NTC 360 Week 5 Huffman Team D

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Network Infrastructure 1


Network Infrastructure U!grading and the ase of "uff#an Trucking
$e%ta &'(: )a#es *Wi%%+ ,ason- .au% /ro!%eh II- $etricia oardes-
A%e0ander Rodrigue1- and ,iche%%e Wa%ker
Uni2ersit3 of .hoeni0
NT &'(
Ste!hen O#og4ehin
Fe4ruar3 5&- 5((6
Network Infrastructure 5
Introduction to "uff#an Trucking
"uff#an Trucking is a trans!ortation co#!an3- o!erating at 7 sites nationwide8 1-7((
e#!%o3ees work at the hu4s- which are %ocated in /a3onne- N)- 9os Ange%es- A- and St8 9ouis-
,O: in addition- the cor!orate office and centra% #aintenance faci%it3 for ;(( road tractors e0ists
in %e2e%and- O"8 K8 "uff#an- a nati2e of %e2e%and- O"- started "uff#an Trucking in 1<&'
with one tractor=trai%er8 Wor%d War II !ro2ided growth for the co#!an3- as the co#!an3 assisted
in the de#and for carrier ser2ices in the trans!ortation of goods fro# ,idwestern factories to
!orts on the East oast8 ontract works e0ists 4etween the U8S8 >o2ern#ent and "uff#an
Trucking to this da3 !ri#ari%3 4ecause of their %o3a% su!!ort during Wor%d War II8
"uff#an Trucking continued to grow fro# interna% sa%es and the ac?uisition of fi2e Eastern
regiona% carriers8 This growth has ena4%ed "uff#an Trucking to continue to 4e !ri2ate%3 he%d8
$ue to this sustained growth "uff#an has deter#ined that an u!grade to the co#!an3 IT
infrastructure is needed in order to #anage costs and re#ain co#!etiti2e8 First on the !riorit3 is
the u!grade of the cor!orate networks- which e0ist at fi2e sites throughout the United States8 The
current state of the network is a #is#atched co%%ection of !rotoco%s- to!o%ogies- hardware- and
software usage 43 "uff#an networks8 $is!arities e0ist 4etween the !%ant side of the site and the
office side of each site- whi%e none of the sites works together to e0change infor#ation8 None of
the sites i#!%e#ent firewa%%s and on%3 two of the sites run software to !ro2ide a 4arrier 4etween
the Internet and the cor!orate 9AN8 Other !ro4%e#s are e2ident with the e0isting network
infrastructure at "uff#an Trucking8 $e%ta &'( wi%% e0a#ine the current state of the network
infrastructure of "uff#an@s networks: e0a#ine the reasoning 4ehind using the current network
to!o%ogies- !rotoco%s- and securit3 #easures: identif3 the 2arious t3!es of network !rotoco%s-
Network Infrastructure &
to!o%ogies- and securit3 #easures- inc%uding the ad2antages and disad2antages of each: and the
reco##endations for the u!dating of the !rotoco%s on the "uff#an enter!rise8
The I#!ortance of Network .rotoco%s
A.rotoco%s define the standards for co##unication 4etween network de2icesB *$ean-
5(((- !8 '&+8 .rotoco%s go2ern how networks co##unicate: without the use of !rotoco%s- data
cou%d not tra2erse a network 4ecause it wou%d not know where to go or how to get to its
destination8 The #ost co##on%3 used !rotoco%s inc%ude T.CI. and I.DCS.D: other t3!es of
!rotoco%s inc%ude Net/IOS Enhance User Interface *Net/EUI+ and A!!%eTa%k8 Network securit3
de!ends on the !ro!er usage of !rotoco%s within the network structure8 A!!%ications and
hardware de!end u!on the OSI ,ode% and the !rotoco%s i#!%e#ented at each %a3er to !ro!er%3
trans!ort data across the network8
Identifying Protocols
"uff#an Trucking is using I.DCS.D !rotoco%s 4ecause it has No2e%%@s Netware network
