoxy, cxpanding ccmcnl,
or olhcr high slrcnglh grouling malcriaI.
galcd or cxccssivc yicIding may havc oc-
currcd. This cIcmcnl can bc rcpaircd by rc-
pIacing lhc oId porlion of slccI wilh ncw
slccI using bull wcIding or Iap wcIding.
SpIicing by ovcrIapping wiII bc risky. If
rcpair has lo bc madc wilhoul rcmovaI of
lhc cxisling slccI, lhc bcsl approach wouId
dcpcnd upon lhc spacc avaiIabIc in lhc
originaI mcmbcr. AddilionaI slirrup lics arc
lo bc addcd in lhc damagcd porlion bcforc
concrcling so as lo confinc lhc concrclc and
Fig 9.3 Details of new roof bracing
Thc bar is pushcd inlo pIacc and hcId lhcrc
unliI lhc groul has scl.
9.4.4 Fractured wooden
members and joints
Sincc wood is an casiIy workabIc malcriaI,
il wiII bc casy lo rcslorc lhc slrcnglh of
woodcn mcmbcrs, bcams, coIumns, slruls
and lics by spIicing addilionaI malcriaI.
Thc wcalhcrcd or rollcn wood shouId firsl
bc rcmovcd. NaiIs, wood scrcws or
slccIboIls wiII bc mosl convcnicnl as con-
ncclors. Il wiII bc advisabIc lo usc slccI
slraps lo covcr aII such spIiccs and joinls
so as lo kccp lhcm lighl and sliff.
(i) SIalcs and roofing liIcs arc brillIc and
casiIy disIodgcd. Whcrc possibIc
lhcy shouId bc rcpIaccd wilh corru-
galcd iron or asbcslos shccling.
Fig 9.4 Integration and stiffening of an existing floor
(ii) IaIsc cciIings of brillIc malcriaI arc
dangcrous. Non brillIc malcriaI Iikc
hcsian cIolh, bamboo malling, or
Iighl oncs of foam subslanccs may
bc uscd.
(iii) Roof lruss framcs shouId bc braccd
by wcIding or cIamping suilabIc di-
agonaI bracing cmbcrs in lhc vcrli-
caI as wcII as horizonlaI pIancs.
(i.) Anchors of roof lrusscs lo supporl-
ing waIIs shouId bc improvcd and
lhc roof lhrusl on waIIs shouId bc
Iigs 9.2. and 9.3 iIIuslralc onc of lhc
(.) Whcrc lhc roof or fIoor consisls of
prcfabricalcd unils Iikc RC rcclangu-
Fig 9.5 Details of inserted slab
Iar, T or channcI unils or woodcn
poIcs and joisls carrying brick liIcs,
inlcgralion of such unils is ncccs-
sary. Timbcr cIcmcnls couId bc con-
ncclcd lo diagonaI pIanks naiIcd lo
lhcm and spikcd lo an aII round
woodcn framc al lhc cnds. RC cIc-
mcnls may cilhcr havc 40 mm casl-
in-silu-concrclc lopping wilh 6 mm
bars 150 mm c/c bolh ways or a
horizonlaI casl-in-silu RC ring bcam
aII round inlo which lhc cnds of RC
cIcmcnls arc cmbcddcd.
Iig 9.4.shows onc such dclaiI.
(.i) Roofs or fIoors consisling of slccI
joisls and fIal or scgmcnlaI archcs
musl havc horizonlaI lics hoIding
lhc joisls horizonlaIIy in cach arch
span so as lo prcvcnl lhc sprcading
of joisls. If such lics do nol cxisl, lhcsc
shouId bc inslaIIcd by wcIding or
(a) Insertion of a new slab
A rigid sIab inscrlcd inlo cxisling waIIs
pIays an imporlanl roIc in lhc rcsisling
mcchanism of lhc buiIding kccping lhc
waIIs logclhcr and dislribuling scismic
forccs among lhc waIIs.
Thc sIab has lo bc propcrIy conncclcd
lo lhc waIIs lhrough approprialc kcys.
Iig 9.4 shows lypicaI arrangcmcnl lo bc
adoplcd whiIc in Iig 9.5 somc dclaiIs arc
(b) Existing wooden slabs
In lhc casc in which lhc cxisling slab is nol
rcmovcd lhc foIIowing aclions havc lo bc
5tiIIening nI the sIab
This can bc achicvcd cilhcr by pIanks naiIcd
pcrpcndicuIarIy lo lhc cxisling oncs, Iig 9.6
or by pIacing a RC lhin slab ovcr lhc oId
onc, Iig 9.7.
In lhis casc a slccI nclwork is naiIcd lo
lhc woodcn sIab and conncclcd lo lhc waIIs
by a numbcr of dislribulcd slccI anchors.
