601 A Powerful Self Image

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A Powerful Self-Image

Welcome back to Six Minutes. My good friend Mary Morrisey sent me a book yesterday:
The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology. Now, I do have this in my library but I
certainly didnt have it with me, and it is a book I havent read for years. It is by Maxwell
Maltz, the author of Psycho-Cybernetics. You know, Maltz was really, he was an
authority on the area of self-image. He is talking here about ways to a new self-image.
He starts off by saying, Truth. The Greeks had a proverb: And from the gods come the
saying Know Thyself. But he said, Your truth about yourself is so often false. Most
people tend to downgrade their abilities they value as human beings, their assets,
dwelling on failures and overlooking successes. They whip themselves emotionally with
an almost sadistic intensity. Is your truth about yourself real?

Do you see, you are going to have to really do some studying about yourself. The
Greeks were right. Inscribed over the arch of Apollo at Delphi it says, Know Thyself. It is
such great information. Most people know very little about themselves. We go right
through our educational system knowing nothing about ourselves. Why do you think
Maltzs book, Psycho-Cybernetics, that came out in 1960, was such an enormous
success? They considered it a psychological breakthrough. It was about the fact that
we have an image of ourselves inside and that image literally controls how we walk,
how we talk, how we meet and greet people.

Most people are operating like they are going to a masqueradeyou never get to see
the real person. Now, if a person is aware they see right through the faade. But he is
saying get involved in the truth about yourself. Sit down and ask yourself: Is this really
true about me? Because that is one step in building a very powerful self-image, and a
powerful self-image is absolutely essential. It is a prerequisite for success in life. It might
be a good project to work on for the next month. I will share a couple of other thoughts
with you, and again you might want to get the book: The Magic Power of Self-Image
Psychology by Maxwell Maltz. You can get it through Amazon.

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