o!erating s3ste# 7811 at its ,issouri and Ohio offices8 These !rotoco%s are su!!orted 43 No2e%%8
It is a%so using A!!%eTa%k at its Ohio and ,issouri offices 4ecause the ,arketing $e!art#ents
ha2e se2en ,A workstations !erfor#ing gra!hics and design work8 The a%ifornia *office E
!%ant+- New )erse3 *office+- Ohio *!%ant+- and ,issouri *!%ant+ %ocations are running T.CI.8
A!!%e Ta%k is a !ro!rietar3 !rotoco% suite that was de2e%o!ed 43 A!!%e or!oration8 $ata is
#o2ed as a datagra# and !articu%ar !rotoco%s use !articu%ar datagra# structures8 Trans#ission
ontro% .rotoco% *T.+ is one of the core !rotoco%s of the Internet !rotoco% suite- often referred
to as T.CI.8 Using T.- a!!%ications on networked hosts can create connections to one another-
o2er which the3 can e0change strea#s of data8 I. is a data=oriented !rotoco% used for
co##unicating data across a !acket=switched network8 It is a Network %a3er !rotoco% and is
Network Infrastructure 7
enca!su%ated in a $ata 9ink %a3er !rotoco%8 I.D !rotoco% !erfor#s networking addressing and
network routing at the Network 9a3er8 S.D !rotoco% !ro2ides connection=oriented !acket
de%i2er3 at the Trans!ort 9a3er8
Rationale for the Adoption of Existing Protocols
"uff#an Trucking o#!an3@s rationa%i1ation for the use of its network !rotoco%s:
T.CI.- I.DCS.D- and A!!%eTa%k wou%d !ro4a4%3 4e the a!!%ications and o!erating s3ste#s that
are 4eing run on its s3ste#s8 These network !rotoco%s wou%d a%so 4e suita4%e 4ecause the
addresses of the different de2ices- such as routers- co#!uters- ti#e=ser2ers- !rinters- Internet fa0
#achines- and so#e te%e!hones wi%% ha2e to 4e read8
The "uff#an Trucking o#!an3 is using T.CI. at those s!ecified %ocations 4ecause of
the ad2antages that these !rotoco%s offer8 T.CI. is routa4%e and su!!orts Fust a4out a%% #odern
o!erating s3ste#s8 T.CI. is used as a traffic contro%%er for %arge !ri2ate networks8 Shou%d
"uff#an decide to e0!and- these !rotoco%s wou%d 4e idea% for the !ur!ose8 T.CI. connects
dissi#i%ar s3ste#s: this is a needed ad2antage for "uff#an 4ecause it has different t3!es of
s3ste#s8 T.CI. !ro2ides a ro4ust- sca%ea4%e- and cross=!%atfor# c%ientCser2er fra#ework8
"owe2er- T.CI. is cost%3 and has undesira4%e sharing and 4eha2ior8 Securit3 concerns a%so
occur in a T.CI. network8 T.CI. is cost%3 and has undesira4%e sharing and 4eha2ior8 There are
a%so so#e securit3 concerns8 According to Feinstein *1<<<+- AT. has %ots of features 3ou don@t
needB: in addition- he states that AT. has no 4%ock 4oundaries: 3ou #ust create 3our ownB *!ar8
7+8 E2en though the NOS does #ost of the work in configuring T.CI. configuration-
ad#inistrators sti%% ha2e to configure the address of at %east one network node *$oering and
Si#!son- 5((1- !8 1&5+8
Network Infrastructure G
I.DCS.D is fast- high%3 esta4%ished and works with T.CI.8 These !rotoco%s ena4%e fi%e
and !rinter sharing on Window o!erating s3ste#s8 One ad2antage to using I.DCS.D is that
nodes are auto#atica%%3 configured on the network- as o!!osed to an ad#inistrator ha2ing to
configure at %east one I. node on a T.CI. network *$oering and Si#!son- 5((1- !8 1&5+8 One of
the reasons "uff#an is using the# is 4ecause the3 are good for s#a%% to #ediu# networks8
I.DCS.D is not designed for enter!rise en2iron#ent and has no standardi1ation of network
