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Whiskey Creek Condo Association

General Membership Meeting

May 24th 2014 - R Place
Board Members present: Jim Krupinski, Tim Snyder, Kevin Bishop, Todd Miller, Harry Bourke, Greg
Gardner, Steve Parmeter
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Kevin
A sign in sheet was passed around for establishment of a quorum. Currently we have 161 members and a
quorum is 57 members, we have 63 members are in attendance. We do have a quorum established. Kevin
announced for those members who are delinquent in their dues could attend the meeting but their voice
would not be heard nor would their vote count towards electing new board members.
Kevin gave kudos to Jimmy and the members for getting their dues in. He stated we collected 102.6% of
our dues owed in 2013.
W.C.C.A. apparel is being sold by the association. Thanks to Coleen and Rick Michaels for their efforts in
selling the apparel. The initial loan of $500 has been repaid to the association. All proceeds will be used
for needy projects around the association. Orders can be placed if interested.
Recognition of the rec committee, Donna OConnell, Celeste Kommer, Mandy Miller, and their guys and
Jean Budd and anyone else that has been missed for their outstanding efforts and all they do for us. Note;
the money raised from the breakfasts was used to purchase the stone placed in the drive at the condo
building as well as the bath house. Thank you, thank you!
Kudos to Frank Snyder for doing the tune up and new blades on the mower at no cost to the association.
The weekend schedule was presented. Thanks to Ray & Mary Barrett for putting together the memorial
service. Thanks to the Pentwater VFW for their participation.
Many thanks were handed out;
The pond clean up;
Brush Pile burning; Harry Bourke
R Place clean up; Harry and Carrie Bourke
The Bath House new sinks, Furnace, plumbing supply lines; Tim & Frank Snyder, Kevin Bishop, Todd
Roads; Harry Bourke, Kevin Bishop.
Condo building, Bath house cleaning; Mike & Donna OConnell
Grass mowing; those that helped out
New Members were welcomed; Chuck and Shelia Passenier, Bob Blackport, Dave Jackson Lot 172,208,
Tim Wagner Lot 187,188.
GM Minutes of May 25th 2013 were approved without objection. As a reminder, the minutes are not read
in the meeting. The minutes are posted on our website, emailed to all members on our distribution list and
posted on our bulletin boards for membership review.
Kevin announced we have three vacancies this year; Kevin Bishop, Tim Snyder and Jim Krupinski II.
Kevin will not seek reelection. Mary Barret, Jean Budd and Kim Gardner volunteered to count ballots.
Nominees are; Tim Snyder, Jim Krupinski, Bob Blackport... The nominations was interrupted by some
members who wanted to discuss the acreage purchase agreement. Much discussion ensued. The issue was
presented that the membership should be made aware of the details of the acreage deal before the
members voted or potential new board members are aware of what they would be signing up to take care
of. Another member felt the membership should vote on the acquisition. Kevin and several members
pointed out the function of the board is to make these decisions on behalf of the association. After a
twenty minutes distraction, the election process continued. Thanks to many members that stood up and
encouraged the continuation of the meeting. More nominations; Eric Bachman, Frank Snyder. The
nominees were called up and introduced themselves and presented their platform. Ballots were handed
Jim reported our collections were ~102.6% for 2013. Jim reviewed the 2013 budget as compared to the
actual expenses Click here for the 2012 budget vs actual budget. Hats off to Jimmy for his work as the
treasurer. We are inline with our budget numbers to date.
Rec committee report presented by Celeste; previous balance; $804 in the bank added $128 for a total of
$932. Last year raised just over $1000 for breakfast. Celeste noted the breakfast funds would be used for
some improvements around the association. they are accepting suggestions for improvements. Kevin
thanked the Rec n Crew for their efforts and contributions.
Harry give thanks to Kevin for his strong leadership and all his efforts for the association.
Weed control was purchased and will be applied shortly. Kevin mentioned our pond water levels are three
and a half feet higher than when we purchased the ponds. Thanks to Lenny Klug for cutting holes in the
ice over the winter in an effort to eliminate any die off of the fish population.
Kevin mentioned we have a twenty year note on the land and our goal is to attempt to pay the land off in
ten years. This deal was been in the works for the past twelve months with three separate purchase
agreements in the past three months. The easements around the ponds was a huge concern for us. We had
presented a deal to purchase the entire 185 available acres in a attempt to preserve the access across the
dyke. The loan is in the associations name no individual signature were required. Again, this deal is
contained within our current budget. Kevin mentioned he felt the dues needed to reach $200/lot to get us
to a place of comfort with limitless options for improvements for the association. A committee should be
formed to manage develop a vision for the usage of the acreage, get involved.
Open Floor;
The ponds are still catch and release.
The Hicks requested to build an 8 x 24 deck. Request approved. They also requested permission to add a
third unit to their lot and pay an additional due. That request was denied. Kevin mentioned the board is
currently working on this issue. He noted the issue of excessive units on lots is association wide. Greg
Gardner mention the issue of excessive units is a zoning issue and should be addressed at the county
Tom Bukema requested to build an 8 X 20 deck. Request approved.
Complaints were made about dumpy sites. Kevin pointed out we have provisions in our bylaws for an
esthetic committee and asked for volunteers to head up a committee with out any takers.
Kevin pointed out the atv user of the acreage would be required to follow state law; wearing helmets, eye
protection, ORV tags, etc.
Gary Herman praised the board for their efforts in acquiring the acreage.
Clarification on horses in the creek was requested. As mentioned before; horses can visit the creek but can
not be here year round and it is the responsibility of the owners to pick up after them.
Gene Johnson reminded the association; if you are building anything you need to acquire a permit form
the county before building.
Election results; Tim Snyder and Jim Krupinski have been re-elected and Eric Bachman edged out the
other nominees. It was a close election.
Tim announced the new officers; Greg Gardner is the new President, Tim Snyder will continue as
recording secretary and Jim Krupinski will continue as treasurer.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05
Respectfully submitted
Timo!y R Snyder
Recording Secretary W.C.C.A.

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