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This article is about the fighting style developed by Fairbairn and Sykes. For Bill
Underwoods system, see !efendo.
This article needs additional citations for verification. "lease help improve this
article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be
challenged and removed. (June 2007)
Also known as
#utter Fighting, Fairbairns #utter
Fighting, The Fairbairn Fighting
System, The Fairbairn system,
$odern !efendo
Focus %clectic
Country of
United &ingdom
Creator William %. Fairbairn, %ric '. Sykes
(e) 'pplegate, !ermot $. *"'T*
+,eill, !evils Brigade, -an
Fleming, Samuel #. Ta)is, Bill
Bo)ing, Wrestling, Savate, .u/utsu,
.udo, "akua, #atka
Olympic sport ,o
Defendu is a modern martial art developed by William %. Fairbairn and %ric '. Sykes
prior to World War --. -t is a hand0to0hand combat system based on practical e)perience
mi)ed with /u/utsu and bo)ing that was developed to train the Shanghai $unicipal
"olice, and was later taught in e)panded form to +ffice of Strategic Services and Special
+perations %)ecutive members during World War --.

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