nu#4ers8 In #u%ti!rotoco% networks running 4oth T.CI. and I.DCS.D- Netware 9oada4%e
,odu%es #ust 4e i#!%e#ented for the network to co##unicate with T.CI. !ackets *!8 1&1+8
Netware networks running I.DCS.D a%so re%3 hea2i%3 on 4roadcast traffic for ser2ice ad2ertising-
router %ocation- and network condition u!dates8
Origina%%3 de2e%o!ed 43 A!!%e to run on ,acintosh workstations- A!!%eta%k uses !eer=to=
!eer networking to Foin .s together on a network8 A!!%eTa%k was de2e%o!ed after the creation
of the OSI #ode%- so its %a3ers coordinate with the %a3ers of the OSI #ode% to effecti2e%3 route
network traffic8 An ad2antage of using A!!%eTa%k is in the use of 1ones and the fact that an
A!!%eTa%k Hone is not restricted in na#ing con2ention- un%ike T.CI. and I.DCS.D8 A
disad2antage of the !rotoco% is A!!%eTa%k is not suited for %arge- internetwork en2iron#ents8
,icrosoft ac?uired Net/IOS fro# I/, and incor!orated it in its Windows for
Workgrou!s- Windows <G- and Windows NT o!erating s3ste#s: ,icrosoft ca%%ed it the Net/IOS
Enhanced User Interface- or Net/EUI8 Net/EUI Ais a fast and efficient !rotoco% that consu#es
few network resources- !ro2ides e0ce%%ent error correction- and re?uires %itt%e configurationB
Network Infrastructure '
*$ean- 5(((- !8 ;5+8 "owe2er- Net/EUI can on%3 su!!ort 5G7 connections and is not a routa4%e
!rotoco%- 4ecause of the %ack of a Network %a3er8
Network to!o%ogies of "uff#an Trucking
When i#!%e#enting a network- a !erson #ust understand where a%% of the co#!onents
are !%aced in the !ro!osed network8 Understanding the to!o%og3- or %a3out of the network- is
i#!ortant in !ro2iding a so%id network 4ase8 A to!o%og3 is defined- according to To#sho- et a%-
*5((7+- as Athe 4asic !h3sica% %a3out of a networkB *!8 '1<+8 "owe2er- how the nodes on the
network co##unicate with each other is known as a to!o%og3- as we%%: this is known as the
network@s %ogica% to!o%og38 "uff#an Trucking incor!orates different to!o%ogies in its cor!orate
network: for e0a#!%e- the to!o%ogies that e0ist at the different sites inc%ude Token Ring to!o%og3-
star to!o%og3- and 4us to!o%og38 The different to!o%ogies a%%ow the different nodes on the
network at each site to co##unicate through the !h3sica% co#!onents that co#!ose the o2era%%
B!s Topology
The 4us to!o%og3 is A43 far the si#!%est and at one ti#e was the #ost co##on #ethod of
connecting co#!utersB *To#sho- et8 a%- 5((7- !8 7<+8 A sing%e ca4%e seg#ent connects a%% nodes
of the network and !ro2ides a #aFor f%aw in using this to!o%og38 The networks in "uff#an
Trucking that e#!%o3 the use of the 4us to!o%og3 inc%ude the 9os Ange%es office network and the
New )erse3 office network8
The ad2antages of the 4us to!o%og3 inc%ude its: 1+ si#!%icit3 and re%ia4i%it3- 5+
ine0!ensi2e ca4%ing that is eas3 to work with and e0tend- and &+ uses ca4%e econo#ica%%3
4ecause a%% nodes are arranged in a %ine8 A hu4 or !atch !ane% is often used to connect a%% of the
network nodes: howe2er- hu4s and !atch !ane%s do not !ossess the a4i%it3 to route the traffic to
Network Infrastructure 6
the !ro!er node8 "u4s on%3 strengthen the signa% and #o2e the signa% onto the rest of the
network8 The disad2antages of using a 4us to!o%og3 are 1+ hea23 traffic negati2e%3 i#!acts
network through!ut- 5+ a !ro4%e# with an3 ca4%e ha%ts network traffic- and &+ !ro4%e#s on the
