Welding Metallurgy Quiz I

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Date: 07.04.2010
T!e: 0":00 # 0$:00
1. With regard to weld solidification cracking, what are the effects of (i)
solidification temperature range, (ii) amount and distribution of terminal liquid,
(iii) impurity elements, (iv) fusion one grain structure! (4 !a%&')
". #on-heat treatable aluminum alloys are considered to be more weldable than heat
treatable aluminum alloys. Why! (2 !a%&')
$. %ompare and contrast between &l-%u and &l-'n-(g systems with regard to the
problem of )&' softening (consider *+ temper in both cases). (( !a%&')
,. What is strain-age cracking in #i-base superalloys! What is the effect of &l-*i
content on strain-age cracking! (( !a%&')
.. /iscuss the problem of )&' microfissuring in superalloy 0nconel 112. What
factors influence )&' microfissuring! What can be done to minimie )&'
microfissuring! (4 !a%&')
+. &s-weld fusion ones in alpha-beta titanium alloys show poor room temperature
ductility. Why! (" !a%&')
1. Welding of high-strength metastable beta titanium alloys is usually carried out
using %3 titanium fillers. Why! (( !a%&')
2. 4uperalloy 0nconel 112 fusion welds show inferior ductility and toughness in
direct aged condition. Why! )ow helpful is a 15256% post-weld solution
treatment! (2 !a%&')
7. /raw weld thermal cycles for points 1, ", and $ (qualitatively). Where is the
cooling rate highest! (2 !a%&')
. . .
1 " $

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