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Appendix A
Using DML to Modify Data
Lesson 1: Adding Data to Tables A-3
Lesson 2: Modifying and Removing Data A-8
Lesson 3: Generating Numbers A-15

A-2 Using DML to Modify Data
Module Overview

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) data manipulation language (DML) includes commands to add and modify data.
In this module, you will learn the basics of using INSERT to add rows to tables, UPDATE and MERGE to
change existing rows, and DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE to remove rows. You will also learn how to
generate sequences of numbers using the IDENTITY property of a column, as well as the sequence object,
new in SQL Server 2012.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Write T-SQL statements that insert rows into tables.
Write T-SQL statements that modify or remove existing rows.
Write T-SQL statements that automatically generate values for columns.

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-3
Lesson 1
Adding Data to Tables

In this lesson, you will learn how to write queries that add new rows to tables.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Write queries that use the INSERT statement to add data to tables.
Use the INSERT statement with SELECT and EXEC clauses.
Use SELECT INTO to create and populate tables.
Describe the behavior of default constraints when rows are inserted into a table.

A-4 Using DML to Modify Data
Using INSERT to Add Data

The INSERT statement is used in T-SQL to add one or more rows to a table. There are several forms of the
statement. Its basic syntax appears below:
INSERT [INTO] <table or view> [(column_list)]
VALUES (expression|DEFAULT|NULL, ...n);
This form, called INSERT VALUES, allows you to specify the columns to insert and the order in which to
insert them. In addition, you can provide the values for those columns. The following example shows the
use of the INSERT VALUES statement. Note the correlation between the columns and the value list:
INSERT INTO Sales.OrderDetails(orderid, productid, unitprice, qty, discount)
If the column list is omitted, then values (or the DEFAULT or NULL placeholders) must be specified for all
columns, in the order in which they are defined in the table. If a value is not specified for a column that
does not have a value automatically assigned (such as through a DEFAULT constraint), the INSERT
statement will fail.
In addition to inserting a single row at a time, the INSERT VALUES statement can be used to insert
multiple rows. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later versions support the use of the VALUES clause to
build a virtual table, called a table value constructor, made up of multiple rows, called row value
constructors. Separate each row value constructor with commas. The following example inserts multiple
rows with a single INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO Sales.OrderDetails(orderid, productid, unitprice, qty, discount)

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-5
For More Information See INSERT (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at See Table Value Constructor (Transact-SQL)
in Books Online at

A-6 Using DML to Modify Data

Beyond specifying a literal set of values in an INSERT statement, T-SQL also supports using the output of
other operations to provide values for INSERT. You may pass the results of a SELECT clause or the output
of a stored procedure to the INSERT clause.
To use the SELECT statement with an INSERT statement, build a SELECT clause in the place of the VALUES
clause. This form, called INSERT SELECT, allows you to insert the set of rows returned by a SELECT query
into a destination table. The use of INSERT SELECT presents the same considerations as INSERT VALUES:
You may optionally specify a column list following the table name.
You must provide values, DEFAULT, or NULL placeholders for all columns that do not have values
otherwise automatically assigned.
The following syntax illustrates the use of INSERT SELECT:
INSERT [INTO] <table or view> [(column_list)]
SELECT <column_list> FROM <table_list>...;
Result sets from stored procedures (or even dynamic batches) may also be used as input to an INSERT
statement. This form of INSERT, called INSERT EXEC, is conceptually similar to INSERT SELECT and will
present the same considerations. The following example shows the use of an EXEC clause to insert rows
from a stored procedure:
INSERT INTO Production.Products (productname, supplierid, categoryid, unitprice)
EXEC Production.AddNewProducts;
Note The example above references a procedure that is not supplied with the course
database. Code to create it appears in the demonstration for this module.
Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-7

T-SQL provides the SELECT INTO statement, which allows you to create and populate a new table with the
results of a SELECT query. SELECT INTO cannot be used to insert rows into an existing table. A new table is
created, with a schema defined by the columns in the SELECT list. Each column in the new table will have
the same name, data type, and nullability as the corresponding column (or expression) in the SELECT list.
Note Not all attributes of the source columns are transferred to the new table. For more
information, see "INTO Clause (Transact-SQL)" in Books Online at
To use SELECT INTO, add INTO <new_target_table_name> in the SELECT clause of the query, just before
the FROM clause, as in the following example:
SELECT orderid, custid, empid, orderdate, shipcity, shipregion, shipcountry
INTO Sales.OrdersExport
FROM Sales.Orders
WHERE empid = 5;
The results:
(42 row(s) affected)
Note The use of SELECT INTO requires CREATE TABLE permission in the destination

A-8 Using DML to Modify Data
Lesson 2
Modifying and Removing Data

In this lesson, you will learn how to write queries that modify or remove rows from a target table. You will
also learn how to perform an upsert, in which new rows are added and existing rows are modified in the
same operation.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Write queries that modify existing rows using UPDATE.
Write queries that modify existing rows and insert new rows using MERGE.
Write queries that remove existing rows using DELETE.
Remove all rows from a table using TRUNCATE.