network are often difficu%t to iso%ate8 The hu4 to!o%og3 is one of the o%dest and #ost re%ia4%e- 3et
the to!o%og3 is not idea% for a 4us3 networking en2iron#ent8
Ring topology
The ne0t network to!o%og3- of which the entire %e2e%and network *office and !%ant+ and
the entire St8 9ouis network *office and !%ant+ use- is the ring to!o%og38 The ad2antages of the
ring to!o%og3 inc%ude the fact that e?ua% access is a2ai%a4%e to a%% nodes and stead3 network
!erfor#ance8 The disad2antages outweigh the 4enefits and inc%ude: 1+ network outage caused 43
sing%e co#!uter- 5+ difficu%t3 iso%ating network !ro4%e#s- and &+ adding and re#o2ing
co#!uters disru!ts network o!erations8
Star topology
The need for the centra%i1ation of network infor#ation on ser2ers %ed to the ad2ent of the
star to!o%og38 %ient=ser2er architectures 4enefit #ost fro# this t3!e of to!o%og3 4ecause of the
centra%i1ation of network resources8 The star to!o%og3 is the #ost !o!u%ar 4ecause it is Aeas3 to
add new co#!uters or #odif3 the networkB *To#sho- et a%- 5((7- !8 '1+8 In addition- network
#onitoring and #anage#ent 4enefits fro# the centra%i1ation of network resources8 Fina%%3- a
network outage is not caused 43 the fai%ure of a sing%e co#!uter or ca4%e on the network8
I#!%e#enting a star to!o%og3 re?uires #ore ca4%e: #ore ca4%e e?ua%s #ore cost in
u!grading the network8 The centra%i1ation of resources is a%so a disad2antage 4ecause- if a hu4 or
switch fai%s- the entire network fai%s8
Network Infrastructure ;
Network Securit3: E0a#ining !ro4%e#s and offering so%utions
Network securit3 is #ore i#!ortant toda3 than at an3 ti#e !re2ious%3: networks #o2e
%arger a#ounts of data *often secure date+- hackers can gain access 43 2arious #eans- and e2en
e#!%o3ees can co#!ro#ise the o2era%% securit3 of the network8 A co#!an3 can tighten its
o2era%% securit3 43 ensuring that a%% cor!orate offices and !%ants !ossess the sa#e t3!e of
networking !rotoco%s- network o!erating s3ste# *NOS+- ca4%ing- and network e?ui!#ent8
"uff#an needs to e0a#ine the current state of its networks *4oth offices and !%ants+- identif3
securit3 needs- ad2antages and disad2antages of 2arious securit3 a!!roaches- and reco##end
the o!ti#a% co#4ination of ca4%ing- NOS- !rotoco%s- and network e?ui!#ent8
The c!rrent state of "!ff#an Tr!cking$s net%ork
The current state of the network at "uff#an Trucking is a #is#atched arra3 of NOS-
!rotoco%s- ca4%ing- and networking e?ui!#ent8 A%% sites use different ca4%ing- to!o%ogies- and
o!erating s3ste#s: this can cause !ro4%e#s with securit3 4ecause of the %ack of si#i%arit38
Another !ro4%e# e0isting at a%% sites is the %ack of a !h3sica% firewa%%8 The networks of "uff#an
Trucking contain no consistenc38 On%3 two of the sites contain Norton Anti=2irus Software- so#e
contain at & ca4%ing whi%e others contain at G ca4%ing- o%d NOS are used at #ore than ha%f of
the sites- and the !rotoco%s 2ar3 fro# No2e%%@s I.DCS.D !rotoco% to the standard T.CI.8 So#e
of the networks do not ha2e firewa%%s to kee! out hackers- whi%e others contain either du#4
ter#ina%s or W3se ter#ina%s *s#art ter#ina%s+8 The inconsistenc3 in a%% of the a4o2e areas wi%%
%ead to network 4reak=ins and infi%trations 43 the outside wor%d8 The on%3 network that contains a
#easure of safet3 is the 9os Ange%es !%ant: the reason wh3 is the i#!%e#entation of the Star
