Alex Elmsley - NFW

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This effect it one of the most simplistic I have seen but the reaction u get from it are
superb, Ok to start you must know the Elmsley, dont worry if you dont ill write a
description, at the end of the end of this document, so here goes.

To make the gimmick you will need 2 matching jokers, glue, the 4 aces and some
double sided tape, First take what ever ace you want and glue it back to back with one of
the jokers so you make a double sided card with the ace on one side and a joker on the
other, and place a small square of double sided tape (note it has to be clear double sided
tape) on the center of the other joker, the busy design hides it and thats the gimmick


Set up: start by having you three normal aces in dealing position in what ever hand u
feel comfy with, Then place the double sided card on top ACE side facing down when
you have done this the joker of the double sided card will be face up!!! Then place the
sticky joker on top of all that face up, Thats the set up complete.

Performing: Say to the spectator you have four jokers, and continue to show them this
is where you do the elmsley to make it look like four jokers look at the bottom for the
elmsley count When you have finished doing this count the sticky card should end up
on top. Now you continue and lift of the top joker and say this guy is the leader of the
pack, whatever he does, the rest will do and turn him over on top of the bundle and
give it that magic shake when you give it a little shake you are really pressing the
middle of the top card so the tape sticks to the next card right!!! now fan them out and
the will see al the cards are now face down, then say the real amazing thing about this
is that I keep loosing jokers doing this trick and I have way to many aces and turn them
over one by one reveling all the aces, they WILL be amazed!!!!!

tips: at the turning over point you can make it look like there turning over one by one
using the elmsley, what you do is do another elmsley count but pass one less card each
time, simple!!!!

Effect: You count four cards showing, by placing one by one in the left hand.
Apparently you reversed the order of the cards.
Method: Hold a four cards packet in left hand dealer's grip. Grasp the right bottom
corner of the packet with the right fingers at the face of the packet and the thumb at its
back. Peel off the top card with the left hand, holding this card in dealer's grip. The left
hand draws back to peel off the second card. The card in the left hand goes under the
right hand packet. The right thumb pulls the corner of the packet left. This makes the top
two cards of the packet jog slightly left as one. The left hand clips the double card
between the base of the thumb and the base of the index finger. The card that was first
peeled off is stolen back under the right hand packet. The left hand moves left as before.
You should have two cards in each hand. The original top card is at the bottom of the
right hand packet. After that, the two remaining cards of the right hand are peeled off
one by one normally, the same way as the first card. The final position of the cards is
that the original top card is back on top, and the original bottom card is second from top.
The original second card is now third, and the original third is now bottom card.
Comments: In the elmsley count, which is also called ghost count, the top card is shown
twice, and the third card is not shown at all. A common use for this count is to show
four face down cards, when in reality the third card is face up. This count is also widely
used with the packet face up. In that case, it is important to remind that the top card is
shown twice. The spectator should never be even suspicious of that. Another less
common way to use the elmsley count is related to the order of the cards. the elmsley
count can be also used for packets with more than four cards. In that case, when the
second 'card' is peeled off, the cards in the left hand should be kept squared.
Credits to: Alex Elmsley

Typed by spankie741

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