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-9
Using UPDATE to Modify Data

SQL Server provides the UPDATE statement to change existing data in a table or a view. UPDATE operates
on a set of rows defined by a condition in a WHERE clause or defined in a join. It uses a SET clause that
can perform one or more assignments, separated by commas, to assign new values to the target. The
WHERE clause in an UPDATE statement has the same structure as a WHERE clause in a SELECT statement.
Note An UPDATE without a WHERE clause or join to filter the set will modify all rows in
the target. Use caution!
The following code shows the basic syntax of the UPDATE statement:
UPDATE <table_name>
<column_name> = { expression | DEFAULT | NULL }
[ ,...n ]
Any column omitted from the SET clause will not be modified by the UPDATE statement.
The following example uses the UPDATE statement to increase the price of all current products in
category 1 from the Production.Products table:
UPDATE Production.Products
SET unitprice = (unitprice * 1.04)
WHERE categoryid = 1 AND discontinued = 0;
T-SQL supports compound assignment operators. In the above example, the unitprice value can be
assigned as follows:
SET unitprice *= 1.04
A-10 Using DML to Modify Data
For More Information See UPDATE (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-11
Using MERGE to Modify Data

A common need in database operations is to perform what is known as an upsert, in which some rows are
updated and new rows are inserted from a source set. Versions of SQL Server prior to SQL Server 2008,
when support for the MERGE statement was added, required multiple operations to update and insert
into a target table. The MERGE statement allows you to insert, update, and even delete rows from a target
table based on a join to a source data set, all in a single statement.
MERGE modifies data based on one or more conditions:
When the source data matches the data in the target
When the source data has no match in the target
When the target data has no match in the source
Note Because the T-SQL implementation of MERGE supports the WHEN NOT MATCHED
BY SOURCE clause, MERGE is more than just an upsert operation.
The following code shows the general syntax of a MERGE statement. An update is performed on the
matching rows when rows are matched between the source and target, and an insert is performed when
no rows are found in the target to match the source:
MERGE INTO schema_name.table_name AS TargetTbl
USING (SELECT <select_list>) AS SourceTbl
ON (TargetTbl.col1 = SourceTbl.col1)
UPDATE SET col2 = SourceTbl.col2
INSERT (<column_list>)
VALUES (<value_list>);
A-12 Using DML to Modify Data
The following example shows the use of a MERGE statement to update shipping information for existing
orders, or to insert rows for new orders when no match is found. Note that this example is for illustration
only and cannot be run using the sample database for this course:
MERGE INTO Sales.Orders AS T
USING Sales.Staging AS S
ON (T.orderid = S.orderid)
T.shippeddate = S.shippeddate,
T.shipperid = S.shipperid,
T.freight = S.freight
INSERT (orderid,custid,empid,orderdate,shippeddate, shipperid,freight)
s.orderid,s.custid,s.empid,s.orderdate,s.shippeddate, s.shipperid, s.freight);

For More Information See MERGE (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-13
Using DELETE to Remove Data

SQL Server provides two methods for removing rows from a table: DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE. The
DELETE statement removes all rows from the target table that meet the condition defined in a WHERE
clause. If no WHERE clause is specified, all rows in the table will be removed. The WHERE clause in a
DELETE statement has the same structure as a WHERE clause in a SELECT or UPDATE statement.
Note Use caution when using a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause! All rows will
be deleted.
The following example uses a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause to remove all rows from a table:
The following example uses a DELETE statement with a WHERE clause to specify the set of rows to be
DELETE FROM Sales.OrderDetails
WHERE orderid = 10248;
Note SQL Server also supports the use of joins in a DELETE statement, allowing you to use
values from another table to specify the set of rows to be removed from the target table.
For more information, see DELETE (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at

