Creative Activities For Pe Plastic Bags

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Creative Activities for PE

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1 Plastic Bags Activities: Float and Switch

Equipment: One plastic bag per pair of students

Skills: Throwing, Tracking, Catching, Teamwork

Students are lined up across facing each other

One student tosses the bag into the air and then the partners switch places. The
goal is to catch the bag before it touches the ground. If they switch and catch the
bag successfully twice in a row, they can take one step back and try it from a
longer distance.

Remind students that they should not be diving or sliding to get to the bag.
Make a rule that if they are not on their feet when they catch the bag, it does
not count as a successful catch.
Let every student have a bag so that both partners toss a bag and then switch
positions to catch the other bag.
Raise the number of successful catches required before they can move back.
Add fitness challenges to the activity (do 4 jumping jacks before running to
catch the bag).
Incorporate sport skills during the activity (i.e. basketball lateral speed drill,
volleyball three step approach, football three point stance, basketball rebound,
The teacher will give the students a fitness activity (i.e. cross crawls, high
knees, burpees, crab kicks, etc.) to try while the bag is in the air. The students
will try to complete as many repetitions as possible before the bag touches the
floor. The students will play as many rounds trying to get the highest number
of repetitions possible.

2 Plastic Bags Activities: Bag-sketball (Dribbling)

Equipment: One plastic bag and one basketball per pair of students

Skills: Dribbling, Teamwork

Organizations: Students are lined up across facing each other

One student tosses the bag into the air. Partner will dribble the ball and tries to
catch the bag before it lands. The goal is for the dribbling partner to catch the bag
before it touches the ground. If the pair can catch the bag successfully twice in a
row, they can take one step back and try it from a longer distance.

Let every student have a bag so that both partners toss a bag at the same
time. The dribbling partner then switch positions to catch the other bag.
Let every student have a bag and a ball so that both partners toss a bag and
dribble at the same time. They then switch positions to catch the other bag
while dribbling.

3 Plastic Bags Activities: Bag-sketball (Shooting)

Equipment: One plastic bag and one sponge ball per pair of students

Skills: Basketball shooting, Teamwork

Organizations: Students are lined up across facing each other

The partner with the bag opens the bag and places it in front of his/her chest. The
partner with the ball will shoot the ball into the air and trying to get it into the bag
(focus on the right technique of shooting). The partner with the bag will move the
bag if necessary to help the shooting partner get the ball into the bag. Partners
will earn points for their team by getting the ball into the bag (i.e. ball in the bag =
2 points). After each shot, the partners will switch places. If the pair can make 4
shots in a row, they can increase the distance when taking future attempts.
4 Plastic Bags Activities: Bag Skeet

Equipment: Group of 3s. One plastic bag, one ball and 3 poly spots per group

Skills: Throwing at a Moving Target, Teamwork, Underhand/Overhand
Toss/Throw, Fitness

Organizations: Students are lined up across facing each other

To begin, the group will collect the equipment and stand as above. The Ball
Thrower will stand about 2 m - 3 m away from the Bag Thrower. When the Ball
Thrower is ready, he/she will call 1, 2, pull and the Bag Thrower will toss the
open bag up into the air as a target. The Catcher will try to catch the ball with
the plastic bag before it lands. The group will earn points for their team by hitting
the bag with the ball before it touches the ground (i.e. ball touching the bag = 2
points). If the partner tossing can get the ball into the bag, he/she will earn bonus
points (i.e. ball in bag = 5 points).

Teaching points:
For Ball Thrower: Elbow High, Watch ball fly
For Catcher: Tick-tock catching hands of a clock where hands are open, palm out
and in front of eyes.

Ball Thrower
Bag Thrower

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