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Guigunto Outreach
Introduction to Hermeneutics


In this class, we will study fundamental methods and interpretative principles involved in
discerning the meaning of the biblical text. We will explore topics including essential
steps in interpreting the Bible, the methods, approaches and standard tools available
to the contemporary student of the Scripture, issues arising out of the interpretative task,
word studies and literary genre.

At the successful completion of this course the student should be able to exhibit
learnings in the course, specifically, by being able to do the following:

1. Discuss his/her understanding of the nature and work of hermeneutics.
2. Give adequate evidence of familiarity with the specialized terminology connected
with the science of biblical interpretation.

1. Apply the principles of interpretation to the exegesis biblical text.
2. Identify the use or violation of sound hermeneutical principles in an example of
biblical exposition.

1. Increase awareness of the responsibility to rightly divide the word of truth.
2. Appreciate the task of biblical exegesis.
3. Appreciate more fully Gods revelation through the Scriptures and its eternal
significance as an instrument of the Holy Spirit to speak to our lives.

Date Topic Covered
7 June Introduction
Relevance of Hermeneutics in Todays World
14 June Can I Trust the Bible?
- How we got our Bible today
- Inerrancy and reliability of the Bible and its authority over our
The Doctrinal, Devotional and Practical Use of the Bible
Personal Bible Study and Private Interpretation
21 June Hermeneutics: The Science and Art of Interpretation
Rules for Biblical Interpretation
28 June Rules for Biblical Interpretation (continued)
Tools and Resources for Bible Study
5 July Epistles
12 July
19 July
26 July
2 August
9 August
16 August
23 August
30 August
6 September

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