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July 16, 2014


UPDATE: As a result of Huntersville Police Departments Traffic !afety !ection investi"ation,
#arrants $ave %een o%taine& on Jeffrey 'ayne (reene, ')*, D+,- 0.)14)1/60 for t$e follo#in"- 1o
2nsurance, Assault #it$ a Dea&ly 'eapon 34 counts4 an& Assault #it$ a Dea&ly 'eapon 5 2nflictin"
!erious 2n6ury 31 count47 *r7 (reene #as t$e operator of t$e motor ve$icle fleein" from 8ornelius
Police Department7
On Saturday, July 12th, 2014, at approximately 9:30 a.m., Huntersville oli!e O""i!ers responded to the
1#000 $lo!% o" Statesville &oad in re"eren!e to a multi'vehi!le !rash. (he !rash involved a mid'si)e
passen*er vehi!le, a small pi!%'up tru!% and t+o ,2- sport utility vehi!les. (he !rash stemmed "rom a pursuit
that +as initiated in .ornelius $y the .ornelius oli!e /epartment. (he suspe!t vehi!le attempted to pass
several vehi!les and lost !ontrol, stri%in* multiple vehi!les. 0 total o" six ,1- people, in!ludin* the suspe!t,
+ere transported to the hospital +ith various in2uries. One passen*er +as transported via 3ed.enter 0ir
+ith li"e'threatenin* in2uries. 0s o" 4:00 a.m. on July 14, 2014 this su$2e!t5s !ondition has $een do+n*raded
to serious. (he other "ive passen*ers +ere transported +ith non'li"e'threatenin* in2uries. 3edi!, Huntersville
6ire and 7orth 3e!%len$ur* &es!ue responded to the s!ene and rendered medi!al assistan!e until
transport too% pla!e. 0t this time, "a!tors !ontri$utin* to the !rash are still under investi*ation and !har*es
are pendin* the out!ome.
(he !rash is !urrently $ein* investi*ated $y the Huntersville oli!e (ra""i! Sa"ety Se!tion. 0ny 8uestions
pertainin* to the pursuit should $e dire!ted to .ornelius oli!e /epartment, as Huntersville oli!e O""i!ers
+ere not en*a*ed, or involved, at any time +ith the pursuit. 0dditional in"ormation +ill $e released +hen the
investi*ation has $een !ompleted.
lease !onta!t .hie" .leveland Spruill +ith any 8uestions at 904'414'#400, or email at
The Mission of the Huntersville Police Department, through a Community Policing Partnership, is to improve the quality of life
and provide a sense of safety and security in our community, through the delivery of outstanding services with the highest
standards of Honor, Professionalism, and Dedication to Duty.
MEDIA RELEASE Traffic Crash w/Injuries - UPDATE
Media Release Number: 1401!"01

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