Definition Draft 1 2

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Baldwin 1

Michael Baldwin
Instructor C. Boyd
Eng. 111-54
12 June 2014
Dedicated o !ur E"eryday #i"es
$hat is li%e i% you are not dedicated to anything& Dedication 'lays a (a)or role in our
e"eryday li"es. *ow& I% we ha"e ne"er +een co((itted to anything, then we ha"e )ust +een
wasting our ti(e. Being dedicated is also considered +y a -erson +eing goal dri"en, and +y that
we ha"e to ha"e a -lan or co((it(ent %or our li"es. Most are dedicated to school, wor., or e"en
to a -articular -erson or grou- o% indi"iduals.
Many -eo-le that are in high school or college, including older adults, dedicate their li"es
to school. Being in school a lot o% dedication to -ush yoursel% to %inish. his re/uires so
(uch +ecause e"eryone is so ready to %inish and to (o"e on to the ne0t ste- in their li"es. his is
not necessarily to +e done with school, +ut to get closer to their goals. 1or e0a(-le, (any older
-eo-le ha"e to +e (ore dedicated to than others in school +ecause they ha"e ta.en the ti(e to
co(e +ac. to achie"e their goal o% recei"ing a higher degree or to e"en to acco(-lish so(ething
they (ay not ha"e achie"ed in the -ast.
Baldwin 2
Being dedicated in school and at wor. are "ery si(ilar. Doing a )o+ is one o% the +iggest
co((it(ents there are. $ithout a )o+ how will you (a.e a li"ing& It a -erson to +e
%ocused to +e a+le to ha"e a )o+, e"en i% it is not what they would ha"e li.e to ha"e +een doing.
Doing a )o+ such as teaching can +e "ery di%%icult, that2s why it a +ig co((it(ent to ha"e a
)o+ such as that. Being a teacher, you (ust +e willing to do (any things that are re/uired o% a
teacher, which us +ac. to +eing dedicated.
1or us to acco(-lish certain things in li%e it us to +e goal-dri"en and dedicated to
(a.e those acco(-lish the(. 3uccess is a+out dedication. 4ou (ay not +e where you want to +e
or do what you want to do when you5re on the )ourney. But you5"e got to +e willing to ha"e
"ision and %oresight that leads you to an incredi+le end. 6 7sher

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