All India Poetry Competition 2013

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Closing date for entries- e!te"#er 30$ 2013
The Poetry
The Competition is organised by The Poetry Society (India).
1. The Competition is open to resident and non-resident Indian poets and translators.
2. Members of the o!erning "oard and the #$ec%ti!e Committee of The Poetry
Society (India) and the first pri&e-'inners of pre!io%s (ll-India Poetry
Competitions are not permitted to enter the Competition.
). *o Competitor may 'in more than one pri&e.
+. The Poems entered for the Competition 'ill be read by a panel of eminent Indian
poets 'ho 'ill select the pri&e-'inning poems.
,. The decision of the -%dges 'ill be final and The Poetry Society (India) 'ill not
enter into any correspondence abo%t the res%lts.
.. There 'ill be se!en pri&es a'arded in all.
/. The first pri&e 'ill be 0s. 1121113-
4. The second pri&e 'ill be 0s. ,21113-
5. 6i!e commendation pri&es of 0s. 121113- for the best poems in translation 'ill be
11. ( list of pri&e-'inners and the pri&e-'inning poems 'ill be a!ailable thro%gh
1. (ll entries for the Competition sho%ld be sent at
Poems are needed to be sent by e-mail to a!oid any printing mista7es in case a
poem is shortlisted for p%blication in the anthology.
2. #ach entry m%st be either a poem 'ritten in #nglish by the competitor or his3her
translation into #nglish of a poem by any poet in any of the recogni&ed Indian
). There 'ill be an entry fee of 0s. 211 per poem. Competitors may s%bmit as many
poems as the 'ish by email at
+. "efore s%bmitting their entries the translators sho%ld ha!e obtained permission
from the poets for the %se of their poems for the Competition. Scanned
copy3copies of the permission3s sho%ld be sent along 'ith the entry3entries and
original copy3copies by post to The Poetry Society (India).
,. #ach poem m%st be the %naided 'or7 of the a%thor or translator and it m%st not
ha!e been pre!io%sly p%blished or broadcast.
.. If it has been fo%nd that the competitor has copied in f%ll or part a poem of
another poet or do'nloaded in f%ll or part a poem of another poet from the
Internet2 and s%bmitted as an entry to the (ll India Poetry Competition 211)2
s%itable3legal action can be ta7en against the competitor.
/. The ma$im%m length of a poem sho%ld be abo%t +1 lines.
4. Competitors may s%bmit as many poems as they 'ish pro!ided that each poem is
accompanied by an entry fee or 0s. 2113- per poem.
5. The entry fee m%st be paid by a 9emand 9raft dra'n on any ban7 in India and
made payable to The Poetry Society (India) at *e' 9elhi. Payments sent by
o%tstation che:%es2 cash or money order 'ill not be accepted. The payments
sho%ld be sent to The Secretary2 The Poetry Society (India)2 ;-./(2 Mal!iya
*agar2 *e' 9elhi-11111/. The 9emand 9raft sho%ld be sent along 'ith the
#ntry 6orm d%ly filled in and copies of poems sent by e-mail. Please ma7e one
99 for entry-fee payments to be made for all poems s%bmitted and the cost of the
11. #ntries 'ill be -%dged 'itho%t the panel of -%dges 7no'ing the identity of the
competitors. *ame of the poet sho%ld not be added to the te$t of the poem.
11. 0eceipt of an entry 'ill be ac7no'ledged by e-mail after the receipt of 992 #ntry
6orm and poems by co%rier3post.
12. The 'orld'ide copyright of each pri&e-'inning or shortlisted poem2 and of any
other poem selected by the -%dges for special commendation 'ill remain 'ith the
a%thor2 b%t The Poetry Society (India) shall ha!e the %nrestricted right to present
the poem on tele!ision2 radio or the stage2 or to p%blish it at the time of the pri&e-
gi!ing2 or at any time %p to t'el!e months after'ards.
1). (ll competitors shall be deemed to ha!e read and accepted all the conditions of
entry for the (ll-India Poetry Competition 211) at the time of s%bmission.
ALL-INDIA Poetr* Co"!etition 2013
Entr* %or"
*ame (in bloc7 capitals)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(ddress (in bloc7 capitals)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Telephone <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Mob. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<#-mail <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
9ate of birth<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Mother tong%e <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>ighest ed%cational :%alification<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
9eclaration? I ha!e read and I accept all the conditions of the competition and 'ish to
enter the follo'ing poems for the (ll-India Poetry Competition 211).
Titles(s) (in bloc7 capitals)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Please read caref%lly and enter the re:%ired information. I am resident in India3 a non-
resident Indian and I attach?
Poems entered for the Competition. *%mber <<<<<<<<<<<<< .
( demand draft payable to The Poetry Society (India) for each
entry at 0s. 211 per poem for 0s.<<<<<<<<<< is sent by post3co%rier
to The Poetry Society (India)2 ;-./(2 Mal!iya *agar2
*e' 9elhi-11111/
(mo%nt of payment for <<<<<<<<< paperbac7 copy(ies) of 211)
Poetry India ((ll India Poetry Competition (nthology) at 0s. 2113-
per copy (0ate incl%des postage and pac7ing) is also sent along 'ith
the #ntry 6ee. Total amo%nt 0s. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< .
I ha!e read and completed the chec7list. I am sending separately a demand draft payable
to The Poetry Society (India)2 ;-./(2 Mal!iya *agar2 *e' 9elhi-11111/ for
0s.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *o.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*ame of "an7 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 9ate <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I declare that the poems(s) entered for the competition is3are %naided 'or7s of my o'n
and I am eligible to enter this competition.
Signed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 9ate <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
@ P. S. 6or any :%eries2 'rite to %s at or contact at 1545111.../ A

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