To!o%og3- use of routers containing 4ui%t=in firewa%%s- and Windows 5((( Ser2er as its NOS8 The
Network Infrastructure <
ne0t %ogica% ste! is to address the issues on "uff#an@s networks and co#4ining the networks to
for# a strong- secure- and consistent network throughout the "uff#an enter!rise8
&hat needs to 'e changed and %hy(
One of the #ost i#!ortant characteristics of so%id IT infrastructure is consistenc38 The
.s that are the #ost anti?uated shou%d 4e re!%aced with #ode%s with faster !rocessors and
%arger storage ca!acities: in addition- the .s shou%d a%% use Windows D. .rofessiona% as the
standard OS8 The ser2ers #ust uti%i1e at %east Windows 5((( Ser2er *if not Windows 5((&
Ser2er+ in order to !ro2ide the #ost current securit3 standards and networking !rotoco%s8
Windows &81 and Windows <; do not !ossess the ca!a4i%it3 of o!erating efficient%3 and secure%3
on ser2er=c%ient network architecture8 The ne0t change arises fro# the !h3sica% infrastructure of
the networks8 at & ca4%ing su!!orts data transfer rates u! to 1' ,4!s- according to .a%#er and
Sinc%air *5((&+- whi%e Aategor3 Ge and ategor3 ' twisted=!air ca4%es are a !o!u%ar choice for
new ca4%e insta%%ations 4ecause the3 ha2e high=s!eed networking ca!a4i%ities of u! to 1(((
,4!sB *!8 1(;+8 When giga4it standards co#e to fruition in networked en2iron#ents- the ca4%ing
wi%% su!!ort the current standards8 The consistenc3 of the connections 4etween %ocations the
internet a%%ows for efficient data and 2oice co##unications: in contrast- the use of AO9 dia%=u!
at the a%ifornia site- whi%e uti%i1ing a fractured T1 at the ,issouri and Ohio !%ants does not
a%%ow for #a0i#i1ed data and 2oice transfer8 Another issue with the e0isting network is the
!%ace#ent of the We4 ser2er at the a%ifornia !%ant: co#!ro#ised network connecti2it3 and
s!eed on the o2era%% network e0ists 4ecause of the through!ut %e2e% of the different offices and
!%ants within the network8 Since the 2arious sites o!erate inde!endent%3- an outage at a s!ecific
site wi%% not i#!act the other sites: howe2er- co##unications 4etween the site that is down and
the transfer of networked de2ices *such as ser2ers+ wi%% 4e co#!ro#ised 4ecause of the outage8
Network Infrastructure 1(
Ad)antages of sec!rity feat!re i#ple#entation
,an3 ad2antages e0ist with the u!grade of the "uff#an Trucking8 These ad2antages
inc%ude the fo%%owing:
18 entra%i1e user accounts- securit3- and access contro%s si#!%if3
network ad#inistration8 This #eans that a%% contro%s reside on
the ser2er- rather than 2arious !ieces of networked e?ui!#ent8
58 ,ore !owerfu% e?ui!#ent #eans #ore efficient access to
network resources8 ,ore !rocessors e0ist on ser2ers- which
!ro2ides #ore co#!uting !ower and a%%ows #u%ti!%e accesses
to resources without co#!ro#ising network s!eed8
&8 A sing%e !assword for network %ogon de%i2ers access to a%%
resources8 This is through the use of Windows 5(((C5((&
Ser2er and a%%ows a user to 4e%ong to 2arious grou!s- whi%e
on%3 using one !assword for access to the resources he or she
78 Ser2er=4ased networking #akes the #ost sense for networks
with 1( or #ore users or an3 networks where resources are
used hea2i%38
*To#sho- Titte%- and )ohnson- 5((7- !!8 1& I 17+8
G8 at ' ca4%ing a%%ows for through!ut s!eeds that e0ceed at &
ca4%ing8 This t3!e of ca4%ing is a%so recogni1ed for use on