A-14 Using DML to Modify Data
Using TRUNCATE TABLE to Remove Data

The TRUNCATE TABLE command removes all rows from a table. Conceptually, it can be thought as a
DELETE statement without a WHERE clause. However, TRUNCATE TABLE differs from a DELETE statement
in the following ways:
TRUNCATE TABLE always removes all rows and does not support a WHERE clause to restrict which
rows are deleted.
TRUNCATE TABLE uses less space in the transaction log than DELETE, since DELETE logs individual row
deletions while TRUNCATE TABLE only logs the deallocation of storage space. As a result, TRUNCATE
TABLE can be faster than an unrestricted DELETE for large volumes of data.
TRUNCATE TABLE cannot be used on a table with a foreign key reference to another table.
If the table contains an IDENTITY column, the counter for that column is reset to the initial seed value
defined for the column or a default value of 1. (See the next lesson for more information on
Although a TRUNCATE TABLE operation is said to be minimally logged, it can be rolled back and all rows
can be restored if TRUNCATE is issued within a user-defined transaction.
The following code shows the syntax of the TRUNCATE TABLE statement:

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-15
Lesson 3
Generating Numbers

In this lesson, you will learn how to automatically generate a sequence of numbers for use as column
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe how to use the IDENTITY property of a column to generate a sequence of numbers.
Describe how to use of the sequence object in SQL Server 2012 to generate a sequence of numbers.

A-16 Using DML to Modify Data

You may have a need to automatically generate sequential values for a column in a table. SQL Server
provides two mechanisms for generating values: the IDENTITY property, for versions up to and including
SQL Server 2012, and the new sequence object in SQL Server 2012. Each mechanism can be used to
generate sequential numbers when rows are inserted into a table.
To use the IDENTITY property, define a column using a numeric data type with a scale of 0 and include
the IDENTITY keyword, an optional seed (starting value), and an increment value (step value). Only one
column in a table may have the IDENTITY property set.
Note IDENTITY values are generated separately for each table that contains an IDENTITY
column. However, values are not unique across multiple tables.
The following code fragment shows an Employeeid column defined with the IDENTITY property, a seed of
1000, and an increment of 1:
Employeeid int IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL,
When an IDENTITY property is defined on a column, INSERT statements against the table do not reference
the IDENTITY column. SQL Server will generate a value using the next available value within the column. If
a value must be explicitly assigned to an IDENTITY column, the SET IDENTITY INSERT statement must be
executed to override the default behavior of the IDENTITY column.
For More Information See SET IDENTITY_INSERT (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-17
Once a value is assigned to a column by the IDENTITY property, the value may be retrieved like any
other value in a column. Values generated by the IDENTITY property are unique within a table. However,
without a constraint on the column (such as a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint), uniqueness is not
enforced after the value has been generated.
In order to return the most recently assigned value within the same session and the same scope, such as a
stored procedure, use the SCOPE_IDENTITY() function. The legacy @@IDENTITY function will return the
last value generated during a session, but it does not distinguish scope. Use SCOPE_IDENTITY() for most
Note To reset the IDENTITY property by assigning a new seed, use the DBCC
CHECKIDENT statement. See DBCC CHECKIDENT (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at

A-18 Using DML to Modify Data
Using Sequences

As you have learned, the IDENTITY property may be used to generate a sequence of values for a column
within a table. However, the IDENTITY property is not suitable for coordinating values across multiple
tables within a database. Database administrators and developers have needed to create tables of
numbers manually in order to provide a pool of sequential values across tables.
SQL Server 2012 provides the new sequence object, an independent database object which is more
flexible than the IDENTITY property and can be referenced by multiple tables within a database. The
sequence object is created and managed with typical Data Definition Language (DDL) statements such as
CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. SQL Server provides a command for retrieving the next value in a sequence,
such as within an INSERT statement or a default constraint in a column definition.
To define a sequence, use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement, optionally supplying the data type (must be
an integer type or decimal/numeric with a scale of 0), the starting value, an increment value, a maximum
value, and other options related to performance.
For More Information See CREATE SEQUENCE (Transact-SQL) in Books Online at
To retrieve the next available value from a sequence, use the NEXT VALUE FOR function. To return a range
of multiple sequence numbers in one step, use the system procedure sp_sequence_get_range.

Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 A-19
The following code defines a sequence and returns an available value to an INSERT statement against a
sample table:
CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.demoSequence
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblDemo
(SeqCol int PRIMARY KEY,
ItemName nvarchar(25) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.tblDemo (SeqCol,ItemName)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.demoSequence, 'Item');
To inspect the results, query the table:
SELECT * FROM dbo.tblDemo;
The results:
SeqCol ItemName
------ --------
1 Item

A-20 Using DML to Modify Data
Module Review

Review Questions
1. What attributes of the source columns are transferred to a table created with a SELECT INTO query?
2. The presence of what constraint prevents TRUNCATE TABLE from executing?

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