Network2014 2-Friday

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ually Schedule
Week 2 - lrlday

AcLlvlLy 8oredom & 8eflecLlon 1lme
ueflnlLlon of
1) 1SW work ln small groups Lo wrlLe Lhelr deflnlLlon of boredom 10
WhaL lS
ls some
boredom ok?
1) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe owerolnL abouL boredom and pose
quesLlons for dlscusslon abouL boredom.
1) 11W separaLe sLudenLs lnLo groups of 3-7 sLudenLs. 1he sLudenLs wlll
develop a creaLlve soluLlon" Lo boredom.
?our challenge:
?ou wlll have flve mlnuLes Lo prepare a sklL LhaL showcases a creaLlve soluLlon
for baLLllng boredom. 1he followlng Lhlngs musL be evldenL wlLhln your sklL:
a) Lhe seLLlng
b) Lhe slLuaLlon
c) Lhe creaLlve soluLlon
d) an evaluaLlon of Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe soluLlon
All lndlvlduals musL have a role ln Lhe sklL.
1he sklL may lasL no longer Lhan 2 mlnuLes
8eflecL 1) 11W Ll1PL8
a. Lead a dlscusslon abouL Lhe week, asklng sLudenLs Lo share whaL
Lhey have found mosL helpful, and/or accepLlng quesLlons
b. Clve sLudenLs a few mlnuLes Lo puL Lhe week's acLlvlLles lnLo a
reflecLlon ln Lhelr [ournals

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