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ually Schedule
Week 2 - 1hursday

AcLlvlLy lmposLer Syndrome 1lme
1) 11W spllL sLudenLs lnLo groups of abouL 3 sLudenLs each.
2) 11W hand ouL a folded lndex card Lo each sLudenL, Lelllng Lhem Lo keep lL
hldden. [ALL cards wlll be blank, buL sLudenLs wlll be Lold LhaL Lhe sLudenL
wlLh Lhe S" wrlLLen on Lhelr card ls Lhe saboLeur]
3) 11W Lell sLudenLs LhaL Lhey CAnnC1 look aL oLher group member's cards
and Lhey CAnnC1 Lell oLhers whaL ls on Lhelr card - noL even when Llme
ls up!
4) 1SW look aL Lhelr card and place lL ln a secure place (pockeL or oLher safe
3) 11W explaln you are Lo work as a group Lo sorL your leLLers lnLo as many
full alphabeLlcal seLs as posslble. ?ou are allowed Lo Lrade leLLers wlLh
oLher groups lf necessary. ?ou musL work as a Leam, buL waLch closely
for Lhe saboLeur. lf ?Cu are Lhe saboLeur, work carefully Lo saboLage
your Leam's success Wl1PCu1 Lhem reallzlng LhaL ?Cu are Lhe saboLeur!
6) 11W glve sLudenLs flve mlnuLes Lo creaLe as many alphabeLlcal seLs as
7) 11W ask every sLudenL Lo wrlLe who Lhey LhoughL Lhe saboLeur was on
Lhelr lndex card. Lxplaln LhaL Lhey should wrlLe Lhelr own name lf Lhey
WL8L Lhe saboLeur. Cnce everyone has compleLed Lhelr cards, 11W ask
sLudenLs Lo fllp over Lhelr cards Lo reveal Lhelr guess.
8) 11W glve sLudenLs a few momenLs Lo reallze (on Lhelr own) LhaL nC CnL
wroLe Lhelr own name and LhaL Lhelr WASn'1 a saboLeur!
9) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe saboLeur game reflecLlon quesLlons.
1) 11W gulde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe owerolnL slldes on lmposLer
2) 1SW dlscuss ways Lo become more wllllng Lo accepL challenges and
develop a growLh mlndseL"
8eflecL 1) 1SW qulckly reflecL ln Lhelr [ournal 3

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