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Login failed for user.

The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection

1. In SharePoint 2007 Web application, if we have enabled anonymous authentication, all the
anonymous requests to external resources (Ex: Data Base) will be made using the IIS anonymous
identity. This IIS anonymous identity by default will be IUSR_XXX account which might not have
enough permission to external resources (Ex: Data Base). Therefore consider changing the IIS
anonymous identity by following below steps.
Set IIS Anonymous User Identity
1. Go to IIS
2. Expand the server node then expand Web Sites node
3. Right-click the website, in the context menu select Properties option
4. Website properties window will be opened
5. Go to Directory Security tab
6. In Authentication and access control section, click on Edit button
7. Authentication Methods window will be opened
8. In Authentication Methods window, in Enable anonymous access section, provide appropriate
User Name & Password

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