Our Commitment To God

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Teaching By Raj

Example of Marriage

Hebrews 10:24-25 (AKJV)

24 and let us consider one another to
provoke unto love and to good works:
25 not forsaking the assembling of
ourselves together, as the manner of
some is; but exhorting one another: and
so much the more, as ye see the day

What is Commitment?
A promise to do or give something.
A promise to be loyal to someone or
The attitude of someone who works
very hard to do or support something.

Am I Committed?
Self-denial giving up desires and pleasures.
Cross-bearing no compromise with God's Word.
Continual following Him commandments of God.
Sacrifice living temple of God.
Selflessness your concern is His work (souls).
Service our role as His servant.
Where Do I Start?
Personal Commitment:
Starts at Home.
Spending time alone with our Lord and Savior.
Waiting on God.
Daily pray, praise and study bible.
Anointing of the Holy Spirit and Guidance.
Where Do I Start?
Social Commitment:
Starts in the Church.
Find and be affiliated with one church only.
Attend Church Service and Bible Study regularly.
Be financially affiliated with your church.
PS. Where your treasure is, There your heart is.
Where Do I Start?
Be involved in church events like Easter.
Be involved in Church Services, Bible Study etc.
Take advantage of every opportunity to testify.
Honor the chair the man of God holds.
Love & Serve one another.
Use your gifts, energy, time, skills for His glory.

Serving God is a voluntary task (choice, freewill).
Committing to His work should never be a burden.
Differentiate between common task and calling.
Pray all the time for your congregation and pastor.
Control your anger when things go wrong.
Be patient with all, use the available resources.

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