Ethernet=4ased- Star to!o%og3 networks8
'8 Use of Windows D. .rofessiona% a%%ows for the users to
co##unicate efficient%3 on the network and a%%ows different
sites to co##unicate with issues with co#!ati4i%it38 In
addition- D. .rofessiona% is sti%% su!!orted 43 ,icrosoft
through the use of its Windows U!date feature8
The use of a Star To!o%og3- Ethernet=4ased- Windows 5((( or 5((& Ser2er en2iron#ent !ro2ides
"uff#an with securit3 against hackers8 The use of at ' ca4%ing not on%3 !ro2ides #ore
through!ut on the cor!orate network toda3- 4ut wi%% !ro2ide sca%a4i%it3 to the network when
1>4!s through!ut is achie2ed on cor!orate networks8 Windows D. .rofessiona% a%so !ro2ides
2arious %e2e%s of securit3 to co#!%e#ent the use of Windows 5((( or 5((& Ser2er8 "owe2er-
with the ad2antages of u!grading the network are the disad2antages of uti%i1ing certain features8
Network Infrastructure 11
The disad)antages of sec!rity feat!res
Network ad#inistrators find nu#erous reasons to i#!%e#ent #an3 securit3 features on
their networks: howe2er- disad2antages to certain features that shou%d increase securit3 !ossess
disad2antages8 ,an3 !oints on a network e0ist that #a3 4e co#!ro#ised 43 an interna% threat or
a hacker8 The network wou%d 4e unusa4%e if the ser2er fai%ed- es!ecia%%3 when the ser2er is the
centra% node in the Star to!o%og38 An increase in e0!enses is incurred through the use of
co#!%e0- s!ecia%=!ur!ose ser2er software8 at '- whi%e !ro2iding the 4est shie%ding fro# outside
e%ectro#agnetic interference- is not i##une fro# so#eone !h3sica%%3 !atching into the ca4%ing:
the on%3 t3!e of ca4%e that is tota%%3 secure is fi4er=o!tic ca4%ing8 Windows o!erating s3ste#s are
not co#!%ete%3 i##une fro# securit3 threats 4ecause hackers can e0!%oit !ro4%e#s within
Windows code to i%%ega%%3 access .s and !ossi4%3 ser2ers8 .ro4%e#s with ser2er=4ased
networks are a neg%igi4%e risk- as ser2er=4ased networks are #ore secure than !eer=to=!eer
networks8 A%so- the t3!e of ca4%ing !ro2ides securit3 fro# e%ectro#agnetic interference *E,I+-
and the !rotoco%s a%so !ro2ide a #easure of securit3 at a%% %e2e%s of the OSI ,ode%8
Reco##endations for the network at "uff#an Trucking
U!grading each site@s Internet u!%ink to a fu%%3 functiona% T=1 %ine is the first ste!- if the
site has not a%read3 con2erted to this t3!e of connection8 The 4andwidth of a T=1 %ine wi%%
!ro2ide continuous co##unication 4etween sites- as we%% as the tracking s3ste# and its
re%ationa% data4ases8 A SUJ$SU #ode# wi%% con2ert the ana%og T=1 %ines into a digita% %ine for
the Firewa%%8 A isco .i0 firewa%% wi%% 4e !%aced at the 4order of each site to !rotect it against
an3 unauthori1ed users or unwanted traffic8 Two se!arate network interface cards *NIs+ on the
.i0 wi%% connect to two isco &65G routers8 The new 4ack4one has 4een designed to !ro2ide
#a0i#u# u!ti#e for the organi1ation 43 !ro2iding due% !aths for data to take8 These two
Network Infrastructure 15
routers wi%% 4e interconnected- and using a hot stand43 routing !rotoco% *"SR.+8 "SR. a%%ows
one of those routers to 4e %a4e%ed as the !ri#ar3 and the other a secondar38 The !ri#ar3 hand%es
a%% traffic unti% *for an3 reason+ it goes down8 In that situation- the secondar3 *which is
constant%3 !u%%ing a current configuration fi%e fro# the !ri#ar3+ wou%d rea%i1e that the !ri#ar3 is
