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Anticipation Guide for Social Studies

Japanese Internment
Before Reading After Reading
________ 1. There were no American citizens of Japanese descent ________
liing in the !nited States when "earl #ar$or was attac%ed.
________ &. The "resident of the !nited States issued an order that all ________
people who had ancestors from Japan were to leae their
homes with onl' a few $elongings.
________ (. Japanese planes $om$ed the naal $ase at "earl #ar$or ________
on )ecem$er *+ 1,-1.
________ -. The !nited States did not declare war on Japan. ________
________ .. The American citizens of Japanese ancestr' were sp'ing ________
and had to $e imprisoned to protect !.S. interests.
________ /. The internment camps were located in the eastern states. ________
________ *. 0an' of the internment camps were former racetrac%s and ________
the prisoners were forced to lie in horse stalls.
________ 1. The internment camps were surrounded with high fences ________
topped with $ar$ed wire and guarded $' armed men.

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