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High of the day to the close = Sellers.

Low of the day to the close = Buyers.

Focusing on using the 1hr to look for intraday setups based on a 4hr market ow
bias and corresponding pi!ot "one# $ ha!e literally %umped from leaps and bounds
in my understanding of how to pick a &'(. 'he huge swings $ am picking o) a
&'( almost always eurusd corresponding with a institutional le!el or noted S*+. $t
is almost uncanny. $ ha!e spent my weekend re,running paper trades now
against - months. worth of historical data %ust for the cable and results are !ery
consistent. 'he 1hr also helps me focus on the larger swings and bigger picture
for large mo!es. $ was all o!er the place before when watching the 1-min.
/sing -01 pro2t for '31 and another -01 for '34 at either 1001 of the swing
measured or 1451 2b pro%ection for smaller swings nets really good results
o!erall with low risk.
'his resulted to about 6,7 trades a!erage per month trading only the L& and
a!eraging about 140 pips per month using 50 pips S*L.
8nother thing $ noticed is how $ de!iated a few times on some of the trades with
respect to pi!ot "ones based on conuences of the &'( 92gure# S*+# conuence
with pre!ious day:s pi!ot ...; and netted good results o!erall for them as well.
Feeling !ery con2dent using this setup going forward.
+ead more< http<***newbie,island*5=547,what,e!ery,new,
$ am trying to create a small graphical tool to help me !isuali"e what session we
are in and what kill "ones are approaching. $ will gladly share it with e!eryoneB $
%ust need help identifying the times. $ know $ ha!e a few of these times in my
notes but $ am ha!ing trouble 2nding them. 3lease con2rm the times $ ha!e listed
below and add on to the ones $ do not ha!e. $ ha!e an idea for the times $:m
missing but $ would like to be in sync with what $C' teaches.
8ll times in AD'.
Sydney< 44<00 , ?<00
8sian< 45<00 , 11<00
London< 7<00 , 16<00
Eew Fork< 15<00 , 44<00
Gill Hones<
8sian< 45<00 , 5<00
London &pen< 0=<00 I 0?<00
London Close< 1-<00 , 16<00
Eew Fork &pen< 14<00,14<00
Eew Fork Close< 41<00
8sian +ange< 0<00 , -<00
Aeneral pro2t taking< 17<00

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