down- %oad the !ri#ar3 ser2er@s configuration *I. addresses and a%%+ and 4egin !assing traffic-
%ea2ing %itt%e or no downti#e8 At this !oint the infrastructure 4reaks into two directions8 The
first is a due% *fu%%3 redundant+ !ath to user workstations- !rinters- I. !hones- U.CRFI$
Trans!onders- etc8 This !ath interconnects two isco 7; !ort 5<G(T switches8 The second !ath
fro# the routers !oints to the sites ser2er far#8 This !ath was a%so designed for due%
functiona%it3- uti%i1ing two isco 57 !ort 5<G(s8 Each ser2er in the ser2er far# wi%% ha2e two
NIs8 One wi%% 4e the !ri#ar3 *acti2e+- connected to one 5<G(- and the other wi%% 4e a fai%o2er
NI connected to the other 5<G(8 Ado!tion of this #ethod of networking #ini#i1es downti#e8
The t3!e of ser2ers in the ser2er far# wi%% de!end on whether the site is the cor!orate
head?uarters or Fust a #anufacturing site8 The head?uarters in %e2e%and wi%% ha2e the fo%%owing
Network Attached Storage *NAS+
9arge Orac%e $ata4ase
Fi%e and .rint Ser2er
E0change Ser2er
or!orate We4 ser2er *User tracking+
ategor3 ' Shie%d Twisted .air ca4%ing wi%% connect a%% de2ices in the new infrastructure to one
another8 The e0tensi2e research of the 2arious networking !rotoco%s gi2es us the confidence of
reco##ending T.CI. as the !rotoco% uti%i1ed throughout the "uff#an network8 T.CI. is fast
4eco#ing the #ost !o!u%ar network !rotoco% 4ecause of its %ow cost and it a4i%it3 to
co##unicate 4etween a #u%titude of dissi#i%ar !%atfor#s8 It is a de facto standard on the Internet
Network Infrastructure 1&
and is co##on%3 the !rotoco% of choice for 9ANs8 onfiguration is e0tensi2e 4ut can 4e offset
43 the use of ,icrosoft network o!erating s3ste#s- such as Ser2er 5(((C5((& and D.
.rofessiona%8 With the e0tensi2e research into the 2arious to!o%ogies- $e%ta &'( reco##ends the
transition of the different sites o2er to the star to!o%og38 The addition of #ore network nodes wi%%
not disru!t the network and #aintenance is si#!%e8 Fau%t to%erance is !%aced on such a to!o%og3-
to ensure that the nodes are !ro!er%3 routed in the case of an outage8 In addition- one of the sites
a%read3 i#!%e#ents the star to!o%og3- which #akes u!grades as eas3 as re!%acing ca4%ing and
re!%acing hu4s with switches and routers8
Figure 1-1: New backbone and network infrastructure for each site of Huffman Trucking.
Network Infrastructure 17
$ean- T8 *5(((+8 Net%ork* +!ide to Net%orks, /oston: ourse Techno%og38
$oering- $8 E Si#!son- T8 *5((1+8 No)ell Net%are -,./-,/0 Net%ork Ad#inistration *Enhanced
Edition+8 /oston: ourse Techno%og38
Feinstein- A8 *1<<<+8 TCP )s, 1P for file transfer, Retrie2ed Fe4ruar3 57- 5((6- fro# the
we4site: htt!:CCwww=#ae8engr8ucf8eduCKa#4roseC
9anno- S8 *5((6+8 2!nda#entals of Net%orking, Retrie2ed Fe4ruar3 57- 5((6- fro# the we4site:
.a%#er- ,8 E Sinc%air- R8/8 *5((&+8 +!ide to 1esigning and I#ple#enting 3ocal and &ide Area
Net%orks *5
Ed8+8 Retrie2ed fro# the Uni2ersit3 of .hoeni0- Week One- Resource-
NT&'( I Network and Te%eco##unications once!ts We4site:
To#sho- >8- Titte%- E8- E )ohnson- $8 *5((7+8 +!ide to Net%orking Essentials *7
Ed8+8 Retrie2ed
fro# the Uni2ersit3 of .hoeni0- Week One- Resource- NT&'( I Network and
Te%eco##unications once!ts We4site:
Wiki!edia8 *5((6+8 3ocal area net%ork, Retrie2ed Fe4ruar3 57- 5((6- fro# the we4site:

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