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This document describes how Transaction can be used to create a

sales order
in the SAP Business Suite from data in Microsoft Excel or Access
using the
SAP transaction MM01
code MM01 ! Material Master "reation
#aunch the Transaction A$$lication from the des%to$ shortcut or through the
&indows Start Menu
"lic% New
Enter transaction code MM01 in the Transaction "ode 'eld
"lic% Go.
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide *
"hoose the a$$ro$riate SAP s(stem using the S(stem button+ if necessar( Enter
a$$ro$riate ,ser -ata
in the SAP #ogon window
"lic% the OK button
"hoose a Recording Mode
NOTE. /or most transactions+ Batch 0n$ut Mode will su1ce+ but for downloading
information from SAP
transactions+ or for /inance or 23 transactions in which there are -(namic Actions
executing or user
$arameter 4alues being used+ 5on!Batch 0n$ut Mode will be necessar( The
distinction of &ithout SAP
"ontrols and &ith SAP "ontrols is 6ust a matter of what tools are on the
transaction screens
So+ in this $rocedure+ choose Batch Input Mode
Enter an( further $ro$erties such as Title+ Pur$ose of creation+ and "omments into
the a$$ro$riate
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide 7
0f (ou would li%e to loc% down the editing of the Transaction scri$t+ select the Lock
chec%box This will $assword!$rotect the Transaction scri$t+ $re4enting an(one
from changing it
"lic% the Net button
8ou will now be launched into the MM01 transaction
NOTE. The following screens ma( 4ar( according to the wa( (our SAP s(stem has
been con'gured
At this $oint+ (ou are maneu4ering through the transaction itself and the $rocess
should feel 4er( natural
That said+ to ma%e this $rocess re$eatable b( Transaction+ there will be a few
modi'cations to the $rocess
com$ared to how (ou would manuall( create a $urchase order These di9erences
will be identi'ed throughout
the rest of this document
Press the !ENTER" %e(
-e$ending on (our s(stem con'guration+ enter the Material 5umber+ 0ndustr(
sector+ Material T($e+ and
then clic% the Se#ect 4iew:s; button
"lic% the Ba$ic %ata & selection &hen recording the MM01 transaction+ (ou
want to %ee$ the selection
"lic% the green chec% to continue
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide <
Enter data into the 'elds that will need to ha4e data u$loaded into them =nce all
of the data has been entered+
clic% the Tab #ist dro$ down button
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide >
Select the next Tab that will be u$dated
Enter the '#ant number and clic% the green chec%mar%
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide ?
,$date the 'elds on this tab as well
"lic% the Sa(e icon when all u$dates ha4e been made This will also end the
0t is now time to create the ma$$ing for this transaction
Ma$$ing a Transaction scri$t is 6ust a matter of connecting the SAP 'elds to a data
'le Transaction
$ro4ides a Ma$$er to facilitate this $rocess
Auto Ma$$ing will ma$ the entire Transaction scri$t to an Excel s$readsheet
Because of the com$lexit(
of this transaction+ we will choose the "reate Ma$$ing o$tion instead
"lic% the Create Mapping lin% on the Ma$ $anel
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide @
The screenshot below shows the Ex$ert Tab of the Ma$$er
0n each of the rows of the Ma$$er+ (ou will see.
Mapper Row Nu)*er A this is 6ust a reference number
Ena*#e +#ag A onl( enabled Ma$$er rows will be executed b( Transaction
Screen A Technical screen information from the recorded transaction
+ie#d %e$cription A The label associated with the SAP 'eld name
+ie#d Na)e A The label associated with the SAP technical 'eld name
Mapping T,pe A /ixed Balue+ Excel to SAP+ SAP to Excel Cor+ if ma$$ing to Access.
Access to
SAP+ SAP to AccessD
-a#ue A Balues assigned to the SAP 'eldE either 'xed 4alues+ or 4alues to or from
the assigned
data source
Note$ A /ree!format notes to $ro4ide useful information to users of the
Transaction scri$t
0n the -ata Source Pre4iew section+ (ou will see a $re4iew screen of the selected
data source
To change the -ata Source+ clic% the "hange Source T($e lin% at the to$ of the
Ex$ert Tab This dis$la(s
a dro$!down box to switch to Microsoft Access The Pre4iew section will also
change to reFect the
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide G
0n this case+ we will use Microsoft Excel
0t is now time to begin the ma$$ing $rocess+ so clic% on the Basic tab
The easiest wa( to remember how to ma$ is this. drag from the source of the data
to the destination
Hee$ing that in mind+ we will be u$loading data from Excel to SAP
"lic% in "olumn A+ drag it u$+ and dro$ it onto row I
"ontinue across the Excel $re4iew b( dragging "olumn B u$ and dro$ it onto row
*+ "olumn
" u$ to row 7+ "olumn - u$ to row >+ "olumn E u$ to row ?+ and "olumn / u$ to
row @
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide 10
"lic% the Sa(e icons :abo4e the Ma$$er and in the Excel $re4iew area; to sa4e
the Excel $re4iew and
the Transaction scri$t
"lic% the blue Back arrow to exit the Ma$ screen
0f necessar(+ (ou can na4igate bac% to the Ma$ b( clic%ing the ,$date Ma$$ing
lin% on the Ma$ $anel
"lic% the Ece# icon to the right of the Select -ata /ile 'eld to o$en the ma$$ed
Excel s$readsheet
5otice the #og 3esult "olumn was automaticall( assigned the next a4ailable
column after the last
ma$$ed column
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide 11
=nce our data has been entered into the Excel s$readsheet in the $ro$er format+
it can be run b(
Bac% in the Transaction window+ clic% the Run button
=nce the 6ob has 'nished running+ (ou will see a message on the bottom left
corner that it has 'nished
MM01 Ste$!b(!Ste$ )uide 1I
)o to the Excel sheet and chec% the log column The run was successful and the
messages returned from

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