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Appendix A6

Learning Outcomes for Abstract Algebra

Learning outcomes
Provide grounding in the basic concepts of abstract algebra, including set theory, binary operations
and algebraic structures.
Enhance the students understanding of the need for and nature of rigorous mathematical proof by
a selection of detailed proofs and an overview of others.
Introduce and develop simple properties of groups, rings, and elds. To demonstrate applications
of abstract algebra and prime number theory in the RSA encryption algorithm.
Set Theory. Cardinality. Union, intersection and complement. Subsets. Russells paradox.
Relations and Functions. Cartesian product. Binary relations. Equivalence relations and equiv-
alence classes. Functions. Composite and inverse functions. Injection, surjection, and bijection.
Binary operations. Associativity. Commutativity.
Group Theory. Semi-groups. Groups. Permutations and the Symmetric Group. Isomorphisms.
Cayleys Theorem. Subgroups. Lagranges Theorem. Cosets.
Applications of Group Theory. Symmetries. Colouring of graphs. Symmetries of the elementary
particles. Geometry. An application to coding, the RSA public key encryption algorithm.
Rings and Fields. Integral domains. Ring isomorphisms. Residue classes. Subrings.

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