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Reported Speech

1. Reported Statements:
1. John said: We have signed the document.
John said
2. Stephen said: I was watching TV.
Stephen said.
3. !an" said: #u! $ectu!e sta!ts at %.&&.
!an" said
'. (o$$) said: I didn*t have time to ca$$ )ou.
(o$$) said
+. Jac" said: () siste! wi$$ ,e '&.
Jac" said
-. .isa: We have won vo$$e)/,a$$ competition.
.isa said
0. 1o, said: () pa!ents wi$$ a!!ive at 2.&& p.m.
1o, said
%. 3egg) said: I*m c$eaning the !oom.
3egg) said
1&. Ju$ie said: () ,!othe! is in 3a!is.
Ju$ie said
2. Reported Commands:
1. () 4!iend: 5a$$ me in an hou!.
() 4!iend to$d me.
2. Susan: 6on*t smo"e in the !oom7
Susan to$d them
3. Jane*s mothe!: 5$ean the !oom.
Jane*s mothe! to$d he!
'. The teache!: 6on*t 4o!get )ou! cop)/,oo"s.
The teache! to$d us
2. 1ett): (eet me at the station.
1ett) to$d 6ic"
+. The teache!: 6on*t shout7
The teache! to$d Sam
-. 8$an: #pen the window.
8$an to$d him
0. () mothe!: 6on*t p$a) the compute! games7
() mothe! to$d me
%. Jud): Ta"e one ta,$et eve!) th!ee hou!s.
Jud) to$d 9ic"
1&. 3ete!: 6on*t touch the dog7
3ete! to$d he!
3. Reported General Questions:
1. (a!": 6o )ou $i"e to t!ave$:
(a!" as"ed me
2. 9ic" as"ed: 6id )ou visit 3a!is:
9ic" as"ed (o$$)
3. 6enise: ;ave )ou seen a new 4i$m:
6enise as"ed 1o,
'. Sam as"ed: Was the hote$ #<:
Sam as"ed us
2. <ate as"ed: Is 5ha!$ie at home:
<ate as"ed (a!)
+. (a= as"ed: 6oes Sam d!eam a,out the t!ip:
(a= as"ed me
-. <a!en as"ed: Wi$$ )ou a!!ive in time:
<a!en as"ed he!
0. Jac" as"ed: We!e )ou at the $ectu!e:
Jac" as"ed him
%. 8m) as"ed: 6o )ou o4ten d!ive to .ondon:
8m) as"ed us
1&. 3au$ as"ed: 6id )ou sign the cont!act:
3au$ as"ed them
4. Reported Special Questions:
1. (and): What do )ou p!e4e!: >uice o! mi$":
(and) as"ed Sam
2. Sa$$) as"ed: When wi$$ the p!inte! ,e !ead):
Sa$$) as"ed him
3. Ja"e as"ed: Whe!e do )ou usua$$) sta) in 3a!is:
Ja"e as"ed me
'. (i"e as"ed: Wh) didn*t )ou ca$$ me:
(i"e as"ed 9ic"
2. (a!) as"ed: What a!e )ou !eading:
(a!) as"ed <ate
+. .eo as"ed: Whe!e has (o$$) ,ought the tie:
.eo as"ed me
-. The teache! as"ed: Wh) a!e )ou c!)ing:
The teache! as"ed he!
0. I as"ed: ;ow much mone) do )ou have:
I as"ed him
%. Ted as"ed: Whe!e did )ou $ive:
Ted as"ed us
1&. Sand) as"ed: Wh) we!e )ou so ang!):
Sand) as"ed me

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