Lessonbrief 1

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _Casey Creamer__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: k-6 Subject/Content: Cheer/Dance Group Size: ! Date o" Le##on: $une % !&'
Lesson Content
Objectives- What are you
(Studentcentered! "#at $ill
students %no$ and &e a&le to do
a'ter t#is lesson( )nclude t#e
*+C,-s o' o&.ecti/es! action0
&e#a/ior0 condition0 and de1ree
o' mastery0 i2e20 3C! 4i/en a
sentence $ritten in t#e past or
present tense0 *! t#e student +!
$ill &e a&le to re$rite t#e
sentence in 'uture tense ,! $it#
no errors in tense or tense
contradiction (i2e20 ) $ill see #er
5ote! ,e1ree o' mastery does
not need to &e a percenta1e2)
Students $ill &e a&le to memori6es and per'orm a dance2
Students $ill dance $it# s#arp motions2
What background knowledge
is necessary for a student to
successfully meet these
E7ample! 5eed to %no$ rules to
play a 1ame0 #o$ to $or% $it#
ot#ers0 etc222
T#ey $ill need a &asic understandin1 o' c#eerdance2
Lesson m!lementation
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _Casey Creamer__________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: k-6 Subject/Content: Cheer/Dance Group Size: ! Date o" Le##on: $une % !&'
"te!-by-"te! #lan
("#at e7actly do you plan to do
in teac#in1 t#is lesson( +e
t#orou1#2 *ct as i' you needed a
su&stitute to carry out t#e
lesson 'or you2)
Students $ill 8rst &e s#o$n t#e 8rst 9count t#at t#ey $ill &e learnin12

T#en t#e students $ill 'ollo$ t#e 8rst t$o mo/es $it# me0 t#en on0 and on till t#e 9
count is 8nis#ed2

T#en t#e students $ill &e s#o$n t#e ne7t 9count and repeat t#e learnin1 process
$it# me2

T#en t#ey $ill s#o$ t#eir mastery &y dancin1 &ot# 9counts $it# t#e music2
Finally t#e students $ill listen to t#e rest o' t#e music and come to1et#er to ma%e
up t#e ne7t t$o 9 counts 'or t#e dance2
$eeting your students%
needs as !eo!le and as
f a!!licable& how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students?
T#e students #a/e a lo/e 'or c#eer and dance so t#ey $ill en.oy learnin1
somet#in1 ne$:
f a!!licable& how does this lesson connect to're(ect the local community?
T#is 1ym is /ery %no$n in t#e to$n o' Plant City2 T#e students 'eel a sense o'
pride in con;uerin1 a ne$ tas% so t#ey $ill do $ell in competition and &rin1
more pride to t#eir #ometo$n:
)ow will you incor!orate the arts *visual& dance and movement& music&
drama& multimedia+?
T#is lesson is all a&out dance2
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: _Casey Creamer__________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: k-6 Subject/Content: Cheer/Dance Group Size: ! Date o" Le##on: $une % !&'
("#at materials $ill you use(
"#y did you c#oose t#ese
materials( )nclude any
resources you used2 T#is can
also include people:)
) used a $#ite &oard to s#o$ t#e students t#eir 'ormation2

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