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Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)

Lesson Plan Format

For the MoPTA, this Lesson Plan Format is an optional tool that can help a teacher
candidate develop well-planned and structured lessons. This format also can help a
teacher candidate better understand and design meaningful daily lessons that can
positively enhance his or her instructional practice and students learning. This
Lesson Plan Format is intended for use in con!unction with Tas"s #, $, and %, but
again, it is not a re&uired document.

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by
this lesson
RF.2.3 3.d. Decode words with common prefxes an suxes.
!earnin" #$%ecti&es/'oals
The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting
curricular and student needs
Followin" &owel discussion( students will sort words under the
specifc ai and ay cate"ory in pairs.
)*ter lesson acti&ities( students will show their ai and ay knowled"e
$y per*ormin" on a color coddin" worksheet.
)ssessment +type,s- o* assessment used throu"hout the lesson.
Assessment(s) before, during, and after the lesson
The color codding orksheet ill be a ay for me to assess the knoledge
the students gained from the prior lesson!
!esson Structure and /rocedures
"equence of events of the lesson elements!
(The before, during, and after the lesson, e!g!, #ngagement$%pening,
&rocedures, 'uided &ractice, (onclusion)
'e will begin by discussing ai and ay vowel words. The students will get a
sheet that has a variety of ai and ay words on it. 'e will discuss the words as
a whole group and then they will be given time to color each corresponding
Following the group discussion, the students will play a ai and ay word sorts
game. The students will be paired together each getting () words with
pictures. *t will be a competition to see which pair of students can get the
most words under the correct vowel sound in the fastest amount of time.
+emind the students that is isnt all about how fast, but also it is important
to ma"e sure they are all correct.
The words are, brain, train, mail, nail, pail, paint, sail, rain, braid, tail,
birthday, clay, pay, hay, say, play, stay, stray, tray, say!
Play this as many times as time will allow. 'e will go over each of the
students answers in the game and we will discuss whether each word is
correct or should go under the other vowel combination.
-nce we get .nished, the students will then get to write down all the words
from each category onto a wor"sheet. *f time allows, the students can draw
pictures that correlate with the word.
The .nal ai and ay activity is to color code words. * have a wor"sheet that
has a color "ey and the students will get to color the appropriate word
depending on the vowel sound. * will have the students wor" independently
on this activity.
Instructional Strate"ies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and
meet their needs
)cti&e learnin" throu"h a competition. 0he students will work in
teams to come up with the $est ft *or a &ariety o* words.
!earnin" )cti&ities
%pportunities provided for students to develop knoledge and skills of the
learning objectives
)cti&ities and discussions in whole "roup learnin".
0he color coddin" worksheet the students "et to per*orm what they
learned throu"hout the lesson.
Resources and 1aterials
)ist of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the
*ord "ort 'ame
Ai and ay orksheet ith blanks to rite the ords that +t under each
category in the game
(olor codding orksheet ith key
,nstructional and$or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to
enhance instruction and student learning
Di2erentiation/)ccommodations/1odifcations/Increase in Ri"or
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning di-erences, cultural and
language di-erences, etc!
1epending on how the students are reacting to the lesson, student will be
allowed to draw pictures and0or color their wor"sheets. This is necessary if
the students need a brain brea" in the middle of the lesson.
3lassroom 1ana"ement
"trategies consistent ith the learning needs of the lesson that also meet
student behavior needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
2iving the students an interactive learning opportunity with the word sort
game. This is an activity that can also be done outside in case of loud noise.
+eminding the students that the game is a privilege and they dont want to
lose this privilege.
Activities for early +nishers that e.tend students understanding of and
thinking about the learning objectives by applying their ne knoledge in a
di-erent ay
Follow5up to 0oday6s !esson
0uick activity for revie or building on todays learning that ill deepen
student understanding and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated
tomorro or throughout the unit)
)dditional In*ormation
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this
format that you think is vital to include in this lesson
( 2013 MoDESE) The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender,
national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities,
and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel,
Coordinator Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO
65102-0480; telephone number 573-526-4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email

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