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1 Ansys Workshop

1.1 Introduction to Engineering Simulation Workshop

ANSYS is a world leading developer of software for Computational Structural Modelling (CSM/FEA)
and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). ANSYS software allows engineers to simulate and predict
how their products and designs will perform with precision and delity, giving engineers the insight
they need to make informed decisions.
Please join us in FLIGHT-14 for a half-day Introduction to Engineering Simulation Workshop on
Sunday, 6th April 2014 where you will be able to participate in a Hands-on workshop guiding you
through a number of tutorials to see for yourself the enhanced capabilities, new features and best
practices that make ANSYS a leader in engineering simulation.
1.2 Agenda
An overview of Engineering Simulation technology from ANSYS used in the Aerospace Industry
A demonstration will follow (CFD of Air ow over a Wing; Coupling with Structural analysis )
ANSYS will share the CAD model and a pdf with interactive instructions that the audience of
70 can refer to in the workshop.
A short presentation on ANSYS Technical Support and services and how the students can access
technical support from ANSYS.
1.3 Who Should Attend?
Engineers/managers/directors/students seeking to optimise the engineering/design process, to achieve
cost, quality and time objectives and increase innovation throughout the product life cycle as well as
those with an interest in engineering simulation.
1.3.1 Applicable Industries
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy
Consumer Products
Civil Engineering/Built Environment
Industrial Equipment
1.4 Note:
Registration is required via the Register Now button and the Maximum Limit is 70.
Places are limited and on a strictly rst-come-rst serve basis.
Location: FLIGHT-14, Chromepet

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