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Questions (22-25) : As each of the players has Rs. 32 each after the end of the game. It means that all the three players
except Vibha who lost the last game, had Rs. 16 each at the third game. And it is Vibha who had doubled the
money of these players. Hence the money which Vibha had after third round Rs. (32 + 16 + 16 + 16) = Rs. 80.
And likewise we can find the money with each player at the end of every round.

22. (c) Suvarna started with Rs. 66.
23. (d) It was Vibha who started with the lowest amount i.e., Rs. 10.
24. (a) It was Suvarna who started with the highest amount i.e., Rs. 66.
25. (b) At the end of second round, Uma had Rs. 72 with her.

Questions (26-29) : On the basis of the information given in the questions, we find that C and D can take three
positions as shown in the diagram following the restriction that C and D can not be together.

26. (a) There is only one position i.e., position (2) where A can occuppy first place. But it is not possible because
as per restriction B cannot occupy third position.
27. (c) If A is not at the third place, then there are two places, place first and place third which can be occupied by
C. In other place it will be violation of condition that B cannot be at third place.
28. (b) There is only one position where A and B are together that A and B occupy second and third place. B
cannot be at third place as per restriction. Hence A has to be at third place.
29. (a) If P is true, then both Q and R have to be true. For S to be true, either Q or R must be fals. Hence if P is
true, S cannot be true.

Question (30-33) : Line given on the adjacent side representss the row, with four positions marked by I, II, III and IV
where four participants are sitting. Let us now classify and analyse the information given in the question and
arrange them in the row.
From information (I), it is clear the aparticipants wearing yellow and white sarees occupy positions I and IV
respectively. From information (A0 it is clear that Maharastra wears white saree.
From information (C), it is clear that runner up occupies IIIrd position and information (D) suggests that she
wears green saree.
From (E) we find that West Bengal cannot be at either Ist place as it is one of the ends or IIIrd place as it is
occupied by runner up, hence the only place left is IInd.
From information (H), Andhra Pradesh was not wearing green saree, hence the occupies position Ist and
remaining position IIIrd is occupied by Ms. Uttar Pradesh.
The only colour left is red, hence West Bengal was wearing red colour saree.
30. (b) Ms. West Bengal wore the red saree.
31. (c) Ms. West Bengal was sitting Ms. Andhra Pradesh and Ms. Uttar Pradesh.
32. (a) Ms. Andhra Pradesh wore Yellow saree.
33. (c) Ms. Uttar Pradesh was the runner up.

Questions (34-36) : The information given in the question can be presented in the tabular form a under

34. (a) The maximum gain of Ghosh Babu is Rs. 12 which is same after second and third round of game.
35. (b) It is very clear from the table that net result of the game of Ghosh Babus account is (ve) only after first
round. Hence minimum amount of money which he should have should be Rs. 8.
36. (d) Let initial amount of money which he had with him be Rs. X. Then,
X 8 + 20 8 = 100 X + 4 = 100 or X = Rs. 96.
37. (c) There will be eight teams in each group. Each team in a group will play with every other team. Hence, total
number of matches will be in one group. Hence, in both the groups, there will be 56 matches. This is for the
first stage game.
Again, there are 8 teams in knockout rounds from which one winner emerges or 7 losers are identified. Hence,
7 more matches will be played. So, total number of matches played = (56 + 7) = 63.
38. (b) The following table shows the maximum number of matches won under extreme conditions. Sign ( )
denotes win sign () denotes defeat and sign (*) denotes a combination of team with itself (no match can be

From the table, we find that each of A, B, C, G and H can win 5 matches hence it cannot be decided that
which tam will qualify for the final. Therefore, the minimum number of wins that can assume a place in the
second stage is 6.
39. (d) The highest number of wins for a team is 4.
40. (c) Since there are 8 teams, there would be 7 matches in 3 rounds.
41. (c) On the basis of the information, option (c) is the only true statement.

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