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Baldwin 1

Michael Baldwin
Instructor C. Boyd
Eng. 111-54
14 July 2014
Toic!"o #iolent #ideo ga$es e%%ect our society.
Three E&a$les!
1. Mo#ies
2. 'ideo ga$es
(. )eal li%e
Introduction! *tate the ter$! "o #ideo +a$es really e%%ect our youth,

*tate the thesis!
Body I! Toic *entence! -irst e&a$le! Mo#ies
Baldwin 2
"etail! shootings in theater a%ter seeing $o#ie
"etail! related shootings reenacting characters
"etail! In%luences on the youth
Body II! Toic *entence *econd E&a$le! 'ideo ga$es.
"etail! +rand the%t .uto
"etail! In%luences %ro$ Mature rated #ideo ga$es
"etail! *tress relie#ers
Body III! Toic *entence Third E&a$le! )eal li%e
"etail! /eole going out reenacting the ga$es
"etail! 0ow they thin1 the #ideo ga$es are real
"etail! 0ow to ut an end to the #iolence.
Body I'! .rgu$ent! "o 'iolent 'ideo +a$es really ha#e a 2ad in%luence on our society,
Baldwin (
'ideo +a$es! "o they really E%%ect our 3outh,
'ideo ga$es are a way %or eole to unwind and ha#e %un a%ter a long 2usy day4 2ut it all
deends on what eole are laying. 'ideo ga$es are a $a5or art o% eole6s li#es 2ecause it is
a way %or the$ to %eel %ree %ro$ all the things in the world4 2ut i% ut into the wrong hands it
could 2e a 2ad thing. 'iolent #ideo ga$es are the causes o% a higher rate o% #iolence around the
world today4 or is really,
'iolent #ideo ga$es ha#e co$e a long way.
'ideo ga$es ha#e 2een $ade %ro$ di%%erent $o#ies such as Bat$an4 0074 Call 8% "uty4 and
$any $ore. These $o#ies ha#e gi#en ga$ers a $ore #i#id icture o% how the ga$es would 2e it
they were real li%e situations. That is where the ro2le$ co$es in. .%ter seeing these $o#ies
a2out eole6s %a#orite #ideo ga$es4 it gi#es so$e the idea o% going out and reenacting the$.
)ecently4 according to Carey Bennedict o% the 9ew 3or1 Ti$es4 there has 2een $any
1illings due to $o#ie and #ideo ga$e #iolence. .n incident has occurred in a $o#ie theatre a%ter
seeing the $o#ie The "ar1 :night4 which is a $o#ie 2ased o%% o% Bat$an. . guy ca$e in as i% he
Baldwin 4
was one o% the characters in the $o#ie and started 1illing eole. This is where $ost would thin1
that there should 2e a 2an on #iolence in #ideo ga$es.
.lthough there has 2een so$e incidents4 so$e would say that #ideo ga$es can also 2e
#ery theraeutic. 'ideo ga$es can 2e theraeutic 2ecause it hels a erson relie#e stress that
they couldn6t any other way. . erson could 2e stressed %ro$ wor14 school4 eole4 and e#en
other things such as eole4 2ut 2y laying these ga$es hels the$ to ta1e their $inds o%% o%
their 2usy schedules and trou2les. -or e&a$le4 a erson could ha#e gotten into it with a 2oss or
a cowor1er and 5ust wanted to get their $inds o%% o% the situation that they were going thru.
'iolence %ro$ #ideo ga$es can 2e re#ented 2y arents also. +a$es ha#e ratings $ade
%or di%%erent age grous and can only 2e 2ought i% you are o% a certain age. The ratings are rated
E4 which is %or e#eryone4 E10;4 which is %or e#eryone ages 10 and u4 T4 which is %or teens4 and
rated M %or $ature audiences. Most o% the #iolent #ideo ga$es are rated M4 and %or young age
grous arents would ha#e to 2uy the ga$es %or their children. I% there was a $a5or ro2le$ with
the in%luence o% these ga$es on our youth4 why do the arents allow the$ to lay the$ at a
certain age, *o$e $ay say to 1ee their children occuied %or the $o$ent and so$e say that it
really shouldn6t e%%ect their child.
To re#ent any other causes o% #iolence in the %uture4 our society should watch who
urchases these #ideo ga$es and also watch who we let into the $o#ie theatres. 'ideo ga$es are
not the reason %or #iolence in our society 2ut eole need so$ething to 2la$e. I% it is a $a5or
reason %or #iolence why do we 1ee $a1ing $ore and $ore o% the$ and gi#ing the$ to our
children, It all starts at ho$e. 0ow a erson is raised4 what they ha#e 2een e&osed to4 i% they
Baldwin 5
ha#e any illnesses and e#en what their arents ha#e allowed the$ to do. *o #ideo ga$es are not
the cause.
<or1 Cited!
Anderson, Craig A. Gentile, Douglas A. Buckley, Katherine E. Violent Video Game Effects on
Children and Adolescents !heory, "esearch, and #u$lic #olicy. #u$. %&ford 'ni(ersity #ress.
)) *an. +,,- #rint.
Batman Video Game co(er, #lay.tation /, +,)/
Benedict, Carey. 0e1 2ork !imes. #u$lished )) 3e$. +,)/
4a1 and %rder .5ecial Victims 'nit. E5isode Game. +,,6 !( sho1
"eilly, "achel. Grand !heft Auto Video Game. #u$.+- August +,)/. '5d. +7
August +,)/.
Baldwin =

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