8 Mind Era

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Mind Era
These days, I see many patients who are unable to fulfill their roles.
They are businessmen who refuse to go to work, wives who beome self!
reproahing for not being able to do their housework well and hildren who
stop attending shool. They are soially inadaptable. The harateristis
among these patients are not neessarily aused by mental illness suh as
depression, but rather their unsoial behavior is ausing depression. Most
of these patients have beome e"essively self!reproahing for not fulfilling
their roles. #urthermore, surrounding people tend to ritii$e them as la$y
and spoiled. %s a result, their depression beomes more severe and
prolonged, falling into a viious yle that is diffiult to reover from.
&ehind these illnesses, there is the onept of the throw!away
soiety. 'imilar to ob(ets being disposed one they)re used* useless
people do not value themselves. +hen we think about our urrent
environment of the Earth, the onsumerism and pursuit of profit have lead
to serious environmental problems. ,ow we are working on redireting our
effort to save the Earth. The same is true for human life. +e need to
reonsider the simplisti way we evaluate people, by whether they are useful
or not.
+hen pratiing mind era, it is e-ually important to ast our warm eyes of
onern on our self, and others, inluding the environment and Earth.

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