Thcsc can bc hammcrcd inlo lhc inlcrsliccs
of lhc waII and a IocaI hand ccmcnl groul-
ing has lo bc appIicd for scaling.
Cnnnectinn nI the sIab tn the waIIs
A propcr Iink can bc oblaincd by mcans of
lhc dcviccs shown in Iigs 9.8. and 9.9.
Thcy consisl of fIal slccI bars naiIcd lo
lhc woodcn supporling bcams and lo lhc
woodcn sIab. HoIcs driIIcd in lhc waIIs lo
anchor lhcm havc lo bc infiIIcd wilh cc-
mcnl. If a slccI mcsh has bccn uscd, lhc con-
ncclion can bc madc as shown in Iig 9.5,
i.c., inscrling a smaII RC band inlo lhc cx-
isling waIIs, lhc band has lo bc kcycd al
Icasl cach 3 m.
9.7.1 Inserting new walls
In lhc casc lhc cxisling buiIdings show
dissymclrics which may producc dangcr-
ous lorsionaI cffccls during carlhquakcs,
lhc ccnlcr of masscs can bc madc coinci-
dcnl wilh lhc ccnlcr of sliffncss by scparal-
ing parls of buiIdings, lhus achicving indi-
viduaI symmclric unils and/or, inscrling
ncw vcrlicaI rcsisling cIcmcnls such as
ncw masonry or rcinforccd concrclc waIIs
cilhcr inlcrnaIIy as shcar waIIs, or cxlcr-
naIIy as bullrcsscs. Inscrlion of cross waII,
Fig 9.6 Stiffening of wooden floor by wooden planks
Fig 9.7 Stiffening wooden floor by reinforced concrete slab and connection to wall
wiII bc ncccssary for providing lransvcrsc
supporls lo IongiludinaI waIIs of Iong bar-
rack lypc buiIdings uscd for various pur-
poscs such as schooIs and dormilorics.
Thc main probIcm in such modifica-
lions is lhc conncclion of ncw waIIs wilh
oId waIIs. Iigs 9.10. and 9.11. show lwo
cxampIcs of conncclion of ncw waIIs lo cx-
isling oncs. Thc firsl casc rcfcrs lo a
T-junclion, lhc sccond figurc lo a corncr
junclion. In bolh cascs lhc Iink lo lhc oId
waIIs is pcrformcd by mcans of a numbcr
of kcys madc in lhc oId waIIs. SlccI is in-
scrlcd in lhcm and IocaI ccmcnl infiIIing is
madc. In lhc sccond casc howcvcr conncc-
lion can bc achicvcd by a numbcr of slccI
bars inscrlcd in smaII Icnglh driIIcd hoIcs
which subslilulc kcys.
9.7.2 Strengthening existing
Thc IalcraI slrcnglh of buiIdings can bc
improvcd by incrcasing lhc slrcnglh and
Fig 9.8 Connection of floor to wall
sliffncss of cxisling individuaI waIIs
whclhcr lhcy arc crackcd or uncrackcd.
This an bc achicvcd (c) by grouling, (|) by
addilion of vcrlicaI rcinforccd concrclc cov-
crings on lhc lwo sidcs of lhc waII (c) by
prc-slrcssing waIIs.
(a) Grnuting
A numbcr of hoIcs arc driIIcd in lhc waII,
Iig 9.1. (2 lo 4 m
). Iirsl walcr is injcclcd in
ordcr lo wash lhc waII insidc and lo im-
provc lhc cohcsion bclwccn lhc groulcd
mixlurc and lhc waII cIcmcnls. SccondIy a
ccmcnl walcr mixlurc (1:1) is groulcd al Iow
prcssurc (0.1 lo 0.25 MIa) in lhc hoIcs slarl-
ing from lhc Iowcr hoIcs and going up.
AIlcrnalivcIy, poIymcric morlars may bc
uscd for grouling. Thc incrcasc of shcar
slrcnglh which can bc achicvcd in lhis way
is considcrabIc. Howcvcr grouling cannol
bc rcIicd on as far as lhc improving or con-
Fig 9.9 Connection of floor with wall
Fig 9.10 (a) Connection of new and old brick walls (T-junction) (b) Connection of new brick wall with existing stone wall
ncclion bclwccn orlhogonaI waIIs is con-
ccrncd. Nolc lhal prcssurc nccdcd for groul-
ing can bc oblaincd by gravily fIow from
supcr-cIcvalcd lanks.
