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Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.

AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
13. Network Dimensioning and

It is necessary to be able to apply all the understanding of the technology and capacity,
dimensioning and link budget calculations in a practical situation. Accordingly, it is imagined
that a network is to be planned providing a certain capacity over a certain area. Initially, certain
parameters will be over-simplified when compared with what can be expected to be
encountered in practice. For example, the first assumption is that the terrain is flat, the traffic
distribution is uniform and that the network will be offering only a single service. After
dimensioning and examining the predicted performance of such a network, the effects of
problems such as high sites and being unable to position base stations exactly where required
will be demonstrated. After that, more realistic terrain data is introduced together with the need
to be able to accommodate varying traffic density.

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.2
AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
Planning a UMTS Network Planning a UMTS Network
We will assume that a coverage area is defined.
We have mapping data.
We have a traffic forecast (in this case a
single voice service with uniform distribution.)
Planning a UMTS Network

The Philosophy The Philosophy
A strategy needs to be defined.
For this environment, continuous coverage for voice services could
define the high level approach.
Other issues: Path Loss; Cell Range
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.3
AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
Link Budget Link Budget
Crucial to the planning process.
Derived assuming a particular
Noise Rise.
Combined with Path Loss model
to determine cell range.
Voice Service
Eb/No 5 dB
Power Control 2 dB
Shadow Fade 4 dB Noise
Rise 3 dB
Antenna Gain 18 dBi
Proc Gain 25 dB
Mobile Tx Pwr 21 dBm
Cell Noise Floor -100 dBm
Max Path Loss 150 dB
Range 2.35 km
Planning a UMTS Network

Iterative Spreadsheet Dimensioning Iterative Spreadsheet Dimensioning
Carry out link budget to
determine range (remember
link budget assumes a NR)
Assess loading of cell and
predict Noise Rise. This will
differ from assumed Noise
Re-calculate range using
predicted Noise Rise.
Re-assess the loading of the
cell and re-predict the Noise
Keep Calculating Range and
re-assessing Noise Rise.
Finally, the iterations should
converge so that the assumed
and predicted values of Noise
Rise agree.
Planning a UMTS Network

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Graphical Explanation Graphical Explanation
Increasing Range causes more traffic to be gathered.
Gathering More traffic increases Noise Rise and reduces Range.
Number of active users
Intersection gives the
operating point
Planning a UMTS Network

A complication A complication
Number of active users
Intersection gives the
operating point
Range calculated from average
number of users.
Noise Rise predicted from
estimated peak use of cell.
Additionally, soft capacity must be
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.5
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Spreadsheet Method Spreadsheet Method
All relevant parameters (Eb/No, Tx Power etc.) known.
From traffic forecast and coverage area, calculate density.
Make initial estimate of the number of trunks required per cell.
Estimate Noise Rise and hence Cell Range 1
Using Erlang B and considering soft capacity estimate Erlangs served.
Estimate area and hence Cell Range 2
Adjust number of trunks until Range 1 = Range 2
Planning a UMTS Network

The method outlined above was used to dimension a network given the following input

Voice Service
Data Rate: 12200 bps
Eb/No 5 dB
Power Control Margin 2 dB
Antenna Gains 18 dBi
other to own interference ratio 0.6
Shadow Fade Margin 4 dB
Coverage Area 1000 km

Traffic to be Served 4000 Erlangs
Mobile Transmit Power 21 dBm
Cell Noise Floor -102 dBm
Path Loss Model: Loss = 137 + 35log(R) dB

The result is that 82 sites would be required. The Noise Rise limit should be set to 3.9 dB in
order to maintain continuous coverage.

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.6
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Example Output Example Output
For voice service over an area of 1000 km
offering 4000 Erlangs of Traffic:
82 sites with 246 cells were required.
Noise Rise Limit of 3.9 dB was required to maintain
continuous coverage.
Planning a UMTS Network

It is possible at this stage to place sites on a map such that continuous coverage can be
maintained. However, it is highly likely that the actual location of sites will not be as required.
Further, assumptions made when creating the spreadsheet may not be accurate in practice. For
these reasons, and for other including those listed below, it is necessary to utilise a planning tool
that will consider practical variations from the initial broad assumptions made.

