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Welcome back to Six Minutes and Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. You
know, in chapter two when they are talking, You Can Change Your World, one of the
absolute prerequisites of changing your world is teamwork. No one has ever done
anything of any consequence on their own. It takes a team, and every member of the
team is absolutely essential and equally as important as the other member of the team.

Now think about this for a moment. Do you have a team that you are working with? If
you dont have a team that you are working with, you are probably not doing very
much. And I know that everything inside you wants you to accomplish something
something BIG! You have dreams, you have got these big ideas. Well, if you are going
to execute the big ideas, you need a team.

How do you start? You start by asking one person to help you. Find someone that has
got a talent that you dont have and bring it together with your own, and then the two
of you will find another one and pretty soon you will have a team of people together
making something really big happen.

I am involved in a 3% Club, right here, right now, and in fact I am on the set of the 3%
Club and I am watching a team of people work together like a Swiss watch. It is really
nice to see, especially as part of my team. I love watching them work and I love what
the people are learning.

Get a team. Make something big happen. Life is very short, all you have got is now.
Give the very best you have got to right now, because that is all you are ever going to
have. But work with someone and--boomlike that, things will start to happen.

Now, sit back and think, Who is on your team? Think about it.

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