Assignment 1

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Bed (Hons) Computer-integrated Education)

CTM 710 Instructional Tools and Multimedia

Question 1

Introduce yourself in an essay of about 1 A4-format page [400 - 500

words]. Pay attention to the structure of your essay and include
information about yourself that you would like the reader to know. The
reader wants to get to know you as a person. Do not forget to pay
some attention to your educational practice so that the reader will gain
a measure of insight into your professional life world.

You have to write your essay using MS Word. Remember to use A4-
format paper and select Arial 12 pt font. Adjust the margins to 2, 5 cm
on both sides of the paper and use 1,5 lines line spacing.

The top of the document should have a table of two columns and two
rows. Use Tahoma 10 pt font for the content of the table. Merge the
cells in the top row and type the module code and the module name in
this cell. The cells in the second row should contain your name and
student number. Use 6 pt spacing before and after the content in both
rows. Remove the table borders as well as the gridlines. Add 15%
grey shading to the table.

Save your essay as Meet Me.doc in your home directory on the H-

drive of the computer used in the Groenkloof Campus computer lab.

You may write the essay in Afrikaans.

Stoor die document as Aangename kennis in u tuisgids op die H-

aandrywer van die rekenaar wat u in die rekenaarlaboratorium op die
Groenkloofkampus gebruik.

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