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7/16/14 3:10 PM RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool - Heinke, Pamela S

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RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool
Wow! Love Lhls.

Annsley and l have had some pleasanLly confused paLlenLs so could see LhaL geLLlng abused. We were wonderlng lf
perhaps Confused/AglLaLed for Lhe flrsL one. !usL a LhoughL.

lL may be worLh geLLlng a sLrong CnA's oplnlon of whaL Lhey feel Llme lnLenslve Lasks are ln case we are mlsslng one
buL l Lhlnk Lhls looks greaL .. (uanlel and Lulu come Lo mlnd).

Annsley and kyle

Kyle Rose Hammond, RN, BSN, OCN
Clinical Nurse Educator
Bone Marrow Transplant and Oncology/Medicine/ Gynecologic Units

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change.

ConfldenLlallLy noLlce: 1hls e-mall message, lncludlng any aLLachmenLs, ls for Lhe sole use of Lhe lnLended reclplenLs(s) and may conLaln
confldenLlal and prlvlleged lnformaLlon. Any unauLhorlzed revlew, use, dlsclosure or dlsLrlbuLlon ls prohlblLed. lf you are noL Lhe lnLended reclplenL,
please conLacL Lhe sender by reply e-mall and desLroy all coples of Lhe orlglnal message.

From: Heinke, Pamela S
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 2:32 PM
To: Parrish, Shauna; Tupta, Elizabeth; UCH-AIP 11th Onc Charge Nurse
Subject: RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool

1hanks Shauna and 8eLh for feedback. very helpful! Sorry. l [usL dldn'L know how Lo lncorporaLe our dlfflculL
psych paLlenLs! Confused ls much beLLer : )
Hammond, Kyle R
Wed 7/16/2014 2:48 PM
Heinke, Pamela S <>; Parrish, Shauna <>; Tupta, Elizabeth
<>; UCH-AIP 11th Onc Charge Nurse <>;
7/16/14 3:10 PM RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool - Heinke, Pamela S
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Pere ls Lhe revlsed verslon. l dld add walks and up Lo Lhe chalr wlLh meals as one Loo. 1hls does Lake qulLe a
blL of Llme and whlle l know lL ls a requlred CnA/AC Lask, lL ls ofLen noL done due Lo Llme (or lack of
lnlLlaLlve). lf you Lhlnk l should Lake lL ouL, Lhen LhaL ls flne Loo!

1hanks everyone,

Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

!"#$% arrlsh, Shauna
&'()% Wednesday, !uly 16, 2014 1:12 M
*#% 1upLa, LllzabeLh, Pelnke, amela S, uCP-Al 11Lh Cnc Charge nurse
&+,-'.)% 8L: CnA/AC aculLy Lool

I agree with the psych/social concerns and changing it to confused; I was concerned about the
wording and if there was potential for this to be abused:).
I agree with the other recommended changes.
This is great Pam!

Shauna Parrish, RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit

!"#$% 1upLa, LllzabeLh
&'()% Wednesday, !uly 16, 2014 11:00 AM
*#% Pelnke, amela S, uCP-Al 11Lh Cnc Charge nurse
&+,-'.)% 8L: CnA/AC aculLy Lool

Pere are my recommended changes:

sych/soclal concerns mlghL be vague, l Lhlnk maybe Lhls should be Laken ouL and replaced wlLh
1hls ls nlL-plcky, buL l Lhlnk spelllng ouL "lull asslsL" Lo make lL more measurable wlll be helpful for Lhose
fllllng lL ouL: "lull asslsLance requlred for AuLs (baLhlng, LolleLlng, moblllLy, and/or feedlng)."
1ake ouL c-dlff nexL Lo lnconLlnenL- people can have c-dlff and noL be lnconLlnenL or have only a few
7/16/14 3:10 PM RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool - Heinke, Pamela S
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sLools a day.
l also Lhlnk you can Lake ouL ConLacL lsolaLlon-- Whlle Lhls adds some exLra Llme, lL does noL requlre near
as much Llme Lhe oLher lLems and Lherefore shouldn'L be welghLed Lhe same.
erhaps add "1olleLlng: voldlng frequency/ urgency (dlarrhea/frequenL urlnaLlon). Pere l'm plcLurlng
our 8M1 pL on laslx w/ dlarrhea... Lhese paLlenLs Lake an exLenslve amounL of Llme. Somebody could be
full asslsL buL may only requlre Lolllng asslsLance a few Llmes per shlfL, so l Lhlnk Lhls should be
1ake ouL "ln room > 20 mlnuLes each vlslL"-- lf Lhey answer yes Lo full asslsL, confused, lnconLlnenL, Lhey
llkely wlll be ln Lhe room > 20 mlnuLes so l'm noL sure Lhls ls necessary.
1hls would leave 3 LoLal lLems. l Lhlnk 3/3 LoLal lLems would warranL a score of 6. 1houghLs?

l Lrled llL searchlng CnA aculLles and only found 2 preLLy old arLlcles. Cne LhaL dld spell ouL an aculLy Lool was
preLLy lengLhy and l agree wlLh am Lhese should be qulck and easy Lo flll ouL.

1hanks am!

Beth Tupta RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
University of Colorado Hospital

!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% 1uesday, !uly 13, 2014 6:32 M
*#% uCP-Al 11Lh Cnc Charge nurse
&+,-'.)% CnA/AC aculLy Lool

Pl Ladles and lan,

Pere ls Lhe flrsL rough drafL of Lhe aculLy Lool for CnA/ACs. LeL me know lf you Lhlnk
l need Lo add or Lake away anyLhlng? noL really sure how Lo make one of Lhese!

l'm Lhlnklng LhaL we need Lo keep Lhls aculLy Lool scored Lhe same way as 8ns so as
noL Lo confuse anyone. l Lhlnk an aculLy of 6 means LhaL Lhe CnA/AC Lakes one less
pL and anoLher CnA absorbs a pL. lf we are shorL a CnA, Lhen Lhe 8n absorbs care for
one pL as we do now.

l only added 3 paLlenLs Lo Lhe sheeL as l'm hoplng Lhey don'L have LhaL many hlgh
aculLy paLlenLs!

uo you Lhlnk l should change lL Lo score of 3 or greaLer = aculLy of 6? l wanL Lo be falr,
buL also don'L wanL everyone raLed Lo hlgh. l also Lrled Lo make Lhls as LAS? as
posslble for Lhls group Lo read..
7/16/14 3:10 PM RE: CNA/ACP acuity tool - Heinke, Pamela S
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uon'L you Lhlnk Lhls should be Lhe CnA/ACs responslblllLy Lo flll ouL and glve Lo Lhe
Cn for asslgnmenLs? We can keep lL ln pL charLs [usL llke we do 8n aculLy Lool Lo


Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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