The need for a tool The need for a tool
If this can be done using a simple calculator, why do we need a planning tool?
Planning tool can validate the strategy.
We need to be able to simulate the effect of imperfections.
Sites not placed perfectly
terrain/environment factors
Uneven traffic distribution
Some parameters (for example interference ratio, i) have been assumed.
Mixed services will have different coverage areas.
Planning a UMTS Network

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Using the 3G Planning Tool Using the 3G Planning Tool
The coverage area was filled with the correct number of sites and traffic
was spread across the region.
Coverage was checked to be in accordance with requirements.
Planning a UMTS Network

Summary of Initial Results Summary of Initial Results
Eb/No = 7 dB (Incorporating Eb/No and Power Control)
S.D. = 7 dB
4000 Terminals
NR limit 3.9 dB
Coverage Probability 98.0%
Almost all failures due to Noise Rise
Planning a UMTS Network

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Action taken Action taken
3.9 dB NR limit provides continuous coverage even when all cells are
simultaneously at their maximum load.
In reality not all cells would be
simultaneously at their maximum
loading. The neighbour can often
assist an overloaded cell.
Noise Rise limit can be raised.
Noise Rise was raised to 5 dB.
Planning a UMTS Network

Summary of Results Summary of Results
Eb/No = 7 dB (Incorporating Eb/No and Power Control)
S.D. = 7 dB
4000 Terminals
NR limit 5.0 dB
Coverage Probability 99.7% (c.f. 98.0%)
Even split of failures between NR and UL Eb/No
Planning a UMTS Network

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Next Step Next Step
As Noise Rise limit was raised without any apparent gaps in coverage
appearing, it should be possible to raise the amount of traffic served.
Traffic spread raised to 4600 terminals.
Coverage Probability 98.7% (c.f. 99.7%)
83% NR and 17% UL Eb/No.
Planning a UMTS Network

Simulating the Effect of Imperfect Site Location and
High Sites

Simulating the Effect of Problems Simulating the Effect of Problems
Imperfect location of sites.
50% of sites moved randomly by
up to 1 km from ideal position.
Gaps appear in coverage.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.10
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Summary of Results Summary of Results
Eb/No = 7 dB (Incorporating Eb/No and Power Control)
S.D. = 7 dB
4600 Terminals
NR limit 5.0 dB
Coverage Probability 97.5% (c.f. 98.7%)
78% NR and 22% UL Eb/No
Uneven distribution of failures
Problem area gives 95%
coverage probability (c.f. 97.5% for
whole area).
Planning a UMTS Network

Action taken Action taken
Antennas were re-pointed in an attempt to restore coverage.
Improvement was marginal (96.0% c.f. 95.8%)
Problem is uneven distribution of load
due to improper placement of sites.
Those sites with largest area suffered
Noise Rise failures.
NR failure occurs if more than approx.
29 terminals attempt to access a cell.
Average is 19 terminals.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.11
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Problems caused by High Sites Problems caused by High Sites
15% of sites made high sites with a
path loss 10 dB less than that of
normal sites at a given range.
Planning a UMTS Network

Problems caused by High Sites Problems caused by High Sites
Uneven loading causes
disastrous results.
Coverage probability
reduced from 98.7% to
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.12
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Problems caused by High Sites Problems caused by High Sites
Probability of NR failure
very high in high site area.
FRE for high site ~ 48%
(63% average)
Throughput for high site ~
26 E (18 E average)
Planning a UMTS Network

Action taken Action taken
Excess coverage area reduced by down-tilting the antennas of the
Coverage probability increased to 95.1% (c.f. 78% before
down-tilting and 98.7% with perfect sites).
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.13
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Alternative Action Alternative Action
Instead of down-tilting, reduce pilot power of high sites by 10 dB to equalise service areas.
Problem made worse! This is because terminals still caused Noise Rise even though they
were not connected. Reduction of High Site service area causes an increase in Mobile Tx
power hence aggravating the problem.
Pilot Power Equal
Mobile Connects to High Site
Pilot Power scaled to equalise service areas.
Mobile Connects to Low Site - Tx Power increased
Planning a UMTS Network

Alternative Action Alternative Action
Increased NR Limit of High Site by 10 dB
Decreased Max Tx power, Common Chan power and Pilot power by
10 dB.
A dramatic improvement. Performance of network
indistinguishable from ideal case.
High NR experienced by High Site but continued to perform
Detecting the existence of High Sites is crucial.
Planning a UMTS Network

