Practicum 1 LP

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Shanda Vankirk

Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)

Lesson Plan Format
For the MoPTA, this Lesson Plan Format is an optional tool that can help a teacher
candidate develop well-planned and structured lessons. This format also can help a
teacher candidate etter understand and desi!n meanin!ful dail" lessons that can
positivel" enhance his or her instructional practice and students# learnin!. This
Lesson Plan Format is intended for use in con$unction with Tasks %, &, and ', ut
a!ain, it is not a re(uired document.

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by
this lesson
,escrie in depth a character, settin!, or event in a stor" or drama, drawin! on
speci-c details in the te.t /e.!., a character0s thou!hts, words, or actions1.
Students will focus on anal"2in! a character ased on the information !iven in the
Learning Objectives/Goals
The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting
curricular and student needs
After a !iven e.ample and small !roup discussion, students will e ale to
read a passa!e and anal"2e the main character ased on the character0s
thou!hts, actions, and words " markin! on their passa!e handout.
Assessment (type[s o! assessment used t"roug"out t"e lesson#
Assessment(s) before, during, and after the lesson
3 will assess each student#s ailit" to anal"2e the main character " lookin!
at their handout and seein! if the" identi-ed the character0s thou!hts,
actions, and words correctl" and how the character0s traits a4ected the
Lesson Structure and $rocedures
equence of events of the lesson elements!
(The before, during, and after the lesson, e!g!, "ngagement#$pening,
%rocedures, &uided %ractice, 'onclusion)
- 3 will ask students if the" can de-ne 7character7 and how characters e4ect
a stor".
- 3 will read a passa!e aloud to m" students and model how to correctl" mark
Shanda Vankirk
the character0s thou!hts, actions, and words on the handout.
- 3 will also model think-alouds.
-3 will !ive each student their own cop" of the passa!e, 7A 8ew 9ear0s :ift7
and ask them to read it aloud.
- As the" read, 3 will assist students who are stru!!lin! with pronouncin! a
word or an" other aspect of the passa!e the"0re stru!!lin! with.
- After students have read the passa!e aloud, the" will e!in hi!hli!htin! the
character0s thou!hts, circlin! the character0s actions, and underlinin! the
character0s words.
- After students have completed markin! the handout, 3 will !o over the
handout and ask them what character traits the main character possessed
and how those traits e4ected the passa!e;stor".
Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and
meet their needs
)ollaorative- Students will e involved in small !roup discussions.
)ritical Thinkin!- Students will have to take the information from the
passa!e to descrie the main character0s traits and how those traits impact
the stor".
Learning Activities
$pportunities provided for students to develop kno(ledge and skills of the
learning objectives
Students will e ale to hi!hli!ht the character0s thou!hts, circle the
character0s actions, and underline the character0s words.
<e will have small !roup discussions that will deepen their knowled!e of
character traits and the impact the" have on a stor".
%esources and &aterials
)ist of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the
=i!hli!hters > Pencils
+eadin! A-? )omprehension Skills Pack6 &rd :rade, )haracter Anal"sis6
Shanda Vankirk
*nstructional and#or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to
enhance instruction and student learning
Technolo!" will not e used in this lesson.
(i)erentiation/Accommodations/&odi*cations/Increase in %igor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning di+erences, cultural and
language di+erences, etc!
The students in m" small !roup were !rouped to!ether ased on their
readin! ailit" level.
+lassroom &anagement
trategies consistent (ith the learning needs of the lesson that also meet
student behavior needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
3 will resolve classroom mana!ement prolems if the" arise and 3 will ensure
that m" students sta" on task.
Activities for early ,nishers that e-tend students understanding of and
thinking about the learning objectives by applying their ne( kno(ledge in a
di+erent (ay
/ollo01up to 'oday2s Lesson
.uick activity for revie( or building on todays learning that (ill deepen
student understanding and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated
tomorro( or throughout the unit)
Additional In!ormation
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this
format that you think is vital to include in this lesson
@nl" A of the & students 3 was supposed to have in m" small !roup was at
summer school toda", so the teacher pulled a student that was ' ,+A points
aove the ori!inal student. 3 think that caused the student with the lower
,+A level to have less con-dence. So, throu!hout our discussion 3 asked,
BMor!an, what do "ou thinkCD so that she knew her opinion was important
and to keep her en!a!ed.
3 was ale to complete m" lesson in %E minutes, ut 3 didn#t !et the
opportunit" to discuss with them how the traits caused the stor" to have
di4erent outcomes and events. So, tomorrow 3 am plannin! on selectin!
another passa!e and !o more in depth with the character anal"sis and
discuss with them how the stor" could have ended di4erentl" if the
characters had di4erent character traits.
Shanda Vankirk
( 2013 MoDESE) The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender,
national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities,
and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel,
Coordinator Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO
65102-0480; telephone number 573-526-4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email

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