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VICTOR TREVINO / Instructional Planning Grid

Victor Trevino / Instructional Planning Grid June 26, 20!

(What is the specific TEKS Learning Standard(s) you have identified that drives this
Chapter 117 Te!as Essential Kno"ledge and S#ills for $ine %rts
Su&chapter C 'igh School
117() Theatre* Level ++
(2) Creative expression/performance. The student interprets characters, using the voice
and body expressively, and creates dramatizations. The student is expected to
(%) The student "ill de,onstrate safe use of the voice and &ody
(What specifically "ill the students learn today?)
TLW "ill de,onstrate the use of &ody language in an i,provised scene
(What is the -&ig idea. "orth #no"ing in the ,aterial?)
/ody language* positive or negative* contri&utes to the co,,unication process
(What lesson does this address in their life?)
Effective use of &ody language can ,a#e us strong co,,unicators and listeners
(What* in this lesson* "ill they need to #no" "hen they are 0)?)
+neffective use of &ody language can ,a#e others veer a"ay fro, you* refuse to ta#e
you seriously* and1or refuse to co,,unicate "ith you
*ssess,ent Evidence&
'o" "ill "e #no" if students have achieved the desired result? What "ill &e accepted as
evidence of student understanding? What range of for,al and infor,al assess,ents "ill
&e used for students to de,onstrate that they have ,et the perfor,ance e!pectations?
Grou- .or/ (four students per group)2 T"o students role3play in pairs "ith assigned
-E,otion Card. Students "ill use &ody language and tone of voice to de,onstrate the
assigned e,otion The other t"o people in the group are the o&servers* ta#ing notes of
&ody language and ,ust guess the e,otions that the listener and spea#er are trying to
0o,e1or/& (Wor#sheet 12 /ody Language)
VICTOR TREVINO / Instructional Planning Grid
a) Loo# at the photographs (13() and descri&e "hat e,otion you thin# is &eing
revealed &y the &ody language in each photograph
&) Choose one of the photographs and analy4e the potential storyline in the photo
/e prepared to i,provise a short ,onologue &ased on the storyline you have
O-ening 0oo/&
+ "ill create a short i,pro,ptu scene illustrating ho" &ody language can affect ho"
people interpret "hat "e say to one another5 + "ill illustrate ho" &ody language can have
a positive or negative i,pact* depending upon ho" it is used
Instructional %trategies/%tudent *ctivities&
In-ut& 'ave class define "hat they &elieve /ody Language is
'o" do "e define positive &ody language 1 negative &ody language?
3odeling& + "ill ,odel positive1negative &ody language as e!a,ples
Tec4nolog5& TE) Tal/s video / *,5 Cudd5 67our 'od5 8anguage %4a-es .4o 7ou
Guided Practice/3onitoring& +n groups of 6* t"o students act out a short scene in the
,anner given on their assigned 7e,otion8 card The other t"o students o&serve "hat
e,otions they are conveying The students o&serving s"ap roles "ith the students "ho
"ere acting out the scene
C4ec/ :or (nderstanding& Teacher "ill "or# the classroo, o&serving each group and
use vocal pro,pts to chec# for understanding %fter group "or# is co,pleted* students
"ill participate in a group discussion a&out "hat they learned a&out /ody Language
6; 3aterials/Resources&
Wor#sheet 1 9 /ody Language
Wor#sheet : 9 ;eading /ody Language ;ole <lay
Short Script (Character8s %=/)
E,otion Cards
%,y Cuddy &ody language video2
<; Grou-ing Patterns&
Wor# in heterogeneous groups to analy4e &ody language 1 e,otion
=; Ending, %u,,ar5/Re:lection&
%s# students to reflect upon* and share "ith a partner* "ays they defined and analy4ed
&ody language and relationship to e,otion

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