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Spotting a High Site Spotting a High Site
Examining the Best Server by
Pilot array on the 2D view is
Using a dummy GSM terminal
and examining traffic captured is
possibly more informative as it
considers traffic distribution.
Site35C: GSM-Default 18.0946
Site36A: GSM-Default 18.2301
Site36B: GSM-Default 19.5065
Site36C: GSM-Default 18.4447
Site37A: GSM-Default 13.9719
Site37B: GSM-Default 14.4915
Site37C: GSM-Default 18.2414
Site38A: GSM-Default 37.0476
Site38B: GSM-Default 38.7644
Site38C: GSM-Default 36.72
Site39A: GSM-Default 10.6173
Site39B: GSM-Default 18.9417
Site39C: GSM-Default 10.1203
High Site
Planning a UMTS Network

High Sites High Sites - - a final word a final word
There is no single definition of a high site.
Do not think that it is wrong to place UMTS base stations on
High sites tend to gather uplink interference generated by other
Problems occur as area becomes more heavily loaded (if the traffic
is reduced from 4000 terminals to 2000 terminals, coverage is
excellent even with untreated high sites).
If coverage area is very lightly loaded - no problem.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.15
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Provisioning for Asymmetric Traffic

It is common to find that the downlink is not being required to transmit at full power. In fact
there is often about 10 dB extra power capacity on average in the downlink direction. This can
be utilised to service asymmetric (downlink only) traffic requirements. It is possible to estimate
the amount of traffic possible by attempting to establish approximate values for Noise Rise
before at the current average base station transmit power (as obtained from the cell reports) and
at the maximum transmit power. Then the extra loading possible can be determined.

Because no two mobile stations are likely to experience exactly the same Noise Rise, the
approximate values of traffic calculated should be validated by using a planning tool with a
UMTS simulator.

In the case being studied it was noted that the Uplink was approximately had a 60% loading
factor on average. Because of the effect of orthogonality, it is expected that the loading on the
downlink for the same amount of traffic would be approximately 40%. Thus the mobile stations
could expect to experience a Noise Rise of 2.2 dB on average. It is noted that the average base
station transmit power was 34 dBm. The maximum power available is 42 dBm. We need to be
able to establish the Noise Rise that would be caused if the transmit power rose to 42 dBm given
that a transmit power of 34 dBm causes a Noise Rise of 2.2 dB. The necessary equations are:

Noise Rise increase on downlink on increasing Node B transmit power from B dBm to C dBm

New Noise Rise
( )
( )
10 /
10 1 log 10
+ = where


1 10
log 10
where X is the noise rise in dB with transmit power B dBm.

The above equations suggest that the new Noise Rise will be 7.1 dB (a loading factor of 80%).
Thus the loading factor on the downlink can be expected to increase from 40% to 80% if the
transmit power is increased from 34 dBm to 42 dBm. This represents an increase in downlink
traffic by a factor of 2.

This prediction was verified by simulating an additional load on the downlink only equal to the
original load. The simulator reported no significant effect on the existing traffic due to the extra

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Further Work: Adding traffic onto the Further Work: Adding traffic onto the
downlink downlink
Examining the Simulation Reports
reveals that the average Node B
Tx Power is approximately 34
The maximum Tx power is 42
This extra power can be used to
send uni-directional data.
Planning a UMTS Network

Further Work: Adding traffic onto the Further Work: Adding traffic onto the
downlink downlink
Amount of extra data possible depends on the effect that increasing the
transmit power will have on Noise Rise at the mobile.
NR at 34 dBm
NR at 42 dBm
Increase in throughput
Planning a UMTS Network

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Further Work: Adding traffic onto the Further Work: Adding traffic onto the
downlink downlink
Calculations suggest that increasing Tx power to 42 dBm will move NR on the
downlink from 2.2 dB to 7.1 dB. An increase in loading factor from 40% to
This suggests an additional load equivalent to the voice service can be added
in the downlink only with no detriment to the existing services.
This additional load could be made up of any number of combinations of
terminals throughputs and Eb/No requirements.
To keep things simple another 4613 terminals of 12200 bits per second in the
downlink only were added.
Result confirms expectations. Coverage probability for existing voice service
reduces from 98.7% to 98.4% with error causes divided evenly amongst Ec/Io,
Eb/No and NR. Downlink only service enjoyed 99.2% probability with error
causes divided between DL Eb/No and Ec/Io.
Planning a UMTS Network