(b) 5trengthening with wire mesh
Two slccI mcshcs (wcIdcd wirc fabric wilh
an cIcmcnlary mcsh of approximalcIy
50 50 mm) arc pIaccd on lhc lwo sidcs of
lhc waII, lhcy arc conncclcd by passing
slccI cach 500 lo 750 mm aparl, Iig 9.12. A
20 lo 40 mm lhick ccmcnl morlar or micro-
concrclc Iaycr is lhcn appIicd on lhc lwo
nclworks lhus giving risc lo lwo inlcrcon-
ncclcd vcrlicaI pIalcs. This syslcm can aIso
bc uscd lo improvc conncclion of
orlhogonaI waIIs.
Fig 9.11 Connection of new and old walls (corner junction)
(c) Cnnnectinn between existing
stnne waIIs
In slonc buiIdings of hisloric imporlancc
consisling of fuIIy drcsscd slonc masonry
in good morlar cffcclivc scwing of pcrpcn-
dicuIar waIIs can bc donc by driIIing in-
cIincd hoIcs lhrough lhcm, inscrling slccI
rods and injccling ccmcnl groul, Iig 9.13.
(d) Prestressing
A HorizonlaI comprcssion slalc induccd by
horizonlaI lcndons can bc uscd lo incrcasc
lhc shcar slrcnglh of waIIs. Morcovcr lhis
wiII aIso improvc considcrabIy lhc conncc-
lions of orlhogonaI waIIs, Iig 9.14. Thc casi-
csl way of affccling lhc prccomprcssion is
lo pIacc lwo slccI rods on lhc lwo sidcs of
Fig 9.12 Strengthening with wire mesh and mortar Fig 9.13 Sewing transverse walls with
inclined bars
lhc waII and slrcnglhcning lhcm by
lurnbuckIcs. Nolc lhal good cffccls can bc
oblaincd by sIighl horizonlaI prcslrcssing
(aboul 0.1 MIa) on lhc vcrlicaI scclion of
lhc waII. Ircslrcssing is aIso uscfuI lo
slrcnglhcn spandrcI bcam bclwccn lwo
rows of opcnings in lhc casc no rigid slab
9.7.3 External binding
Opposilc paraIIcI waIIs can bc hcId lo in-
lcrnaI cross waIIs by prcslrcssing bars as
iIIuslralcd abovc, lhc anchoring bcing donc
againsl horizonlaI slccI channcIs inslcad
of smaII slccI pIalcs. Thc slccI channcIs run-
ning from onc cross waII lo lhc olhcr wiII
Fig 9.14 Strengthening of walls by prestressing
hoId lhc waIIs logclhcr and improvc lhc
inlcgraI box Iikc aclion of lhc waIIs.
Fig 9.15 Splint and bandage strengthening technique
Fig 9.16 Strengthening an arched opening in masonry wall
Thc lcchniquc of covcring lhc waII wilh
slccI mcsh and morlar or micro-concrclc
may bc uscd onIy on lhc oulsidc surfacc of
cxlcrnaI waIIs bul mainlaining conlinuily
of slccI al lhc corncrs. This wouId
slrcnglhcn lhc waIIs as wcII as bind lhcm
logclhcr. As a varialion and for cconomy in
lhc usc of malcriaIs, lhc covcring may bc in
lhc form of vcrlicaI spIinls bclwccn opcn-
ings and horizonlaI bandagcs ovcr
spandrcI waIIs al suilabIc numbcr of poinls
onIy, Iig 9.15.
9.7.4 Other points
(i) Masonry archcs If lhc waIIs havc
Iargc archcd opcnings in lhcm, il wiII
bc ncccssary lo inslaII lic rods across
lhcm al springing IcvcIs or sIighlIy
abovc il by driIIing hoIcs on bolh
sidcs and grouling slccI rods in
lhcm, Iig 9.16 (c). AIlcrnalivcIy, a Iin-
lcI consisling of slccI channcIs or I-
shapcs, couId bc inscrlcd jusl abovc
lhc arch lo lakc lhc Ioad and rcIicvc
lhc arch as shown al Iig 9.16 (|). In
jack-arch roofs, fIal iron bars or rods
may bc providcd lo connccl lhc bol-
lom fIangcs of I-bcams, conncclcd by
boIling or wcIding.
(ii) Random rubbIc masonry waIIs arc
mosl vuIncrabIc lo compIclc coIIapsc
and musl bc slrcnglhcncd by inlcr-
Fig 9.17 Strengthening of long walls by buttresses
naI imprcgnalion by rich ccmcnl
morlar groul in lhc ralio of 1:1 as cx-
pIaincd in 9.7.2 (c) or bcllcr sliII cov-
crcd wilh slccI mcsh and morlar as
in 9.7.2 (|). Damagcd porlions of lhc
waII, if any, shouId bc rcconslruclcd
using richcr morlar.
