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upaasana mantras
Rashmi Mala Mantrah
Upaasana Mantras
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This is shyaamaa's upaanga lakhushyaamaa. Now we are going intoi the group of upaasana mantras for which the Devata
is Shyaama or Maatangi. Matangi is the prome Minister or principal advisor to Devi. It is said that when you are going to
meet a great personage we have to go though the lesser people around the great personage [1]
This is vagwaadini an upaanga of Shyaamaa. This is similar to the bala mantra of laita mentioned above. This too is a
Devi that confers wisdom and learning.
This is NakulI Vidya another amga of Maatangi. This Devi is meditated upon before entering into debates so that you have
the appropriate arguments in support of your propositions.
In Srividyaa gurupaadukaa when you change the first three bijas into baalaa, then it becomes Shyaamaagurupaadukaaas
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Wherever :(1) Amukanandanatha appears we have to put the name of your Guru in that place.
This 98 syllabled raajashyaamalaa, as described earlier with four the angas, upangas, pratyamgas and paadukaa is to be
meditated upon at the Hruchakra
[1] This is an Eastern concept. That the lesser people have to be seen and their permission taken before going into
the presence of the ultimate. In upasanas, it means you must do Upasana of the avarana devatas, the anga devatas
and upamgadevatas as well as that of the main devata.
[2] Here one is to put the name of person you want to attract. But it is advisable to leave it as just that because using
it as a "Prayoga" can have unforeseen effects.

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