Further Work: Mixed Services Further Work: Mixed Services
More than one service sharing the resource has implications for trunking
efficiency and hence dimensioning.
Campbells Theorem allows us to estimate the aggregate effect of a mixture of
As an example 2000 Erlangs of voice and 1000 Erlangs of a symmetrical CS
data service with 50 kbps throughput and 2 dB Eb/No would have require the
same resource as the 4613 Erlangs of voice.
Simulator confirms this.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.18
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Campbells Theorem Example(1) Campbells Theorem Example(1)
Consider 2 services sharing the same resource:
Service 1: uses 1 trunk per connection. 12 Erlangs of traffic.
Service 2, uses 3 trunks per connection. 6 Erlangs of traffic.
In this case the mean is:
The variance is:

= + = = = 30 6 3 12 1 Erlangs
i i i i
a a b

= + = = = 66 3 6 1 12 Erlangs
2 2 2 2
i i i i
a a b
Planning a UMTS Network

Campbells Theorem Example(2) Campbells Theorem Example(2)
Capacity Factor c is:
Offered Traffic for filtered distribution:
Required Capacity for filtered distribution at 2% GoS is 21
2 . 2
= = =

63 . 13
2 . 2
Traffic Offered = = =

Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.19
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Campbells Theorem Example(2) Campbells Theorem Example(2)
Required Capacity is different depending upon target service for GoS (in
service 1 Erlangs):
Target is Service 1 C
=(2.2 x 21) + 1 = 47
Target is Service 2, C
=(2.2 x 21) + 3 = 49
Different services will require a different capacity for the same GoS. In other
words: for a given capacity, the different services will experience a slightly
different GoS.
Planning a UMTS Network

Calculating the Relative Amplitude Calculating the Relative Amplitude
What is the resource?
Bitrate - no
Loading of individual user - yes
Calculate traffic analysis using the ratio of single channel loading for different
Loading is affected by bitrate and E
1 amplitude for 1 amplitude for rate bit
service for service for rate bit
amplitude Relative

Planning a UMTS Network

Using More Appropriate Path Loss Models

The path loss model used so far is too simple to be realistic. More widely used models reduce to
similar equations if the height of the mobile is fixed and, also, the terrain is flat. However,

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.20
AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
incorporation of the more sophisticated models is essential if terrain height variations are to be

A typical Okumura-Hata style of equation was used to predict the path loss over a terrain that
included substantial variations in height. The variation in height caused coverage gaps to
appear in the shadows of the hills. These were filled by the provisioning of additional base
stations such that almost 95% of the areas covered to the required level of 146 dB path loss. It
was found that some of the base stations fell into the category of high site and caused
excessive blocking. The level of blocking could be reduced by careful re-pointing of the

Incorporating more sophisticated Path Loss Incorporating more sophisticated Path Loss
Models Models
( ) ( ) ) log( ) log( ) log( ) log(
) log( ) log( ) log( ) log( log Loss
6 2 5 4 3 1
6 5 4 3 2 1
d h k k h k h k h k k
d h k h k h k h k (d) k k
eff eff ms ms
eff eff ms ms
+ + + + + =
+ + + + + =
Cost 231 - Hata
If h
is fixed then variations are only dependent on heff. Using
typical default parameters:
Antenna Ht Model
15 140.0 + 32.3 log(d)
20 138.2 + 31.5 log(d)
25 136.9 + 30.8 log(d)
30 135.8 + 30.3 log(d)
Planning a UMTS Network

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A More Challenging Terrain A More Challenging Terrain
154 km
. Heights vary from zero to 135 m a.s.l.
Planning a UMTS Network

The Challenge The Challenge
Challenge is to serve 2000 Erlangs of demand for voice service.
Even spread of traffic across the whole area.
13 E/km
With 20 m antenna heights, initial calculation suggests 25 sites.
Max path loss should be 146 dB, range 1.8 km.
Peak Noise Rise will be 8.7 dB.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.22
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Placing the Sites Placing the Sites
Due to irregular outline, 31 sites were required to provide
continuous coverage at a range of 1800 metres.
Planning a UMTS Network

Coverage Analysis Coverage Analysis
Initial site placing leads to 80% of
area being covered to required
UMTS simulation suggests
coverage probability of 87% with
failures split between uplink
Eb/No and Noise Rise.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.23
AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
Increasing Percentage Coverage Increasing Percentage Coverage
Adding four more sites (35 in
total) resulted in 94.3% coverage
based on pathloss and 92%
coverage probability from UMTS
Again failures split between
Eb/No and Noise Rise.
Planning a UMTS Network