(iii) Ior bracing lhc IongiludinaI waIIs
of Iong barrack lypc buiIdings, a por-
laI lypc framcwork can bc inscrlcd
Fig 9.18 Jacketing a concrete column
Fig 9.19 Increasing the section and reinforcement of existing beams
lransvcrsc lo lhc waIIs and con-
ncclcd lo lhcm. AIlcrnalivcIy, ma-
sonry bullrcsscs or, piIIaslcrs may bc
addcd cxlcrnaIIy as shown in
Iig 9.17.
(i.) In framcd buiIdings, lhc IalcraI rc-
sislancc can bc improvcd by inscrl-
ing kncc braccs or fuII diagonaI
braccs or inscrling infiII waIIs.
Thc slrcnglhcning of rcinforccd concrclc
mcmbcrs is a lask lhal shouId bc carricd
oul by a slrucluraI cnginccr according lo
caIcuIalions. Hcrc onIy a fcw suggcslions
arc incIudcd lo iIIuslralc lhc ways in which
lhc slrcnglhcning couId bc donc.
(i) RC coIumns can bcsl bc slrcnglhcncd
by jackcling, and by providing addi-
lionaI cagc of IongiludinaI and Ial-
craI lic rcinforccmcnl around lhc coI-
umns and casling a concrclc ring,
Iig 9.18, lhc dcsircd slrcnglh and
ducliIily can lhus bc buiIl-up.
(ii) }ackcling a rcinforccd concrclc bcam
can aIso bc donc in lhc abovc man-
ncr. Ior hoIding lhc slirrup in lhis
casc, hoIcs wiII havc lo bc driIIcd
lhrough lhc sIab, Iig 9.19.
(iii) SimiIar lcchniquc couId lic uscd for
slrcnglhcning RC shcar waIIs.
(i.) Inadcqualc scclions of RC coIumn
and bcams can aIso bc slrcnglhcncd
by rcmoving lhc covcr lo oId slccI,
wcIding ncw slccI lo oId slccI and
rcpIacing lhc covcr.
In aII cascs of adding ncw concrclc
lo oId concrclc, lhc originaI surfacc
shouId bc roughcncd, grovcs madc
Fig 9.20 Improving a foundation by inserting lateral concrete beams
in lhc approprialc dircclion for pro-
viding shcar lransfcr. Thc cnds of lhc
addilionaI slccI arc lo bc anchorcd
in lhc adjaccnl bcams or coIumns as
lhc casc may bc.
(.) RC bcams can aIso bc slrcnglhcncd
by appIying prcslrcss lo il so lhal op-
posilc momcnls arc causcd lo lhosc
appIicd. Thc wircs wiII run on bolh
sidcs of lhc wcb oulsidc and an-
chorcd againsl lhc cnd of lhc bcam
lhrough a slccI pIalc.
Scismic slrcnglhcning of foundalions bc-
forc or aflcr lhc carlhquakc is lhc mosl in-
voIvcd lask sincc il may rcquirc carcfuI un-
dcrpinning opcralions. Somc aIlcrnalivcs
arc givcn bcIow for prcIiminary considcra-
lion of lhc slrcnglhcning schcmc.
(i) Inlroducing ncw Ioad bcaring mcm-
bcrs incIuding foundalions lo rcIicvc
lhc aIrcady Ioadcd mcmbcrs. }acking
opcralions may bc nccdcd in lhis
(ii) Improving lhc drainagc of lhc arca
lo prcvcnl saluralion of foundalion
soiI lo obvialc any probIcms of Iiq-
ucfaclion which may occur bccausc
of poor drainagc.
(iii) Iroviding apron around lhc buiId-
ing lo prcvcnl soaking of foundalion
dircclIy and draining off lhc walcr.
(i.) Adding slrong cIcmcnls in lhc form
of rcinforccd concrclc slrips allachcd
lo lhc cxisling foundalion parl of lhc
buiIding. Thcsc wiII aIso bind lhc
various waII foolings and may bc
providcd on bolh sidcs of lhc waII,
Iig 9.20. To avoid digging lhc fIoor
insidc lhc buiIding, lhc cxlra widlh
couId bc providcd onIy on lhc oul-
sidc of cxlcrnaI waIIs. Thc cxlra
widlh may bc providcd abovc lhc cx-
isling fooling or al lhc IcvcI of lhc cx-
isling fooling. In any casc lhc rcin-
forccd concrclc slrips and lhc waIIs
havc lo bc Iinkcd by a numbcr of kcys,
inscrlcd inlo lhc cxisling fooling.
Ncic. To avoid dislurbancc lo lhc in-
lcgrily of lhc cxisling waII during lhc
foundalion slrcnglhcning proccss,
propcr invcsligalion and dcsign is
caIIcd for.

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