Analysing Reason for Analysing Reason for Eb Eb/No Failures /No Failures
Eb/No failures follow high path loss areas. If the path loss is too great the
required Eb/No cannot be achieved.
Coverage Eb/No Failures
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.24
AIRCOM International Ltd 2002
Analysing Reason for NR Failures Analysing Reason for NR Failures
Noise Rise failures concentrated on High Sites. An example is shown.
Strongest Pilot
Planning a UMTS Network

Action taken to decrease NR failures. Action taken to decrease NR failures.
Starting statistics: Throughput 382 kbps
(approx 31 connections); 20 blocked
connections due to NR.
Action: Height reduced to 10 m; antenna
down-tilted by 3 degrees.
Result: Throughput 294 kbps; 0.65
blocked connections due to NR; no
noticeable increase in failures on
neighbouring cells.
For the cell being
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.25
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Covering an Urban Area. Covering an Urban Area.
2000 Erlangs over 154 km
is not a very
big density.
New challenge is to serve 2000 Erlangs
of voice service generated by users within
an area of 2.36 km
This Urban area is not flat (zero to 50 m
a.s.l.) or regularly shaped, posing
significant challenges.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.26
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Serving Very High Traffic Densities

In practice, it is possible to encounter traffic densities far in excess of the 13 Erlangs per km

examined in the last simulation. Accordingly, a small (2.4 km
) urban area was investigated
with a view to servicing 2000 Erlangs of voice traffic: a density of approximately 800 Erlangs per

The main finding was that the other to own interference ratio tends to be much higher when
the cells are packed closely together. Rather than the assumed value of 0.6, values of 1.5 were
encountered. This reduces the capacity per cell. Lowering the antenna heights and down-tilting
helped improve the situation but not to the extent where the assumed value of 0.6 was realised.
Thus it seemed impossible in the first instance to service the level of traffic with the number of
cells first calculated. The network provided good coverage for 1600 terminals as opposed to the
required 2000 terminals. Increasing this level to 2000 would entail re-starting the dimensioning
exercise assuming a more realistic value for the interference ratio (unity being a suggested value
for such situations).

This is another example of a simulation tool being required to validate spreadsheet calculations.

Spreadsheet Dimensioning. Spreadsheet Dimensioning.
Initial dimensioning exercise predicts that
coverage can be achieved by 22 sites
each of range 240 metres.
Low path loss means that very high (20
dB+) Noise Rise can be tolerated.
Cell capacity effectively become Pole
Coverage prediction suggests that path
loss will not be a problem.
Planning a UMTS Network

Applied UMTS Planning for Experienced Radio Engineers 13.27
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UMTS Simulation. UMTS Simulation.
Only 65% Coverage Probability achieved.
All failures due to Noise Rise.
Estimation of Pole Capacity of a cell is
Cell Reports indicate very low FRE
(~40%) suggesting a value for the
interference ratio, i, of 1.5 (c.f. 0.6
Increasing FRE is crucial to increasing
capacity. Coverage Probability
Planning a UMTS Network

Optimisation Procedures. Optimisation Procedures.
Lowering antenna heights and making the
downtilt as high as 10 degrees improved
Coverage probability now 86% (c.f. 65%).
FRE still only 50%.
Initial estimate of 32 Erlangs per cell
unachievable in first instance.
Reduce traffic to more realistic levels.
Coverage Probability
Planning a UMTS Network

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Optimisation Procedures. Optimisation Procedures.
Reduced traffic from 2000 to 1600
Coverage probability increased to 96%.
Majority of failures due to one apparent
high site that could probably benefit
from further attention.
25 Erlangs per cell would appear to be
the limit in this situation (average load
Coverage Probability
Planning a UMTS Network

Conclusions. Conclusions.
Spreadsheet dimensioning is an appropriate initial step.
Planning Tool needed to form strategy; analyse coverage; spread traffic;
conduct detailed analysis; perform quantitative sensitivity analyses;
predict the effectiveness of optimisation techniques.
Control of cell antenna radiation is crucial to achieving designed capacity.
In particular high sites can dramatically reduce the capacity of a
It becomes more difficult to achieve high Frequency Re-use Efficiency as
cells are packed closer together.
Problems only become apparent as system becomes heavily loaded.
Planning a UMTS Network

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